The Bet

The Bet

Tiffany and Sooyoung sighed at the same time during lunch, causing Jessica to look at both of them, eyebrows raised.

"What happened?" Jessica asked, sensing something was wrong.

Sooyoung looked at Tiffany, gesturing for her to go first. Tiffany nodded.

"My partner had no idea who I am." Tiffany sighed again.

Jessica turned to Sooyoung, waiting for her explanation.

"My partner didn't know how important I was either.." Sooyoung said sadly, staring down.

Jessica just couldn't keep a straight face anymore, she burst out laughing. Tiffany and Sooyoung pouted while Jessica was laughing her off.

"Woo!" she said playfully as she wiped a tear that began to form in her eye.

"Man, you girls crack me up." Jessica said, gaining control of herself again.

"Why'd you laugh at us?" Sooyoung asked before stuffing her face with French fries.

Jessica shrugged, "You guys seemed so hopeless."

"But they don't even know who we are!" Tiffany exclaimed.

Sooyoung nodded in agreement, unable to speak as was filled with all types of food. Jessica looked at Sooyoung in disgust.

"You look like a skinny chipmunk." Jessica said as she scrunched her nose up at her 'best friend'.

"Yah!" Sooyoung said, spitting on Jessica.

"Ew!" Jessica exclaimed as she wiped the spit on Tiffany.

"Hey!" Tiffany said as she wiped it back on Jessica.

Yep. Popular girls act this way.

Jessica sighed and stopped wiping the spit back and forth, being the mature one.

"Alright, well, what do you want to do about it?" Jessica asked.

Sooyoung snapped her fingers, causing both girls to look at her in interest. Sooyoung put up a finger, telling them to wait as she finished chewing her food.

"We can make a bet!" Sooyoung said after finally managing to finish her food.

Jessica raised an eyebrow, "Why would we do a bet?"

"Cause it's fun!" Sooyoung exclaimed.

Jessica cringed, "Alright, alright, a bet it is. What kind of bet?"

The three girls sat and thought about it. Sooyoung snapped her fingers, again.

"I got it!" she said.

Sooyoung stayed silent as Jessica and Tiffany waited for her to speak.

"Well?..." Tiffany said impatiently.

Sooyoung looked at Tiffany confused before laughing out loud.

"Oh! I was talking, right, I completely forgot." Sooyoung managed to say.

Jessica face palmed herself for choosing an idiot as a best friend.

"Well, we can make the girls fall in love with us." Sooyoung said.

Tiffany and Jessica widened their eyes, "LOVE?!" both of them exclaimed at the same time.

Sooyoung raised her eyebrows, "Sheesh! Calm down ladies, it's just a bet, besides, it's not us who falls in love, its them."

Jessica sighed and waited for Sooyoung to continue.

"We can make rules if you want. So, what do you say? A bet?"

Tiffany looked at Jessica worryly, but Jessica nodded once, "I'm in."

"Tiffany?' Sooyoung turned to Tiffany.

Tiffany has had a bad past with love. Her former boyfriend Nickhun cheated on her after a 2 year relationship. They were going so great, until SHE showed up. Tiffany was heartbroken, she didn't know what to do, but luckily she had two best friends who helped her through heartbreak. Tiffany was hesitant, she didn't want to break someone's heart, but after she thought about it, when is love ever fair?

Tiffany nodded, "I'm in."


The three girls huddled in a corner, looking at the victims of the bet.

"I call the short blonde one." Tiffany said quickly.

"I call---" Jessica began to say but was cut short by Sooyoung.

"I call the shortest one." Sooyoung said quickly.

Jessica tightened her jaw, she had wanted the short one. She clenched her fists once she found out that the tall tan girl was her partner.

"I'm stuck with the dark baboon then.." Jessica said angrily through her clenched teeth.

Something about that girl just irks Jessica. Tiffany looked at Jessica amusingly.

Sooyoung clapped her hands, "Alright! Now we need rules."

"Rule 1. Do anything to make them fall in love with you." Sooyoung started.

The girls nodded, agreeing to the rule.

"Rule 2. Don't fall in love with them."

Jessica nodded immediately. 'No way am I falling in love with HER.' Jessica thought.

Tiffany, on the other hand was hesitant, she knows love is unpredictable, but in the end, she nodded.

"Rule 3. No ." Sooyoung said bluntly.

Tiffany giggled alittle and Jessica had a 'not amused' face on. All three girls were s, and all three girls were planning to lose their ity to MEN. Not women. So that rule wasn't a problem to them.

"I think that's everything." Sooyoung said.

The girls nodded.

"The bet starts today, the winner will be the person who makes the person say 'I love you' first. It's just a friendly competition, so don't take it too seriously. Got it?" Jessica says to her friends.

The girls nodded.

'Why do I have a bad feeling about this?' Tiffany thought.

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Soneisa #1
Chapter 21: Sooyoung being giddy is sooo cute ahahaha
Chapter 1: jess & soo are so mean
Chapter 1: jess & soo are so mean
I'm back hehehe
Chapter 21: I love all of this but in TaeNys part I was still listening to Girls Generation Tinkerbell and it suits their part royal ships!
Chapter 58: I still love this story even after years I just like how the Royal Ships are here and the story line too lmao
Chapter 53: It was so funny actually I almost lost my sanity lmao
Chapter 52: The last one is so funny tf lmao
Chapter 39: Mr. Hwang being our genie lmao and also Mrs. Choi though
Chapter 34: The last one though tf lmao