A Trap







GD grabbed his jacket and put it on, he then reached for his phone when the sofa caught his attention. Suddenly last night's movie incident came into his mind and he burst into laughter when he thought of Dara. He shook his head and headed out of this apartment where the boys were waiting for him. 




"What's with that smile?", Seungri wiggled his brows.


"What smile?", GD said gruffily walking ahead of them.


"Dude please, we know you're smiling because of Dara", TOP said walking beside him.


GD stopped and turned to him with a dead pan expression.


"Don't bother denying it", TOP patted his shoulder and walked away.


"The great GD", Taeyang moved his hand in front of him, "falling for a bodyguard!"


"YAH!", GD tried to kick him but Taeyang just jumped back and ran away with the others, "YAH COME HERE YOU B*SATARDS!!"















*beep beep*



Minzy rummaged for her phone in her bed still half asleep. She squinted her eyes and read the message from Young Deuk and grimacced angrily before slamming her phone down on the table.


"ARGHHH YOUNG DEUKKKKK!!!", she shouted, he knew she hated being disturbed in the morning and yet he still had the audacity to text her this early in the morning.




*knock knock*



"Minzy", Bom peeped through, "I heard shouting are you ok?"



"Unnie!", Minzy flapped about in her bed like a fish.


"Waeyo?", Bom sat down next to her.



"Young deuk just texted to say that the oppas want me to meet them at...at...", she reached for her phone and read the message again, "I don't know somewhere..."



"Let me have a look", Bom took the phone and read the message, "Hmm never heard of this place but we can just follow the address."


"Hmmm", Minzy nodded falling asleep again.


"Come on", Bom nudged her, "You know what your oppas are like about being late"


"arrrghhhhh!", Minzy planted a pillow on her face and shouted in fustration, "One day I'm going to kill them!!"















"Young deuk just texted", Taeyang entered the office.


"What did he say?", GD looked up as he entered.


"He thinks he's got a lead on the device investigation but want us to check it out", Taeyang read the message.


"What are we waiting for then, let's go", TOP stood up and headed for the door, "Tae gather some back up and tell them to meet us there."


Taeyang nodded and followed the boys to their cars as he phoned back up.













"You do realise that they're only calling me over cos they know you unnies will come too", Minzy said as she got into the car.


"What are you on about?", CL asked as she got into the driver's seat.


"Unnies, you're as blind as the oppas", Minzy shook her head, "They're not human so they don't realise that having you three around them is actually fun but come on unnies surely you see it."


"Minzy you've got it all wrong", Bom shook her head as she put her seatbelt on, "All we ever do is fight! That's not fun!"


"Yeah but that's all oppas know how to do...fight", Minzy turned around to face Bom and Dara, "I mean can you imagine them actually being nice?!!"



The girls fell silent. CL remembered Seungri letting her cry in his car, Bom remembered TOP wrapping his handkerchief around her cut hand, Dara remembered GD carrying her home.



"See you can't imagine it can you?", Minzy sighed and turned back around as CL started the car.














"Why is this place so far?!", Seungri sighed as he looked at the road ahead.


"Once I get my hands on those thieves", TOP gritted his teeth as he gripped the steering wheel.


"These guys are something", Seungri scoffed, "Going through all that just to sell off our E7?!"


"Either they have a mole in the NIS or thiese guys are smart", TOP muttered, "Otherwise how the would they have got in."


"Got to hand it to them though, pretty impressive", Seungri smirked, "We should have thought of it before them."


"Well atleast their last thought was an impressive one because once I'm done with those b*stards they won't be able to utter a single word ever again", TOP's eyes turned into slits as he hit the gas.















"You've got to be kidding me!", Minzy sighed as she looked at the run down warehouse through the window.


"This is the place", CL said turning the engine off.


"You sure?", Dara asked stepping out of the car and looking at the lifeless place.


"Yup", CL got out too and looked around.


"This has to be a joke!", Minzy muttered, "If they're playing a prank on me I swear to God!!"


"Chill you", Bom patted her back, "I'm sure they've got a perfectly good reason for bringing us here."


"For their sake I hope you're right", Minzy shook her head and headed to the entrance of the warehouse.















GD curled his hands into fists as he looked at the empty field in front of him, "Someone...find out what the IS GOING ON?!!"



Taeyang tried ringing Young deuk, "Dammit no answer!!"



Just then 4 more cars full of their back up came.



"Try again!", TOP shouted and Taeyang tried to call Young deuk again.



Seungri sighed and kicked the ground angrily, they'd been fooled again. He turned to face the men when he saw a glimpse of Young deuk in the crowd. He furrowed his brows and stormed towards him, "YAHHH!"



Young deuk stepped forward and bowed at him, "Neh!"


"What the are you doing here?!!", Seungri shouted.


The other 4 turned and saw Seungri talking to Young Deuk. They ran up to him and GD grabbed hold of his collar shaking him agressively, "WHAT THE ARE YOU PLAYING AT??!!"


"S-sir", Young deuk tried to free himself.


TOP pulled him towards him now, "What was that text you sent us you idiot?!!"


"t-text sir?", Young deuk stuttered.


"YES!!", TOP shouted back.


"B..but sajangnim..I lost my phone the other day", Young deuk nervously explained.


TOP let go off him, "What are you on about?!!"


"We got into a fight with another gang last night and I lost it", Young deuk explained.


"Then how do you explain this?!", Taeyang showed him the text.


"Sajangnim that wasn't me!", Young deuk shook his head.


"This was a set up!!", TOP growled kicking the ground.



"No... if it was a trap why isn't anyone attacking us?" GD said slowly as he furrowed his brows and looked around.


"What are you saying?", Taeyang asked anxiously.


GD looked at his men and then back at the empty field, "This is a distraction."



TOP's face grew pale, "Where's Minzy?"


"sh!t!!", Seungri cursed he turned back to the men, "Get back to Seoul and find Minzy now!"



The guys then ran to their cars and sped back to Seoul.




GD and the boys repeatedly tried to ring Minzy and the girls but there was no reply.


"SH!T!!", GD shouted punching the steering wheel, he hit the gas and zig zagged between cars at a crazy speed.


Taeyang tried Bom's number one last time still nothing. He furrowed his brows suddenly and then reached for his iPAD.


"What are you doing?!!", GD looked at him.


"Just wait, I've been working on something lately", Taeyang said in hurry as he tapped away.


"You're thinking about ing work at a time like this?!", GD shouted angrily.


"No! Look, I've been working on something that lets us hijack other people's computers and phones....if I just type Minzy's number....HERE!", Taeyang shouted when he got access, he tapped away and looked at the last calls or messages she got.


"Anything?!", GD asked anxiously.


"Yeah...she got a text from Young deuk too, telling her we wanted to meet her at this place sh!t!!", Taeyang cursed.


GD looked at the screen and grimaced before hitting the gas and speeding off to the destination.














The girls panted as they hid behind some empty containers. 



"dammit...I should have known this would be a trap!", CL huffed as she peeped out slighty and quickly hid back again when she saw men running into the room.


It'd been over an hour now that'd they'd been hiding from these men. The exit was blocked so the only way was to hide themselves. They had their guns and they could have fought the men but they were outnumbered completely and they couldn't risk Minzy getting injured.



"shhh", Dara mouthed to the girls as the men looked around in the room aiming their guns.


Minzy covered and tried to calm her breathing, fearing that the men would hear.




One of the men eyed the container and signalled the other men towards it. He aimed his gun at the containers and crept forward, he reaced for it slowly and just when he was about to pull it away, Bom jumped up and kicked his gun out of his hand.






The other men shot towards the girls as they ran out of the room.





"MINZY!!", Dara pulled Minzy to her, "GO HIDE THERE NOW!!"


"Unnie!", Minzy whimpered scared out of her wits.


"GO!!!!", Dara shouted at her pushing her to a corner where Minzy huddled up and hid.



"What now?!!", Bom hissed at them.


"What else?!", CL shouted, "We've got to fight!"


"Aish I was scared you were going to say that!", Bom cursed just as the men came out of the room.


"We need to get them away from Minzy!", Dara hissed as she got ready to fight.









"GET THEM!!", the men shouted and charged towards the three girls.




"AISHH!", Bom ducked and then rolled down the gap between the railings landing onto the ground below.


Two men jumped after her, before they could stand up Bom jumped up and kicked their backs shoving their faces onto the floor. She then grabbed their guns and smacked their heads unconscious with it.



"AGHHHH!", Dara slammed a guy's head on the railing and flipped him onto the ground below next to Bom.



"YAH watch it!", Bom scowled at her.


"Mianhe!", Dara shouted as she turned around just in time to duck a punch from another man.




She flipped up onto the railings to avoid the shots and the jumped off kicking the guy's gun off his hand and well as punching his face in. A guy grabbed her from the back and Dara struggled to break free, he pulled her up and threw her off the railings making her fall onto the floor below.



"AGHHH!", Dara rolled in agony as Bom ran to her to help.




"sh!t my leg!!", Dara cursed as she hugged her leg.



"DARA!!", CL shouted from above.


"She's fine- CL LOOK OUT!!", Bom shouted when she was someone behind CL.



CL quickly turned around but the guy aimed the gun to her head smirking, "Where's the girl?!"


" YOU!", CL hit his arm away and twisted the gun off his hand aiming it at him and the other men behind him instead.


The men behind aimed their guns at her.


"Don't bother!", she warned them, "You shoot and I'll shoot him instead", she grabbed hold of the guy and edged towards where Minzy was hiding, "Minzy!"


"neh", Minzy squeaked nervously.


"Go downstairs now!!", she ordered her. Minzy eyed the men nervously and ran downstairs to Bom and Dara.



"DON'T even think about it!", CL warned one of the men who stepped forward slightly.


She looked down quickly and saw Minzy with Bom, she then looked back at the men and pushed the guy towards them and jumped off the railings down to the ground below.








The girls ducked for cover.


"unnies!", Minzy panicked, "ottoke??!!"


"Relax we're here!", Bom cupped her face and reassured her, "Just...stay here!"


"unnieee!", Minzy grabbed hold of Bom's arm, "d-d...don't go!"


"Honey it's going to be fine!", Bom said pulling her arm away from her and running back out to help the other two.



"DARA stay back you're hurt!!", CL shouted.


"I'm fine!", Dara limped forward. A man charged towards CL with a gun but before he could shoot Dara jumped in front of CL pushing her to the floor. CL scrambled up and kicked the guy and started fighting.


"DAMMIT!! WE NEED TO GET OUT!!", Bom shouted as she struggled to push the man off her, "AGHH!", she kicked him where it hurt and then banged his head to her knee and brutally shoved him out of the way.







The girls turned around and found two men holding Minzy by the hair.


"MINZY!!", the girls ran towards her, but the men pulled Minzy up and hit her head on the wall.



"YOU ING B*STARD!!", Bom punched one of the men and banged his head onto the wall instead. The other guy pulled her back but she struggled free and kicked him off her.



"MINZY!", Dara and CL ran up to Minzy who was now bleeding from the head.


"u..unnie...", Minzy mumbled before closing her eyes and fainting.


"AAAAAHHHHHH!", Dara screamed when a guy pulled her back by her hair suddenly.


"DARA!", CL shouted and ran after the guy leaving Minzy on her own.


"GET OFF HER!!", CL shouted kneeing the guy in the stomach.




Bom turned around to find the girls struggling with the men and then she saw Minzy on her own. She limped her way to her when a guy beat her to it and started to carry the unconscious girl on his shoulder.


"YAHH!", Bom shouted.


The guy turned around and smirked before running away.



"NOO!!", Bom pulled her gun out and without hesitation shot the guy right through the head. 


The guy collapsed along with Minzy, Bom took a sharp breath once she realised what she'd just done. The gun dropped from her hand and she stared at the dead man on the floor in front of her.








Bom turned behind her at the exit and sighed with relief when she saw the boys rushing towards them. She fell to her knees and clutched her chest trying to breathe properly.



"BOM!!" TOP ran to her, "Bom!! Are you ok?!! Where's MInzy?!!"


Bom grabbed hold of his arms as she panted heavily, she slowly looked into his eyes, her own eyes full of shock and fear.


"BOM!!", TOP shook her again.


Bom turned to Minzy, TOP folllowed her gaze and saw his sister lying on the floor next to a dead man.


"no...no", TOP mumbled before getting up and running to her.




"MINZYY!", TOP picked her up and shook her, "MINZYY!!"



Minzy slowly opened her eyes, "o..oppa.."


TOP exhaled and closed his eyes with relief, he hugged her tightly.






GD looked at the girls and Minzy and suddenly his eyes turned into slits, he clenched his jaw and stormed in towards the girls. Along the way he grabbed hold of a guy and pulled him along with him dragging the guy along the floor. With his other hand he pulled his gun out and shot two men dead without even looking at them. He walked past his men fighting and beating the sh!t out of the other gang and straight towards the girls.


Dara looked up and saw GD dragging a guy on the rough ground, she looked up in shock as he threw the guy in front of him and slammed his foot on the guy's chest making it hard for him to breathe.


The guy squirmed under him trying to gasp for air, but little did he know GD wasn't going to let him off that easily. GD pushed his leg off and slammed his fist into his chest.


"UGHH!", the guy gasped as she felt unbearable pain in his chest.


"You're lucky today", GD muttered icily into the guy's ear, "I want you to tell your boss if he ever messes with my gang again, he'll be missing more than a few fingers."


The guy furrowed his brows and continued gasping for air. GD stood up casually and aimed the gun at the guy's hand, he then shot each of his fingers off as the man screamed in agony.



Dara covered in shock, she looked up at GD in horror, who was this guy in front of her? This wasn't the guy she saw last night....this guy...he was a monster.


GD wiped the blood splatters off his face and looked at Dara, his eyes were still full of anger but when he saw just how petrified Dara looked the anger suddenly subsided, he started to make his way towards her but she suddenly started gasping for air, she looked at the guy on the floor and then back at GD before scrambling back towards the wall. 

He paused realising how scared she was of him now, his jaw tightened again and he turned around to help the others beat up the other gang.









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Currently editing the final chapters of Undercover Love. Will update today!


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amleht #1
Chapter 84: Still crying though I've read this story for the nth time. Really loved this story. Thank u authornim
Boblymika #2
Chapter 1: Reading the story for the 6th time 😎
maya-kpop #3
Chapter 83: I'm re-reading this story again and it is such a good story. The old daragon stories are the best!
zigzag06 #4
Chapter 68: 8 yrs later and still one of the best fics and authors! Please never delete your stories!!
daragon2004 #5
Chapter 48: This is suchhhhhh a masterpiece. Im hoping for its Part 2
Chapter 83: I'm glad I'm not the only one who come back for this story...this is the only stories that make me felt like this...I'm so emotional wreck every and each time
zigzag06 #7
Chapter 84: Been reading this fic for years and i still love it!! Deserves an epilogue or a part 2!!
xe2d2205 #8
Chapter 84: I am back again ! I like this story! really , it has too much tragedy and hurt but aftermath they are happy what have their have! This is good! we were too much laugh and cry and this story made we happy at the same time! Thank you , you have a graet job! I hope we will meet a new daragon story again!
be safe and happy
Yma_0421 #9
Chapter 83: His alive!!! I thought kekeke no happy ending....
EmmaforTokki #10
Chapter 42: Waaaaaah! Ang intense!! feel na feel ko yung emotions. Huhuhuhu