These Famous Idiots!

Living with Famous Idiots!


I woke up, and walked out of my room, and into the restroom, and that’s where,


“Sorry!” Yesung said,

Yes… Yesung was pretty much shirtless… He’s already use to me screaming at him EVERYTIME he does it, but he still never forgets to lock the door….

My phone rang, and I quickly ran to pick it up,


“A-alex?” the voice said,

“U-um… Yes? Can I ask who this is?”

“It’s Hangeng”


It’s been 3 days since I last saw him…. I wonder what happened?

“Um, well, it’s my last day in Korea, and I just wanted to”

“Wait! When are you leaving?!” I asked,

“In 3 hours”

“Are you still at the hotel?” I asked,


“Stop! I’m coming over right now!” I said,

“What?” he sounded confused,

“Don’t dare leave the hotel!” I said,

“You don’t have to come with me, I just wanted to”

“You aren’t leaving without a goodbye this time!” I said,

“You can’t drive yet” he said,

“Donghae can take me!” I said, “You better stay there! Don’t dare spend any money on a taxi!” I yelled at him,

“A-Arachi” (A-alright) he replied,




“SHUT UP! WE’RE ALMOST THERE!” Donghae yelled,

Yes… Yes…. Donghae’s driving!

Hm… He sure has gotten worst since the last time he drove me. UG! What’s with Asians and the way they can’t drive?!

I’m going to die~ Oh yes~ I’m going to die in a car accident because of my beloved brother!

Then bam! WE finally got there! ALIVE


“Are you SURE you don’t want to see the Super Junior members? They really miss you” Donghae questioned,

“Yeah, I’m sure” Hangeng sighed, “Is it ok if I talk to Alex alone for a bit?”

“WHY?” Donghae stared at Hangeng,

“Don’t worry, I won’t do anything” Hangeng smiled,

That’s what you said last time…

“A-alright” Donghae said and walked away…

“So? What did you wanted to say?” I asked him,

“Sorry… It’s like whenever I saw you, I ended up kissing you” Hangeng nervously said, then he gave me a pouty face

“It’s because we were talking about our old memories” I smiled, “It’s Ok fried rice” I patted his head, he looked at me, “So… Can we be friends?” I asked him, he smiled at me and hugged me,

“You took those words away from me” he said,

“So when are you coming back?” I asked with him still hugging me,

“Hmm… not anytime soon… probably next year” he said,

“Man! And you still haven’t made me ANY fried rice” I winked, he paused, and quickly remembered something and got into his suitcase and gave me a huge container,

“I forget about this” he laughed,

“Stupid” I smiled, “Thanks”

“No problem shorty”

“Hey! YOU’RE SUPER tall!”

“Haha” he laughed, I set the container down, and opened my arms,

“Can I have another hug?” I asked him, he smiled and nodded, and hugged me again,

“Good luck with your new love life” he whispered,

“Back at ya” I smiled, he let go and kissed my forehead.

“Fighting” he stared at me,

“Back at you” I smiled

I stared at his eyes for a little bit, and I noticed he was leaning in. I closed my eyes and let him kiss me,

“Good luck at trying to forget me” I smirked, but then he pulled me in for another kiss


Oh crap.

We both let go, and turned around… DONGHAE was standing right there holding a bucket of chicken in his hands. W.T.F?

“D-Donghae” I tried to smile,

“WHAT ARE YOU TWO DOING?” Donghae yelled,

“Run!” I said and pushed Hangeng, he grabbed his bags and ran,

“WHAT?! GET BACK HERE YOU!” Donghae yelled, but I grabbed him,

“Donghae-ah!” I said, “L-lets go home!”

“NOT UNTIL I KILL THAT SON OF A *beeeeepppp*!!”

“Donghae!” I said, and I started to fake a cry, “O-Oppa-ah~” I cried,

“A-alex?!” Donghae seem to worry,

“C-can we go home? M-My tummy hurts a lot” I faked,

“Y-yeah” he said, and then bent down, “Get on!” he said, I listened,

Ha! I’m so smart! I not only got fried rice, but I ALSO got a piggy back ride!


I walked home and saw Henry sitting on the couch, I gulped and walked into my room.

It feel nice, my blankets being nice and cold….

Gosh…. Henry’s leaving in 7 days… and yet we aren’t even talking to each other… just great…. JUST GREAT….

“I’m going to lost my best friend” I said, “and it’s all my fault”

I tried to laugh it off,

“I’m an idiot!” I smiled, “Hangeng! Fighting with you’re new love life! I’m going to try to find mine!” I smiled

Before I knew it… tears were falling down

Stupid tears… falling down…

“Aigo, what am I doing?” I cried while quickly wiping away my tears, “big girls don’t cry” I said, but tears just couldn’t help come out… I just silently cried, hoping that no sound would come out.

Henry hates me now? He hates me…. I wish I never told him that… he hates me… my best friend hates me…

“I’m such an idiot” I cried,

Geez, why won’t these tears stop?

“I’m a BIG idiot” I cried, “Idiot! I deserve to die!”

Everynight… Somehow whenever I saw Henry I would start to cry over and over again,

“Why can’t there be a reset button?!” I said lying on the bed… If there was… I would press it just to have never said that to Henry….

“Idiot me” I cried,


2 more days passed, and still nothing….

I would cry every night… I missed Henry so much.

I don’t want anything more than a friendship anymore

I just want my best friend to be back…

I want Henry to be back…

I quickly called Key… since Luna’s now busy for some weird reason.

“Hello?” I heard Key’s voice,

“Kiii” I sniffed,


And this is why I don’t tell Key or Donghae a lot. They both have the same reaction,            



“The last one”

“WHAT?! WHO?! I’LL KILL HIM!” Key panicked, I sniffed,

“No… It’s my fault… I already lost him… and now I only want him back as a friend” I cried.

“E-eh?!” Key sounded shocked,

“Mm… I- wish I never told him” I cried, “If it was going to hurt that much”

“WHO IS IT?!” Key panicked,

“Fluffy” was the only word I said,

“Fluffy?” Key questioned,

“M… I want him back… Even as just a friend… I just really…. Really only want him to be a friend again” I cried, “It wouldn’t hurt even if he didn’t like me back… if he would just talk to me again” I said,

“Idiot” I heard someone say,

Shoot?! Did the door open?!

“I’m sorry” Henry’s voice said, “I’m really sorry” he whispered and hugged me from behind,  

“…” my mouth was open, but no sound could come out… what?

“ALEX?! WHO WAS THAT?!” I could hear Key’s voice, Henry held my hand and closed my handphone

“I’m sorry” was all he said as laid his chin on my shoulder, “I know you’ve been crying every night this week… and all I can say is that…. I’m sorry” he whispered, he wrapped his arms around me,

“Henry…” I mumbled,

“So can we still be friends? Just as close as before?” he asked, I sat silent, and cried even more, I couldn’t say anything,

“Henry” I repeated, and turned around, he wiped away my tears with his fingers,

“Aigo, you’re cuter when you smile” he said,

“Are you saying I look cute when I cry?” I smirked, he kissed my cheek,

“just your cheeks” he said,

“Stupid Chubby cheeks” I said touching my cheeks,

“I thought that was me” he smiled and kissed my cheeks again,

“S-stop it” I blushed, “O-or else you’re gonna make me think…”

“But you aren’t” he whispered,

He was right, I wasn’t….

He kissed my jawline, and then my forehead,

“H-henry… Why are you doing this?” I asked him,

“Because, I might be gone for most of September too” he said, and kissed my cheek again, “And you’re just so soft” he said,


Ha… That’s my weird Henry….

“Henry-ah~” I whispered,

“Hm?” he stared at me,

“Henry-ah~” I whispered again, and stared at him back

“What is it?” he smiled,

“Henry” I whispered,

“Hm?” he repeated, I hugged him,

“Hug me, and don’t let go” I whispered,


“No matter what, I want to with you as my best buddy. I like it how you never over react like Donghae… and I don’t ever want to lose someone as important as you” I said,

“Mm” he said,


It’s finally the day that Henry leaves….

“Henry” I started to cry,

“It’s ok fat cheeks” he smiled,

I hugged him,

“I’m going to miss you” I said,

“Don’t worry, I’ll be back” Henry smiled,

Henry and I were talking with each other for like… 30 minutes? But it was worth it! Gosh… I’m seriously going to miss him and our strange adventures! I’m going to miss Mr. chubby with our randomness! Now who am I going to ask when I need help?!

Henry! Don’t leave!

~~Kyuhyun POV~~~


Alex and Henry were hugging, and I could feel Henry staring at me.

Aish. Do you want me to give you another black eye little boy?

Welp!  Let me explain about the story of his black eye.


“ALEX!” I yelled, but she kept running,


I walked back into the practice room, and saw Henry packing up his things,

“What did you do to her?! She was trying to say that she wanted to be friends with you, and you make her run out crying?”

“Look, you don’t-”

“I don’t what? Understand? You just broke her heart! What’s not to understand?!”

“She doesn’t like me” he said, my eyes widened,

“She told YOU that she likes YOU. What else could there be?!”

“I also don’t think a Korean person knows that he’s in love with a certain girl!”


“Admit it Kyuhyun! You have feelings for Alex!” Henry said,

“What? I’m not in love with her!”

“Really? Then why do you do everything you can to make her happy?” Henry asked, “You’re everywhere with her! Like a stalker!”

“So you’re hurting her just because you think I’m in love with her?”

“I don’t love her hyung, she’s only a friend to me”

“Just because she’s a friend, you’re willing to hurt her?” my fist clenched,


“So you’re saying you’ve been playing with her?”


“I saw the night when she confessed to you ok?! You made out with her! Don’t play around with her innocent heart!” I yelled,

“Look, that was an accident!”

“How is that an accident? How you wouldn’t let her stop kissing you? How you pushed her to the wall?” my fists clenched even tighter

“It was the heat of the moment!” he replied,

“Heat of the moment? How she would kiss you to wake you up every morning?” I questioned,

“Not my fault she’s doing that” he retorted,

“So what are you saying?!”

“If she’s willing to do that, than-”

Before I knew it, I punched Henry,

“So you plan on leading her on?!” I asked him, and punched him again, “SO you plan on thinking that you have the same feelings as her?”

“Hyung!” Henry yelled

“You planned from hurting her from the start didn’t you?!” I punched him again,



“If you didn’t love her, then why are you acting this way?” he asked, I stopped,

“Tsh” I said and walked away, “I’m going to find her

~~End of flashback~~

There’s NO WAY in the world I’m in love with her! NO. WAY. IN. THIS. WORLD.

“Henry!” she said, and kissed Henry’s forehead, he nervously laughed,

“Alex, we’re only friends ok?” he smiled, she nodded, “My plane is leaving… Bye Alex” he said and patted her head, “Bye KYUHYUN” he said,

I smirked and waved goodbye.

~~Alex POV~~

Aww… Henry’s gone…

I watched the plane leave…

Henry~~ Come back~~

Aish! IT’s going to be lonely without Henry~

“Alex. Let’s go!” Kyuhyun yelled,

“WAIIITt!!” Donghae yelled coming in the airport, “AM I TOO LATE?!”

“Yeah, his plane left 10 minutes ago” I said,

“Oh curse it” he muttered,

“Donghae-ah~ Let’s go eat” I smiled,

“Where?” he asked,

“To that stand where you first took me”

“Oh! The one where the ahjumma spilled ice cream on you?” Donghae asked, I nodded,

“But can I have a piggy back ride?” I asked, Donghae stared at me, then nodded,

“Aish, you’re such a little kid!” Kyuhyun smiled patting my head,

“That’s why you love me!” I smiled and got on Donghae’s back,

“SO HEAVY!” Donghae complained,

“Lose weight!” I said hugging his neck

Gosh… it’s going to be lonely without Henry… but… at least I have those idiots at home!

I’ve seriously been living with famous idiots who made me lose 10 years of my life because of shock!

But I love them for that…

~~~~Ki-hun POV~~~

I walked out of the plane,

“Ki-hun!” my big sister sang,

“Oh, you’re already here?” I asked her, she nodded,

“I’m happy you’re back! I even bought new stuff for our apartment!” she said, “It was fun shopping once in a while” she said,

“That’s nice” I replied,

Ha…. Alex… Are you really here as you’re friend says?


~~Alex POV~~

“HYUNG!” I yelled,

“HEY! IT WAS A DEAL!” Ryeowook evilly smiled,

“But I don’t wanna cook!” I pouted, “Umma! Tell Ryeowook to cook!” I whined,

“Sorry, but you cook” Teukie said,


“You cook better than Ryeowook” Yesung said,


“I look so pretty today” he said looking in the mirror,


“Sorry, but you’re food smart”




“Make it or I kill you”




“Wear a maid costume first”

“AISH! You know what?! I’ll cook!” Kyuhyun yelled in frustration

“NOO!” Everyone yelled,

“Ok! I’ll cook!” Donghae said,




“We love you!” Siwon winked,

“No! Don’t over work my sissy!!”

“AIISH!!” I sighed

These idiots!!

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OhNoItsCheli #1
Wow, I remember reading this years ago. This story brings back so much nostalgia. I love it.
lovesj #2
the very first fanfic that I've read and had a lot of spin-off.. nostalgic.. all time favourite fic..along with BamxAngie's fic.. it was nice reading it again...
great fic, thank you!
Nostalgic ^^
Chapter 1: I used to read this back when I was still a newbie in the kpop fandom. Rereading this makes me feel nostalgic af ;-;
whoisyouz #6
wonhobabey #7
swaglord #8
OH MY GOOOD. I searched high and low for this story!! I read this like years ago before I even made my account and I could not find and I'm here finallyyy!!!! BTW I LOVE THIS STORY SOOO MUCH