
The Bet


Yuri sighed, walking to school slowly as her stomach was still bruised.
"So, it was all a bet, huh?" she muttered to herself, shaking her head.
Is it bad that Yuri still loves Jessica? I mean, it isn't very easy to forget about someone you love, even though that person hurt you.
Yuri arrived at school and immediately went to class, knowing she was late. While she was rushing to class, her stomach bent, creating a sharp pain. Yuri inhaled a sharp breath, holding her stomach, lessening the pain before continuing to walk, well, continuing to limp, to class.
She arrived at class 20 minutes late. Usually, if a student is late, they would need to do a 90-degrees bow, but Yuri tilted her head slightly.
The teacher frowned, "That's not how you do a bow."
"Mianhe, teacher, my stomach isn't feeling well right now.." Yuri said softly.
The teacher sighed, "Alright, Yuri. I'll let it slide this time since you are a good student, take a seat."
Yuri found that the only empty seat was beside Jessica. Yuri huffed a breath and slowly walked towards the seat when she was stopped by a hand. It was Minho.
Minho smirked, "You can take my seat, I'll take that one."
Yuri could only nod and she slowly, and painfully sat down in Minho's old seat while he took the one beside Jessica.
Jessica immediately frowned when Minho gave his seat up. She moved her body slightly away from Minho who was seated to the right of her.
Yuri held her stomach and took deep breaths, it didn't help, in fact, it caused more pain.
"Damn." Yuri muttered as she rested her head on the desk, gripping her stomach that was spreading pain through her body.
Yuri closed her eyes tightly to lessen the pain.
'Why did I go to school today?' Yuri thought to herself.
Jessica saw the pained Yuri. Minho was talking to her about something when she left him, walking to Yuri. She knelt down next to the desk, "Are you alright?"
Yuri opened her eyes and saw Jessica looking at her with furrowed eyebrows, she nodded, "I'm fine."
Jessica frowned, "Don't lie to me."
"She said she's fine!" Minho said angrily, not liking the attention Jessica gave to Yuri.
Jessica had enough of Minho. First he beat up Yuri, second he tries to hit on Jessica, now he won't even let Jessica care for Yuri!
Jessica stood up and glared at Minho who leaned away alittle, scared, "Screw off Minho." she said coldly.
Minho lowered his head alittle, not like being rejected by the girl he is crushing on.
"I'm fine, Jessica." Yuri said, putting on a smile.
Jessica knew it was a forced smiled and shook her head, "No, you're not. Let me bring you to the nurse."
Before Yuri could deny, Jessica held her hand and pulled her up, walking to the teacher.
"Yes girls?" he asked.
"Can I bring Yuri to the nurse?" Jessica asked.
He nodded, "I could tell Yuri is in pain, it will be very helpful if you can bring her, Jessica."
Jessica nodded before taking Yuri's arm and wrapping it around her own shoulder, slowly walking.
While silently walking in the hall, Yuri spoke up, "You know, you didn't have to do this?"
Jessica shrugged and smiled, "I know, but I wanted to."
Then, they lapsed into silence again, slowly walking. Yuri couldn't help the tingles that spread through her body as Jessica wrapped her arm around Yuri's waist to support her. Jessica felt her skin tingle where Yuri's arm was placed around her shoulder.
It was obvious, both of them were in love with each other.
Taeyeon continued to do her work silently as she heard the laughter and chatter of other students in the class. She heard the familiar voice talking loudly, before giggling. Taeyeon already knew, without even looking, that Tiffany was talking to a boy, its pretty obvious.
Taeyeon gripped her pencil hard, almost breaking it before she set it down, not wanting to waste the perfectly fine pencil. Taeyeon rubbed her hands over her face, trying to get Tiffany out of her mind. It was no use.
Everything about Taeyeon is always Tiffany, Tiffany, Tiffany. Everything reminds her about Tiffany, but to Taeyeon, it seemed Tiffany couldn't care less about her. But, in reality, Tiffany thinks Taeyeon hates her, so she is too scared to approach the older girl, so instead, she pushes her away.
Right as Taeyeon looked up, she saw Tiffany playfully knuckling the guys forehead, "Pabo." she said, Taeyeon heard it.
She used to call me Pabo. She used to hit my head like that.
Taeyeon shook her head, "I'm obsessed." she mumbled to herself before getting up, walking to the teacher.
"Yes Taeyeon?" 
Tiffany looked at Taeyeon who had gotten up and walked to the teacher.
"Bathroom." Taeyeon said.
The teacher nodded, "Be quick."
Taeyeon walked out quickly. Tiffany eyed her every move. 
She didn't fail to notice the little tear that fell down Taeyeons face before she walked out the door.
Sunny walked slowly to her class, lowering her head sadly. This was the only class that she didn't have with either Yuri or Taeyeon.
It was the class she had with Sooyoung..
While thinking about Sooyoung, someone bumped into her. She felt the familiar sparks she would only get with Sooyoung.
"Yah! Watch where you're go....ing..." the person  hesitated.
Sunny looked up and saw Sooyoung.
"Sunny?" Sooyoung called out, noticing Sunny's pale face that was slightly bruised from the beating.
Sunny maneuvered her body away from Sooyoung and continued to walk.
Sooyoung placed her hand on her chest to calm her beating heart.
What was that?
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Soneisa #1
Chapter 21: Sooyoung being giddy is sooo cute ahahaha
Chapter 1: jess & soo are so mean
Chapter 1: jess & soo are so mean
I'm back hehehe
Chapter 21: I love all of this but in TaeNys part I was still listening to Girls Generation Tinkerbell and it suits their part royal ships!
Chapter 58: I still love this story even after years I just like how the Royal Ships are here and the story line too lmao
Chapter 53: It was so funny actually I almost lost my sanity lmao
Chapter 52: The last one is so funny tf lmao
Chapter 39: Mr. Hwang being our genie lmao and also Mrs. Choi though
Chapter 34: The last one though tf lmao