The hunt part 2








"This is probably the safest place we can stay", CL looked at an empty run down building in the middle of nowhere.



"You sure CL?", Dara asked looking warily at the building.


"We can't stay in a hotel again, it's too dangerous", CL told the two girls, "Let's just stay the night here and we'll think of something tomorrow."


"It's so quiet", Bom looked around the empty field.


"Let's go in", CL mumbled, "I fell like I can't stand up anymore."



"Come on", Dara wrapped CL's arm over her shoulder and helped her into the building.


















"Have you see these girls?", Jiyong asked the receptionist showing them photos of the girls.



The receptionist looked at them warily, " with the same men from last night?"


"Who?", Taeyang asked turning back to look at the guys.


"There were a group of men that came looking for them late last night", the receptionist told the boys.



"Who were they?", Jiyong stepped forward.


"I don't know but they held me at gun point and asked which room the girls had booked-"


"Did you tell them?!", Jiyong exclaimed.


"Neh...I'm sorry!", the receptionist stuttered.



"Does that mean they have them?!", TOP asked Jiyong anxiously.



"No", the receptionist squeaked making the guys look back at her.



"No...they escaped", the receptionist explained, "I phoned the room and one of the girls picked up, I warned them."


"Where are they now do you know?!", Seungri asked.


The receptionist shook her head, "No, I remember seeing the girls and the men fight at the back of the hotel and I called security but by the time the security got there the girls had already escaped."


"What about the men?!", Seungri asked again.


"They said they were with the police and they left", the receptionist explained, "After that I haven't heard from anyone."












Jiyong walked out and kicked the ground in fustration.



"Hyung it's dark already, do you think they've gone to another hotel?", Daesung asked.


"No", Jiyong shook his head, "They haven't turned their phones on, they're not using their cards it means only one thing"


"What?", Taeayang asked.


"They're hiding", Jiyong muttered, "They won't use hotels anymore."


"So where the hell are they?!", TOP shouted.


"I don't know but we need to find them before they do!", Jiyong muttered through gritted teeth before getting into his car.



















"Yes Boss", the scarred man( Scar for short) answered his phone.


"Have you found them?", the CG asked.


"Not yet but we're close",


"You better find them!!" the CG hung up the phone, "Dead or alive!!"




Scar grimaced and told the driver to drive faster.



















"We need to think like the girls", Daesung said to himself as Jiyong drove the car at a ridiculous spped, "They must know now that they're on the news so they're not going to go anywhere where there are people."



"It's been two days since they left the station", Seungri sighed, "What if they're injured?"



Jiyong gripped the steering wheel and stepped on the gas.




"They're going to go where there is no one?", Daesung continued, "Hyung let's just stay on the main road and keep going, I don't think there's any point of us going into towns, they're not going to be there."





















Dara shivered and rubbed her shoulders as they sat there in a dark room, She looked around to see if there was anything they could use for a blanket but  the place was just filled with rods of metal and abandoned building tools.


"It's so cold", Cl stuttered in the corner. Bom walked to her and sat down before hugging her.


"Try to get some rest", Bom said to CL and then looked at Dara, "You too."



"You two sleep I'll be on lookout", Dara sighed as she walked to the window.




"Just sleep", Dara looked tiredly at the two before looking back out of the window.



She looked at the empty desolate field and could just make out the road on the otherside. She took a deep breath and leaned on the wall staring out into the darkness.



'Oppa....the world's against me' Dara thought as she looked up at the cloudy dark sky, 'If you were here I wouldn't care...but since you're not what am I meant to do?'


Dara crossed her arms across her chest and closed her eyes, 'Sanghyun must have been looking down at me all this time. Were you upset I fell for Jiyong?....If you were why didn't you stop me? Why didn't you warn me?'




















Minzy sat there in the HQ biting her nails nervously. Why hadn't she heard anything from anyone. Everyone was avoiding her as if they were hiding something from her and she hated the feeling of not knowing.






She looked up and saw Young deuk holding a cup of coffee in front of her. Minzy looked away not wanting to drink anything.


Young deuk sat down beside her and not saying anything.



Minzy finally looked at him, "Are you not going to say anything?!"


"What do you want me to say?", Young deuk asked worried about her.



"Say everything is going to be ok! Say something!", Minzy said angrily.


"The hyungs are going to be fine-"


"NO!", Minzy stood up, "The unnies! What about them?!"



Young deuk stood up too, "They betrayed us-"


"So you're saying if oppas catch them they're going to kill them?!", Minzy shouted angrily making a few of the other gang members stop and look towards them.



"Then do you just want the hyungs to let them off the hook?!", Young deuk asked.





"It's the way YG works!", Young deuk said sternly.




"THEN YOU KNOW HOW THINGS WORK HERE!", Young deuk shouted back.



"FINE!", Minzy shouted, "What would you do if it was me?!",


Young deuk furrowed his brows.



"You've known me since we were young? What about me?! If you found out that I had betrayed YG would you kill me?!", Minzy asked angrily.


Young deuk looked at her shocked.



"Would you?", Minzy asked again.


"That would never happen."


"I'M ASKING YOU WOULD YOU?!", Minzy shouted but Young deuk didn't reply.



"Oh would wouldn't you?", Minzy gasped.


Young deuk shook his head and tried to reach out to Minzy but she stepped back and ran off.



















Dara squinted and slowly opened her eyes when something blinded her. She pushed herself off the wall and looked out the window where the light was coming from.




"SH!T!", Dara hid behind the wall and fell to the floor, she clasped her heart and looked at the two girls sleeping on the otherside, "sh!t sh!t!"




Dara crawled over to the girls and shook them awake, "We need to go!"


"huh?", Bom mumbled awake


"Bom please!" Dara panicked, "They found us."


CL and Bom's eyes widened and Bom hurried to the window and saw three black cars stop in front of the building.



"!", Bom swore and turned back to the girls.






Bom covered with her hand to stop herself from shouting when they heard the front door kicked open.




"LOOK IN ALL THE ROOMS!" they heard a man shout.



*BANG* another door was kicked open.




*BANG* then another.



They were getting closer to the room the girls were in.







Dara and CL stood up slowly and stared at the door.






Bom walked backwards towards the girls and stood in front of them, "You ready."









*BANG* suddenly the door swung open and Scar snickered when he saw them.




"Ready!", Dara shouted  before she pushed herself off Bom and CL's shoulders and high kicked Scar back out of the door.



"COME ON!", Dara shouted as she pounced on Scar and punched his face as CL and Bom ran out of the room.



"ARGHH!", Scar grabbed Dara and turned so he was on top of her. He grabbed her chin pushing her onto the floor as he grinned manically.



" OFF!", Bom shouted before spin kicking his head back making him hit his head on the wall.



"DARA!" Bom helped Dara up.




"ARGHHH!", Scar shouted as he stood up.




The girls turned to run when they saw the route blocked by men waiting for them.



Scar laughed as she wiped the blood of his mouth, "You girls really are something."



The girls turned back around to face Scar, they readied their hands into fighting positions and waited for him to make a move.




"The boss doesn't care if I bring you dead or alive", he snickered, "But this is too much fun to finish quickly."



Scar looked behind them and nodded at the men to advance.



The girls swivelled back just in time as the men started attacking them.



Two men grabbed Dara and pulled her back. She tried to pull them off her but they grabbed her head and slammed her against the wall.


The other men held onto CL and Bom as they struggled to free.



Dara tried to stand up and punch the men but they grabbed her arms as she struggled to break free. The men then kicked and punched her until she fell to the floow bloodied and bruised.



"DARA!!", Bom and CL screamed as they tried to free themselves, "DON'T HURT HER!! DARA!"




Scar walked to them and grinned before throwing a punch at Bom's face.


"UGH!", Bom's head snapped to the side from the force and she spat blood out onto the floor, she hung her head low and winced in pain.


He then grabbed her hair and made her look at her, she bravely glared back at him.


"Oh? What's this attitude for?", he laughed, "Don't think you're tough because you are...I mean were in the police."


Bom gritted her teeth and breathed heavily still glaring at him. The side of her face was reddening and stinging now from where he hit her but she chose to ignore it.



"I've killed a lot of people", Scar grinned, "You'll be easy."


Bom struggled to break free from the two men holding her.


Scar slapped her again.


"Ugh!", Bom shouted in pain, she then gritted her teeth and kicked him back.


"BOM!!"< CL screamed.



Scar stepped back from the force of her kick and he growled angrily. He grabbed Bom and banged her head against the wall and then kneed her making her fall on her knees.







Scar then turned to Cl and grabbed her chin bringing his face disgustingly close to CL. CL shook her head trying to free herself but he kept coming nearer and nearer, "You are a pretty one aren't you?"



CL looked at him with scared eyes as he drew even closer. 



"AGH!", Scar stepped back when CL spat on his face.


"You sick b*stard!", CL hissed glaring at him.


"That's it!", Scar stepped forward again and punched her stomach.


"AAAAAAHH!", CL shouted, "AHHH!", he punched her again. Cl hung there limply as the men roughly held her up.




Dara finally struggled to sit up, her body tired and empty but she had to get the girls out of here. She gathered all her engery and kicked the men in front of her so they fell onto the men holding Bom and CL. With the distraction, Bom elbowed the man who was holding her and twisted his arms before shoving him forward onto Scar.


CL in turn kicked the man in front of her and flipped herself behind the man holding her and kneed his back making him fall on the floor.



"AFTER THEM!", Scar roared.


The girls helped eachother up and ran from there to the next level up since the exit was blocked by more men.












The girls breathed heavily as they heard loud commotion outside. The men were searching for them and they knew it wouldn't be long till they found them



"ugh...", Bom held her head in pain.


"", Dara breathed tired and in aching pain too.


"...I...can't...", Bom looked at the girls with half-lidded eyes, "....I..."



"Hey...", CL grabbed Bom's arm, "we're going to get out....I promise."



"CL...", Bom breathed heavily, her head spinning.


"Stay awake!", Dara whispered in a panic, "Bom..don't give up on us now! We need you!"



Bom nodded slowly as the voices outside got louder and louder.



"....but....if we don't", Bom breathed heavily and looked at the girls with a pained expression, "....then...thank you...for never leaving my side."


Dara hung her head low and started crying.


"Stop it....", CL sighed tiredly, looking up at Bom with damp eyes, "...didn't I say we're...we're going to get out..."


"...look at us three", Bom answered quietly, her voice breaking slightly, "...we've been running for 2 days....we haven't eaten anything, we're injured, we're tired...", Bom shook her head, "...I can't fight anymore Cl..."


Dara held onto Bom's hand as she cried scared of what was to come.


"Dara....i can't fight anymore...I have no energy", Bom looked at dara as if she was going to faint.


"Then I'll fight for you", Dara cried, "Just...stay awake....just a bit more- AHHH!"





Suddenly gun shots rang around the building and the girls huddled together in fright. 



"What was that?", Dara stuttered.


"I don't know", CL replied nervously as they heard more gun shots outside.


















"Who was that?!", Scar turned around and eyed the entrance and his eyes widened when he saw his mens' body lying on the floor.



The men behind Scar stepped back when they saw dark eery shadows creep over the dead bodies at the entrance.


Scar squinted his eyes as he tried to figure out who was there.The whole atmosphere had turned icy cold and the men felt it too as they looked around the dark building nervously.




Slowly Jiyong's dark and spine-chilling figure stepped out of the dark, he stood there in the middle of the entrance and his bloodcurdling eyes flickered up to the men.



Scar stepped forward ready to attack but he stopped and stepped back when he saw four more intimidating figures appear behind JIyong. They stood there behind him and glared at the men dangerously.




"'s YG", a man hissed into Scar's face.


"I know who they are", he muttered but nervousness could be heard through his voice.






"Where are they?", even Jiyong's voice was laced with hell-raising fear.



The men gulped behind Scar.



TOP stepped forward beside and he leaned his head to one side impatiently.



"Get them!", Scar ordered his men.


But before the men could move TOP lifted his gun and shot one of the men down. The man fell on the spot and Scar looked at him horrified.


TOP sighed and rubbed his head with the point of the gun.




"Don't make me ask again", Jiyong muttered through gritted teeth



Scar turned to one of his men behind him and shouted, " YOU GO FIND THE GIRLS AND THE REST OF YOU GET THEM!!", Scar shouted at the men and then relunctantly ran to attack YG.




Jiyong and stepped forward and dodged a punch, he grabbed the man's arm and broke it in one swift move without even blinking.




"SHOOT THEM!!", Scar screamed in fustration.


















The girls jumped in fright again.


"What's going on down there?!", Dara asked nervously.


"It sounds like they're fighting", CL tried to listen.


"What? Each other?", Bom asked faintly.


"Yeah...", CL furrowed her brows and then turned to the girls, "Now's our chance!"


"To go?!", Dara exclaimed, "They're down there, they'll notice!"


"If they're fighting eachother we can try to escape without them noticing!", 







"AHHHH!", the girls screamed when the door crashed open and the man found them.


"SH!T!", CL shouted grabbing Bom and standing up.


"DO THESE B*STARDS NEVER GIVE UP!!", Dara shouted before trying to attack him.



The man tried to punch Dara but she kicked him back.


"CL TAKE BOM AND GET OUT!!", Dara shouted as she distracted the man.




"I'LL BE FINE!", dara dodged a punch, "GET OUT OF HERE AND GET THE CAR READY!!"


Dara spun around and kicked the man.


The girls hesitated but Dara shouted at them again. "GET THE CAR DAMMIT!!"





Cl grabbed Bom and ran out of the room.






"AHHHH!", they fell onto the floor when they heard more gun shots.


"Come on", CL helped Bom up.


"...i can't....go!", Bom pushed CL off her, "...Go! Get the car...."


"SHUT UP!", Cl shouted and tried to pull Bom.


"Get the car-CL!!", Bom shouted when she saw a man come after them.


"AGHH!", CL shouted as the man grabbed her and pulled her.


"no...NO!", Bom screamed as CL tried to break free.




"BOM!! GO!! GET THE CAR!!", Cl shouted at Bom, "GOO!", she turned around and kicked the guy.



Bom stood up and held onto the wall as she ran downstairs.






"UGH!!", the guy kicked CL again and held her on the ground, "NOOOO!", CL screamed as she tried to reach a metal rod that was on the floor just out of her reach, "ughhh!", teh man turned her around and struggled to keep her still, "UGHH! NOO!"


CL closed her eyes trying to find all her strength to push him off when suddenly the guy was pulled off her. She furrowed her brows and opened her eyes and sat up, the place was empty and the guy wasn't there anymore. Suddenly she felt shivers down her spine when she sensed someone behind her. 


She quickly turned around but someone covered with his hand. 


"HMPPPH!" she shook her head and looked up, her eyes widened when she saw Seungri. His dark eyes filled with anger stared back at her and CL couldn't do anything but stare back at him in shock














"...the", Bom stumbled downstairs trying to stop the spinning vision she was seeing, "....i...need to help...."







"AHHHH!", Bom fell down the stairs at the sound of the gunshots. She lied there limply, unable to gather the strength to get up, " need to get the car....", she pushed herself up, her head spinning.


She held onto the rails and pulled herself up. Once she was on her feet she turned towards the exit but she could just about make a dark figure blocking exit in front of her. 


She nervously stepped back as the figure stepped forward, she held onto the rails ready to fight the guy, she squinted her eyes trying to clearly see the man.


The figure walked closer and closer until he came out of the darkness and under the dimly lit light revealing himself


Bom's blood froze when she saw that it was TOP. 


She panicked and spun around back to the stairs but her head hurt so muchshe lost balance and fell backwards.


Before she landed on the ground, TOP caught her with one arm. Bom's head fell back and she slowly opened her eyes. TOP's hardened face became clear and her eyes widened in horror at the fact that TOP was here.












"GET OFF!", Dara tried to push the guy off as he had her by the neck on the wall, "GET.....OFF!!!"


The guy punched her to shut up and she fell to the ground in agony. The guy ran to her and grabbed by the hair but this time Dara twisted herself around and bit his arm making him let go off her hair. She then kicked the guy back and ran towards the door.


She looked at the guy one last time and as she turned around she crashed into someone's chest, "AGHH!", she was about to fall backwards when an arm wrapped around her waist and pulled her up to him again. Dara looked up and froze as she saw Jiyong holding onto her. 


Jiyong was clenching his jaw as he looked at Dara's horrified  face. Dara thought he was after her too so she tried to free herself from him. She hit his chest trying to break free but JIyong wouldn't budge.

"LET GO!!", Dara screamed hitting him.


Suddenly Jiyong swung Dara behind him and shot the guy who was about to attack them. Dara held onto his neck as he swivelled her around. She breathed heavily as she turned around and saw the man on the floor with a bullet through his head.



She slowly looked up at Jiyong, scared out of her mind.


Jiyong's gaze slowly returned to Dara and his chilling eyes made Dara shudder in fear. He found her.













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Currently editing the final chapters of Undercover Love. Will update today!


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amleht #1
Chapter 84: Still crying though I've read this story for the nth time. Really loved this story. Thank u authornim
Boblymika #2
Chapter 1: Reading the story for the 6th time 😎
maya-kpop #3
Chapter 83: I'm re-reading this story again and it is such a good story. The old daragon stories are the best!
zigzag06 #4
Chapter 68: 8 yrs later and still one of the best fics and authors! Please never delete your stories!!
daragon2004 #5
Chapter 48: This is suchhhhhh a masterpiece. Im hoping for its Part 2
Chapter 83: I'm glad I'm not the only one who come back for this story...this is the only stories that make me felt like this...I'm so emotional wreck every and each time
zigzag06 #7
Chapter 84: Been reading this fic for years and i still love it!! Deserves an epilogue or a part 2!!
xe2d2205 #8
Chapter 84: I am back again ! I like this story! really , it has too much tragedy and hurt but aftermath they are happy what have their have! This is good! we were too much laugh and cry and this story made we happy at the same time! Thank you , you have a graet job! I hope we will meet a new daragon story again!
be safe and happy
Yma_0421 #9
Chapter 83: His alive!!! I thought kekeke no happy ending....
EmmaforTokki #10
Chapter 42: Waaaaaah! Ang intense!! feel na feel ko yung emotions. Huhuhuhu