It's Cold Outside


Gorgeous Poster Made By: Mochi & Mochi Designs (Thank you so much Baobeitaotao!!!)




It’s cold, the boy though as a strong breeze sent chills all through his body. He noted just how fast the temperature dropped within the past couple hours.

Why didn’t I grab a jacket? It’s not like he planned being out at this time of the evening. And when he first stepped outside it wasn’t so bad. He rubbed his arms through the thin material covering them as he tried to figure out just what the hell he was going to do and where he was going to go.


A lil somethin, something that's been floating in my head for a few weeks. We'll see how this goes! *crosses fingers* lol



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girafa #1
I liked, will you update or you just gave up in this fic?
exo_kpop13 #2
Chapter 14: Please update soooon
i love this fic so much QAQ Please update soon~~ <3
Sabiya #4
Chapter 14: Pleaaaaase, PLEASE update soon! I love your fanfiction so much! T_T I hope everything will turn out alright for changhyun T_T
BebiDango #5
Wow...Dammit! Yah! Jonghyun hurry up and save Changhyun! Noooo...the poor boy lost his ity to another.
Ayabells #6
Chapter 14: You updated!!!!!!!!! Thank you~~~~~
PotatoLife #7
Chapter 14: Omg thank you for updating :D
It really has been a long time
Well can't wait for the next chappie
Chapter 14: It's okay Chanhee