White Carnations


A vase of flowers sat on his now empty desk. His desk was empty and no one sat in it anymore. It was so heartbreaking to know that someone so close could be gone just like that. The vase contained white carnations. White is...was his favorite color. It no longer had any meaning except to acknowledge the fact that he was alive and he was a student of this school. 


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Mrin_Jr #1
wow, fic's title is special ^_^ It make me like "White Carnations" haha :))
And your writing skill is very good. I jealous :(:(
May I translate it into Vietnamese, I want share it to my friends.
Hope you agree ^_^ I promise credit full and give you link when I finish.
Love you ♥
Chapter 1: (╥﹏╥) I'm bawling 'cause of a fictional loss here.

I have this crazy wish for this story to have been told in a more brooding and vengeful atmosphere before the tear-jerking one. It would probably start first with Myungsoo beating up the people who made Sungyeol feel pathetic and not worthy to be with Myungsoo. And then this chap would come in as Myungsoo reminisce in front of Yeol's grave. But that eulogy was really something.

This was nice. ^^
deliciousyou #3
Chapter 1: This is a well writing story^^ but so sad ;_;
Milkboy_sehun #4
Chapter 1: Damn it tears get back in my eyes there's people around me..

Just beautiful<3
0kpop0fan04ever0 #5
Chapter 1: Awww :( great story >.< poor myungsoo poor sungyeol :( seriously bullying is messed up :(