






Minzy TOP's hair as he slept. When did all this happen? How did it happen? Before the girls, there was this cold hollow feeling that filled the place but after they came, her oppas started to breathe life, it was as if they had a chance to be happy once again. But now she realised it would have been better if they never met the girls. Her oppas had a tiny chance at happiness and even that got snatched away, how were they ever going to recover from this.


Minzy looked back at TOP and covered him properly with the blanket. But the unnies themselves said they were leaving because they didn't want to harm her oppas. And Dara unnie said she loved Ji oppa...so maybe not all was lost. If her oppas realised they had to do what they had to do then maybe they would forgive.....Minzy sighed and shook her head, of course her oppas would never forgive a traitor. She knew what happened to traitors, and just the thought of the boys finding the girls sent shivers down her spine. 




"Minzy ah" Gummy walked in with a tray of dinner, "Have something to eat."


Minzy looked at her and then back at TOP, "I'm hungry unnie"


"PLease eat something, you not eating isn't going to help anyone", Gumm placed the tray on the tabe next to Minzy.


"Did the doctor say oppa is going to be ok?" Minzy asked quietly.


"TOP's fine, he's just resting right now", Gummy sat next to Minzy, "Besides, how many times has your oppas come back shot and wounded?"


"A lot", Minzy mumbled sadly.


"Exactly and they always get better don't they?"



Minzy nodded slowly, "...but will they get better this time? After...unnies..."


Gummy took a deeo breath and hugged Minzy, "I know Minzy...I hope they do."




Minzy pulled back slowly and looked at Gummy, "Unnie...can you do something for me?"


Gummy nodded gently.


"Can you find out where they are?", Minzy asked.


Gummy furrowed her brows.


"Don't let the oppas know and just find out", she pleaded to Gummy, "I just want to meet them one last time."


"If your oppas find out-"


"They won't...so please", Minzy begged, "If they had a reason then maybe I can convince oppas to forgive them."


Gummy sighed, she knew that was pretty impossible but she still nodded, "I'll see what I can do."



















"I think we've lost them!!", Bom looked at the empty road behind her and turned around sighing with relief.


Three black cars had been chasing them for the past two hours and they'd pretty much taken every turn just to avoid them.



"Maybe not", Dara muttered as she glared at the front.



CL and Bom turned to the front and cursed when they saw three black cars blocking the road ahead.




"Hold tight!", Dara said and without a second pause she swirved the car 180 degrees and sped back the other way.



"DARA YOU'RE ON THE WRONG SIDE OF THE ROAD!!", Bom shouted as cars swirved past them.


"Does it look like I have a choice right now?!", Dara retorted, slamming onto the gas.



"Bom! Find out the nearest route out of the city", CL said as Bom got her phone out.



She fiddled until she found what she needed, "Take the next left and follow the road, it's small road so maybe they'll miss it!"



Dara nodded and sped away.



















"Do you think they called informed the police about the location?!", Teddy asked the boys as he walked back and forth the room.


"No", Seungri shook his head, "How would they have known? We never told them?"


"Then how do you explain what happened today?", Teddy asked.


"Seungri's right, they had no way of knowing", Taeyang said seriously in thought, "If they had tried to hack into the computers, I would have known."



"What do we do with them now?", Daesung asked.



The boys all turned to JIyong who was staring darkly into space.



"Hyung...what should we do about them", Daesung asked again.


Before JIyong replied Teddy stepped forward, "Is that something to even ask?! You know what happens to traitors?!"


"Traitors?", Seungri repeated quietly, "If they're traitors...why did they let us go today?"



The boys looked up at Seungri, he had a point there but everything was so confusing for them to understand.



"That doesn't change the fact that they came here as cops! They lied to us from the beginning!", Daesung said.


"So what? If we find them we're going to kill them?!", Seungri asked angrily, "Is that what you want?!"


"It's what we do!", Daesung retorted.



Jiyong's eyes flickered slightly and he gritted his teeth.





















The girls were finally out of the city and the car was filled with silence. The only sound heard was the engine humming away.




CL rolled down the window and felt the warm breeze brush her hair away from her face. She leaned her head out and closed her eyes feeling the warmth over her face.


The look on Seungri's face when he found out she was a cop flashed before her closed eyes and she snapped her eyes open and pulled her head back in. she sat on the back seat, her heartbeat pounding under her shirt. She clasped her hand over her chest and tried to rub the image of Seungri out of her mind.




Bom looked at the mirror and caught a glimpse of CL with her eyes shut and hand over her chest and she looked away, knowing exactly how she was feeling.



Bom looked out of the window and up at the sky, her hands slowly came together into prayer position, 'If you're up there...please help us, please make all this go away....'





"It's getting dark"



Her prayer was interrupted by Dara, Bom looked out again and noticed the sun setting in the distance.


"Are there any hotels nearby?", CL leaned forward and looked down the road.


"Shouldn't we keep going?", Bom asked.


"We're too tired", CL said, "We'll cause an accident if we don't stop, Dara stop by the next town."


Dara nodded and drove towards the next nearest town.












[Music: I never told you by Colbie Callait]






TOP's eyes finally flickered open, he looked around in the dark and furrowed when he realised he was in his room now. 



He laid there in confusion, had everything been a nightmare, he looked towards the door and half-scared called out Bom's name, "...bom?"



Silence engulfed him.



A slow tear drop fell from the side of his eye and down to his pillow. He could feel the bullet wound on his back now and realised nothing was a dream...everything that happened was real.


He clenched his teeth and his arm went to cover his eyes as another tear fell. He balled his hand into a fist and a stifled cry left his lips.















Bom opened the balcony door of their hotel room and stepped out into the night. She placed her hands on the rails and closed her eyes.




Suddenly warm arms wrapped around her, and she smiled knowing who it was.



"What are you doing out here?", TOP asked softly in his warm deep voice.


"...waiting for you", Bom replied, her eyes still closed.


"Did I make you wait long?", TOP asked holding her tight.



A tear escaped her closed eyes and she nodded, "....i miss you."



"I'm right here Bom", he said gently kissing her cheek.


"you are aren't you...you won't leave me right?", Bom asked like a lost child.






When Bom didn't hear and answer, her eyes opened and those warm arms vanished. She looked at the emptiness behind her and lonliness wrapped around her. She held onto the rails tightly and broke down into tears.













"They definetly went this way", a man reported back to the scar faced man, "They used this gas station."


The scar faced man pushed himself off the car and got into it, "Let's go."














Seungri walked aimlessly down the road in the middle of the city. He'd walked out of the HQ but instead of getting in his car and heading home he's ended up walking the opposite directon. It was probably because the hotel now reminded him of CL or the lack of her and he couldn't bear to go home.


He stumbled down the empty streets where the lights were still glittering around him. People were leaving the street stalls and drunkardly walking past him shouting for taxis. Seungri walked past one of these street stalls just as he heard the radio in there play a familiar song



'dancing in the moonlight...everybody dancing in....'



He stopped and looked down at his frozen feet remembering his last day with her,




"You know this song?"


"It sounds familiar", CL furrowed her brows trying to listen when Seungri suddenly placed his hand in front of her, she looked around the restaurant, "In here?"


Seungri nodded and took her hand and spun her around.


"AHAHAHA!" Cl laughed and covered with her free hand as Seungri brought her close to him. He wrapped his hands around her waist and swayed to the music, "You're such a cheeseball you know that right?"




Seungri slid to the ground and covered his face with his hands.





"Excuse me...are you ok?", the street stall owner came out and nudged Seungri, "Excuse me...do you want me to call you a taxi."


Seungri's body started shaking slightly as he cried, "I'm...not drunk..."



"Neh?...ani are you sure? Why are you crying then?", the ajhussi asked again.


"Because...", Seungri laughed as he cried again, "She told me to cry once in a while!"




"She told me...to cry", Seungri cried in the middle of the street.











Dara came out of the bathroom and stopped when she saw CL staring at the TV screen with tears down her eyes. Dara looked at the screen and an old song, 'Dancing in the moonlight' was playing but she couldn't understand why CL was crying at a happy song.


"Cl?", she called out.


CL looked up slowly before wiping her tears.




"Do you...miss them?", Dara asked softly.


"Ani", CL wiped her tears again, "I just...really hate this song."


Dara looked back at the screen again.



"I hate it....I really hate it", CL covered to stop herself from crying.














"We're looking for these girls", the scar faced man showed Dara, Bom and CL's pictures at the front desk of the hotel.


"I'm sorry sir but we can't give confidential information-" the receptionist froze when the man brought a gun out.


"I'll ask again, have you seen them."


The receptionist gulped, "They booked a room here an hour ago."


"Which room?"















Minzy opened the door and found Jiyong standing there, "Oppa? What are you doing here?"



Jiyong looked at her before walking in past her.




"Oppa?", Minzy called out.



Jiyong ignored her and walked to Dara's room.



Minzy covered as she looked at her oppa sadly enter Dara's room.





Once inside Jiyong looked around the empty room, not even her scent was here. It was as if she was never here. He looked at her neatly made bed and walked over before sitting down on it.





In the dark he slowly started to smile as he saw the vision of Dara standing by the window looking back at him.






"Are you angry?", Dara asked leaning on the window.


Jiyong nodded.



"Do you miss me?" Dara asked smiling brightly.


Jiyong stared at her with a sad face.



"Do you miss me?", Dara asked again pouting.



Jiyong looked at the ground and nodded trying to hold back the tears..




"Do...you love me?", Dara asked with a warm smile.




"dammt", JIyong clutched onto the sheets and shut close his eyes in agony.



"Ji...", Dara appeared in front of him kneeling on the floor, her soft delicate hands touched his cheek, "Do you love me?"



Jiyong stared at the vision of Dara and nodded.



"...I love you too", she smiled brightly.




JIyong gritted his teeth and abruptly stood up making the vision of Dara disappear as well. "NO!! DAMMIT NO!!", he grabbed the sheets and flung them on the floor before collapsing too, he raked his hair with his fingers and slammed the groung with his fists.























Dara sat up when she heard loud knocks on the door. CL stood up and looked back at Dara just as Bom walked in from the balcony.


"Who is it?", Dara whispered to the other two.


"Do you think they found out about us?"





"HWAH!", the girls gasped when they heard the room phone ring loudly.



Bom looked at the other two nervously before going to pick it up, "Yoboseyo?"


"Hello ma'am hello!"


"Neh?" she whispered.


"Ma'am you need to get out, there were a couple of men who just came here looking for you!", the receptionist warned her.


Bom slammed the phone down and looked at the girls in panic.






The girls startled again.




"It's him", Bom gasped, "Quick we need to get out of here!"


CL ran out to the balcony and looked at how high they were. She ran back into the room and pulled the sheets off the bed.


"What are you doing?!",Dara hissed.


"We're going to jump, it's the only way!"


"Sh!t!", Dara hissed before running out with Bom. 



They tied the sheet to the railings.



"Is it safe?!", Bom asked.


"Does that matter?!", CL retorted, "You go!"


Bom climbed over the railings.





The knocks startled the girls again.






Bom cursed and quickly slipped down and safely onto the ground.



"CL go!", Dara pushed CL. CL nodded and climbed over the railings holding onto the sheets.



*BANG* the door swung open.




"SH!T!"< Dara shouted and climbed over the railings jumping onto the ground just as the men reached the balcony.




The men jumped after them.




"Ahhh!", one of the men grabbed Bom's leg and pulled her back down.



"BOM!!", Dara and CL ran back to her. CL kicked the man's face and he writhed in pain. Bom pulled herself up and the three turned back the men ready to fight.




"Let's not fight", the scarred man came forward with a grin, "We just want to talk."



"Dream on!", CL snarled before aiming to kick him but the guy swiftly got hold of her leg and shoved her back.



"CL!", Dara and Bom grabbed her before she fell.



"I wouldn't fight me if I were you", the man smiled.


"I wouldn't fight me either!", Dara stepped forward and swiftly punched him. The man stumbled back a bit and looked at Dara in surprise before laughing.


Dara glared at him and the men behind him.



"If a fight's what they want, then who are we to deny them right?", he asked his men who snickered.



"Get them", he hissed and the men came running towards the girls.




"UGH!!", Bom kneed a guy and then slammed him against another before he could get to her, "Seriously I am too tired to be fighting today!", she shouted before kicking another guy. The first guy grabbed her from behind suddenly and got a knife out but Dara swiftly snatched the knife off him and stabbed his arm instead making him scream in pain.


"DARA!", CL shouted and as Dara turned around she felt someone punch her stomach. She fell to her knees in pain. she clutched her stomach but the guy hit her again, "UGH!"


CL pulled the guy back but another man grabbed CL and slammed her against a wall.


"AISH!", Cl growled and grabbed the man's collar kneeing him where it hurt.



"BOM!! GET THE CAR!!", Dara flung her the keys and Bom ran away. A man tried to chase Bom, but Dara pulled the knife out of the previous man's arm and flung it so it hit his leg.



"DARA!! HELP!", CL shouted and Dara turned to see a group of men surroundiing CL.


"!", Dara cursed and ran to her. She got low on the ground and tripped one of the men and jumped on his back before kicking the two men beside him, "UGH!!"



The scar faced man had enoug of this and stormed towards Dara and pulled her back pushing her to the ground. She then grabbed her neck and forced her to stay there. 



"AGHH! AHH!", Dara tried to pull his hand off her but he was too strong. She looked into his eyes and they were full of pure evil and he looked like he wasn't going to stop until he strangled her.




"WHERE IS BOM?!!", CL shouted as she tried to push one of the men from her.



They were suddenly blinded by lights, they squinted and looked at where it was coming from and say their heading straight for them and it didn't look like it was stopping.


The lights startled the scar faced man and distracted him enough for Dara to knee him and push him off her.


Bom drove the car straight to them making the men jump out of they way, then just in time she swirved the car around to its side and Dara and CL jumped in.


"GO!!", Dara sreamed as the men started coming back for them and Bom stepped on the gas.



















The next morning Minzy and Gummy ran into TOP's apartment where all the boys were.



"OPPA!", Minzy ran into the lounge and headed straight for the TV.


"What is it?", Daesung asked coming out of the kitchen.



"WHERE ARE THE OTHERS?! JI OPPA!!", Minzy shouted and Jiyong rushed out.



"What's going on?!", Ji asked as Taeyang and Seungri ran out after. TOP slowly followed and looked at Minzy curiously.


"Guys there's a problem", Gummy said seriously before turning back to the TV.



Minzy found the news channel and stepped back nervously.





"...breaking news, three police officers, Park Bom, Park Dara and Lee Chaerin from the Seoul PD are missing."



Jiyong's eyes grew wide and he stepped forward.


"What the hell?!", Seungri shouted while TOP looked on shocked.



"...It has been reported that they were undercover police within the infamous YG gang but they are now wanted for questioning as it is believed that they have been helping the gang with their drug trade all this time. The police comminssioner general has stated that these three ex-officers are dangerous to the public andif anyone sees or knows about their whereabouts then to contact the police immediately... "




Jiyong sat down on the sofa in shock, Dara was missing? And the police were after them now?




"Why are the police lying?", Daesung asked himself, "The girls never helped us."



"What do we do now?", Minzy asked nervously, "Oppa? What are we going to do?! They're in trouble", she pulled Jiyong's arm.


"That's not our problem anymore!", Teddy stepped forward.


"How can you say that oppa?!" Minzy shouted at him.


"Minzy even if they come you think they're going to be forgiven?!" teddy shouted back.


"What then?...Can't you forgive them?", Minzy looked at Jiyong but Jiyong had his gaze glued to the table in front of him.



"I said what are we going to do?!", Minzy shouted



"We're going find them" TOP muttered through with gritted teeth.


Jiyong and the others looked at him as TOP clenched his fists together and looked at everyone with a dark expression. They'd find them but they were all sure TOP had no intention of forgiving the girls, his dark expression said that much.






















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Currently editing the final chapters of Undercover Love. Will update today!


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amleht #1
Chapter 84: Still crying though I've read this story for the nth time. Really loved this story. Thank u authornim
Boblymika #2
Chapter 1: Reading the story for the 6th time 😎
maya-kpop #3
Chapter 83: I'm re-reading this story again and it is such a good story. The old daragon stories are the best!
zigzag06 #4
Chapter 68: 8 yrs later and still one of the best fics and authors! Please never delete your stories!!
daragon2004 #5
Chapter 48: This is suchhhhhh a masterpiece. Im hoping for its Part 2
Chapter 83: I'm glad I'm not the only one who come back for this story...this is the only stories that make me felt like this...I'm so emotional wreck every and each time
zigzag06 #7
Chapter 84: Been reading this fic for years and i still love it!! Deserves an epilogue or a part 2!!
xe2d2205 #8
Chapter 84: I am back again ! I like this story! really , it has too much tragedy and hurt but aftermath they are happy what have their have! This is good! we were too much laugh and cry and this story made we happy at the same time! Thank you , you have a graet job! I hope we will meet a new daragon story again!
be safe and happy
Yma_0421 #9
Chapter 83: His alive!!! I thought kekeke no happy ending....
EmmaforTokki #10
Chapter 42: Waaaaaah! Ang intense!! feel na feel ko yung emotions. Huhuhuhu