Movie night







"Ugh why do the oppas keep calling us to the office!", Minzy grumbled having been woken up in the morning by TOP telling her and the girls to come to HQ.


"Can't I just stay in the car?", Bom whined, still not having recovered from last night's event.


"That was probably the most embarassing moment of my life!", CL muttered covering her face with her hands.


"I don't know, atleast something good came out of it", Dara smiled slightly, remembering GD's smile. No matter how much she tried to convince herself that it wasn't that great, the moment she saw him smiling was pretty great.


"Huh?", the others looked at her quizzically.


"I mean...", Dara sat upright, "The really worked, I can feel my legs are a lot more toned."


Bom nodded in a agreement, "I told you."




"Right here we go", CL said stepping out of the car, "If they tease you just ignore them ok."












The girls knocked gentley and walked into what seemed like a large hall, in front of them they could see the 5 guys in the front talking to or ordering about 100 suited men in a serious manner.



"Guess they didn't call to joke about then", Minzy muttered noticing the seriousness mood and headed to the front slightly.




"Ah glad you could join us 30 minutes late", Taeyang said out loud to Minzy.


"You're welcome", Minzy smiled sarcastically.





"I want every single one of you to keep you eyes open", TOP bellowed to the crowd while GD sat in a chair behind him playing with his ring.


"Find every single detail you can on any gangs involved with the recent NIS robbery", TOP cotinued.




The girls furrowed their brows in confusion, "Wait...are they talking about the same robbery?", CL whispered to the girls.




"The device that was stolen is helping the people that stole our E7 transport it to other countries without being detected", TOP continued to brief the men.




"Yeah it sounds like it", Bom whispered back to the girls.


"But chief said YG stole it", Dara asked, "That makes no sense."


"I guess it can't be them then, we need to tell chief", CL muttered subtly.




"I want every single man on the field finding out what the is going on!", TOP growled, "IS THAT CLEAR?!"


"NEH!!", the men shouted back.



"Good now as Park Bom would say MOVE THAT JELLY HUK!", TOP suddenly forced his hip to the right.


"HUK!!", the hundred men in front of him shoved their hips to the left in unison.




Bom's jaw dropped to the floor as she gaped at TOP who was hysterically laughing his head off. The men turned to her and the girls and started laughing too as they filed out of the room. She hid her face behind Dara until they were gone and they spun around shooting death glares at TOP who was still in hysterics with theh rest of the boys.




"TOPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP!!!!!!!!" Bom screamed full of rage, she took one of her shoe and started running towards TOP.



TOP kept laughing and doing random aerobics moves as he ran away from her.





As CL and Dara watched Bom chase TOP around the room Minzy suddenly hugged them both tightly.


"Omo!", the girls startled.


"Thank you thank you thank you thank you!!", Minzy kissed both of them on their cheeks.


"What was that for?", CL asked.


"Don't you see?", Minzy asked brightly.


"What?", Dara asked puzzled.


"Look!", Minzy pointed at TOP laughing and running around, and then she pointed back to the front where the others who were laughing too.


"Yeah they're laughing at", CL asked still not understanding.


Minzy laughed and shook her head, "No unnie, my oppas, it's been so long since I've seen them laugh like this...and it's all because of you three."



CL and Dara turned back to the guys, Minzy was right, it was hard imagining these 5 men to laugh and joke around like kids. And for some reason it felt good to see it, even for CL.


"Ah, I'm so happy!", Minzy sighed happily. She ran to the front and hugged GD smiling at him. GD ruffled her hair and looked up just in time to catch Dara looking at him.


He kept hold of their gaze, until Dara's eyes fluttered from nervousness and she looked away. She placed her hand over her heart that was beating fast and furrowed her brows in confusion.














"Yah!", CL ran up to Seungri later that day back in the hotel.



Seungri turned around just in time to catch his car keys.


 CL smiled slightly at him.


Seungri looked at his keys and then back at her with furrowed brows, "What did you do?"


"Huh?" CL asked.


"Oh come on, yesterday we busted your aerobics class and teased you more today in front of the whole YG and now you give my keys back....smiling", Seungri squinted his eyes.


"Smiling?", Cl asked with a raised brow.


"Yeah smiling which makes me think you've done something to my baby", Seungri said.


Cl scoffed slightly, "Unbelievable, you know you should really see a therapist about your trust issues."


"Yah!", Seungri furrowed his brows.


"You know what? Give the keys back", CL walked up to him with her hand out.


"Why? So you can hide any evidence of you ruining my car?!", Seungri stepped back.


CL huffed angrily and tapped her foot on the floor.


"Aha!", Seungri clicked his fingers.


"You're an idiot", CL sighed, "I can't believe I thought you were actually ok."


"What..what was that?", Seungri asked with raised brows.


"Nothing", CL muttered before walking past him to the lift.



Seungri looked at the keys curiously before running to the car park basement.





Seungri stopped in front of his yellow baby and circled it, "It looks ok."


He walked to the driver's door and cautiously opened it, he sniffed the interior before he thought it was safe enough to get in.


"Guess she really didn't do anything", he mumbled as he started the car. He faced the steering wheel and that's when he saw it, a small post-it note on the middle of the steering wheel. He furrowed his brows and picked it up and smiled as he read the simple message:


Thank you Seungri...

If you tell anyone I was crying

I'll kill you. 


He bit his lip to stop himself from smiling, he looked at the note once more and stuck it back onto the middle of the steering wheel before starting his engine and driving off.














"Chief I'm telling you now it wasn't YG who stole the device from NIS", Dara said through the phone while CL and Bom sat on her bed.


"How do you know?"


"I just know chief"


"You're going to have to do better than that for me to believe you"


"Ok, if they really did steal it then why are they sending all their men to find out who stole it then??", Dara asked.


"They are?"


"Yes, sooner or later they'll find out and so will we", Dara assured the chief.


"Ok, good job girls and...stay safe"


"Neh", Dara said before hanging up.




"What did chief say?", Bom asked.


"Just to let him know when we find out who actually stole it stay safe until then", Dara said.









CL opened the door and Minzy jumped in holding DVDs in her hands.



"ooohhh", Bom stepped forward and took the DVDs, "Are we maving a movie night tonight?"


"Oh yeah", Minzy nodded and wiggled her brows.


"Which one?", Minzy held up two dvds, "I fell for you or Fate vs Hate?"               (keke)



"Ooh Fate vs Hate looks good", CL smiled looking at the DVD cover.



"I'll get the popcorn", Dara said about to leave the room.


"It's ok GD oppa should have some", Minzy said.



"HUH?!", the girls back tracked slightly.


"'s not a girls' movie night?", Bom asked.


"No", Minzy shook her head, "We're going to Ji oppa's."


"WHY?!!", the girls shouted in unison.



"But Minzy...he's so...scary", Bom muttered.


"Aigoo, the other oppas will be there too", Minzy playingly hit Bom.


"Not helping", Bom said bluntly.


"The oppas always meet in his apartment anyway so we'll just go there ok", Minzy said ignoring the girls' plea.



"Um, honey this is a rom-com, you sure your oppas will want to watch it?", Dara asked looking at the DVDs.


"They'll have to deal with" Minzy shrugged.


"They don't know about the movie night do they?", Dara asked with a dead pan face.


"Nope!", Minzy smiled and walked out, "Come on let's go!!"












"OPPPASSS!", Minzy banged on the door, "OPPASSS!"




The door clicked open and Daesung popped his head out, "The answer is no."



"Oppa! You don't even know what I'm going to ask", Minzy whined.


"I don't know and I don't want to know", Daesung said bluntly.



"AISH!", Minzy kicked the door open, shoving Daesung out of the way. Minzy stormed into the apartment with the three girls apologetically bowing at Daesung as they walked in.


Dara looked at the place in awe, the interior layout was the same as Minzy's apartment but this had a different feeling. 







It was practically empty, or had that feeling, there were no photos, not personal decoration nothing... as luxurious and amazing as it was it had a sad and empty feel to it...just like him.



Dara sighed and followed Minzy further in.




"Dae oppa, where are the others?"


"In the kitchen", he mumbled and Minzy ran into the kitchen.






"No", GD said before Minzy could even utter a sound. The boys were talking about something obviously secret and to do with the gang but Minzy still ran up to them and pushed her head in between them.




"No", TOP repeated.


"But you don't know what I was about to say!", Minzy whined again.


"You're holding DVDs in your hands, I think I can guess what you're going to ask", TOP raised a brow at her.



"Oppa!", Minzy turned to GD, "Are you just going to kick us out like this?!"


"Us?", GD asked turning around and seeing the three girls awkwardly stand there.


"PLEASEEE!", Minzy pouted, "Let's watch together neh?"



GD sighed and looked up at Dara quickly before turning to Minzy, "You can watch here but we've got business so we can't ok."


"YEAHH!", Minzy jumped up and down and ran out pulling the girls with her to the lounge.





She started fiddling with the remote trying to get the TV to come down from the ceiling.




"Minzy, if they're not going to watch with us let's just go back up", Dara suggested.


"They'll come", Minzy smiled knowingly, "Just wait and watch."
















"AHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAH!", Minzy laughed a bit louder than she should because the scene wasn't even that funny.


"Why are you laughing so much?" CL asked her.


"Just wait", Minzy whispered and started laughing again.



Sure enough, they saw Daesung slowly and hesitantly make his way towards them.



Minzy tried not to laugh as they watched Daesung 'look' for something around them.


"Oppa, was there something you needed?", Minzy asked.


"Um...a file", Daesung said peeping at the TV.


Minzy winked at the girls and cleared , "Oppa, you'll find this really funny come sit."


" no", Daesung shook his head.


"AHAHAHAHHAHAH!", Minzy burst into laughter startling the girls.


"Why why??! What happened?!", Daesung suddenly ran and sat next to her and watched the movie eagerly.



"1 down 4 to go", Minzy mouthed to the girls.









"Wow, this actress is REALLY REALLY SMOKING HOTTTTT!", Minzy exclaimed eyeing the kitchen door.



Soon enough, Seungri and Taeyang were seen heading their way subtly.



"Yah!", Taeyang said to Daesung, "We've been waiting for you!"


"Later later!", Daesung waved them off.


Seungri cleared his throat, "Uhum uhum...well let's see how bad a chick flick can be then", he slowly sat down beside CL and awed at the hot actress on the screen. 



"Oppa", Minzy tempted Taeyang with the seat next to her.


"Um...just for 5 minutes then", he sat down and watched the movie, "Damn she's hot!"



Minzy put two thumbs up at the girls who just giggled quietly.










"HIT HIM HIT HIM!!", Minzy and the girls shouted.





No sooner than the word gun was said TOP ran in, "YAH YOU DIDN'T SAY IT WAS AN ACTION MOVIE! MOVE!", He shoved Daesung to the floor and sat on the sofa.






After 10 or so minutes, GD finally made his appearance.



"You idiots!", he whacked Seungri across the head, "YAH I've been waiting for you in there you b*stards!"



"Dude dude!", TOP yanked GD to sit down, "This is epic!!"



GD sat down abruptly, hitting Dara slightly. They both looked at eachother before GD gruffily turned away and looked at the screen.



Minzy did a little victory dance only the girls could see.






And then came the most awkward moment in Dara's life.







"What's your answer then? the actress asked softly, "Are you going to stay or are you going to let me go?"


"It's going to be hard", the hero whispered.


"I know..."




TOP sighed and passed Bom and Minzy tissues.


"", Minzy started sobbing.


Bom nodded and wiped her tears while TOP watched them and rolled his eyes.





"You'll end up hating me", the hero said again.




"You might want to run away..."





Daesung and Taeyang held onto each other's hands getting really into the film now.



"yah..psst", Seungri nudged CL.


"What?", CL hissed back angrily.


"Does this have a happy ending?", Seungri whispered.


"I don't know now shut it and act like an actual mobster!", CL hissed back annoyed she was missing the movie.





GD sat there, with one of his arm casually on the top of the couch. Unlike everyone else he wasn't watching the movie...he had another far more amusing movie in front of him....Dara. He watched as she clasped her hands and sigh deeply as the actor and actress made promises to each other. He smirked slightly as she parted her lips to gasp slightly and then bite her lips and shake her head. 






The actress smiled and nodded.




"omo", Dara squeaked making GD smile slightly. He hung his head low trying not to laugh, he sighed and looked up at her again.





"I'", the actor whispered as he passionately kissed the actress.





Dara suddenly felt really awkward, and started to be conscious of GD's presence. For some stupid reason her eyes started to wander away from the TV screen, she tilted her head slightly to her left and took a quick glance at GD. OMO he was looking straight at her, her eyes widened and she turned straight back the screen. Except that was no better because the two were still making out...on the floor! Images of her kissing GD came flooding back to her and she suddenly started fidgeting on her seat.


GD furrowed his brows and wondered why she suddenly looked like she'd committed a crime.



"ahhh young love", Bom sighed.


"Minzy don't watch", Taeyang covered Minzy's eyes.


"Ah wae?!!", Minzy whined pulling his hand off her eyes.


GD turned to Minzy and then at the TV screen, it was just a couple making out. He paused suddenly and then eyed Dara again who was still looking at her hands and fidgeting. A smile crept up to his lips when he realised she was obviously thinking about their kiss. He shook his head slightly, how could she be embarassed by something like that, they only made out that's all.


Dara looked at the screen and cursed again, why were they still kissing dammit!! She took a deep breath and peered around to look at GD, her eyes grew wide again when she noticed he was looking at her again. Suddenly he nodded towards the screen, Dara furrowed her brows and turned to the screen...yup still making out!!, she cringed and looked back at him angrily. GD smiled at her slightly, making Dara gulp nervously and then he winked at her. He WINKED at her!!


"HWAAHH!!", Dara jumped off her seat in shock.



"YAH!! SIT DOWN YOU'RE RUINING IT!!", CL pulled her back down.


Dara lost her footing and landed a bit too close to GD for her comfort and sanity, she sat there frozen, knowing if she even turned her head slightly she would come face to face to his chest. If she turned to the right, his arm was dangling there. 


"aish", Dara mumbled as she scrunched her face up.


GD turned away and hid his smiling face with his hand. So for the rest of the movie Dara sat unbearably close to GD unable to do anything while GD let her suffer.









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Currently editing the final chapters of Undercover Love. Will update today!


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amleht #1
Chapter 84: Still crying though I've read this story for the nth time. Really loved this story. Thank u authornim
Boblymika #2
Chapter 1: Reading the story for the 6th time 😎
maya-kpop #3
Chapter 83: I'm re-reading this story again and it is such a good story. The old daragon stories are the best!
zigzag06 #4
Chapter 68: 8 yrs later and still one of the best fics and authors! Please never delete your stories!!
daragon2004 #5
Chapter 48: This is suchhhhhh a masterpiece. Im hoping for its Part 2
Chapter 83: I'm glad I'm not the only one who come back for this story...this is the only stories that make me felt like this...I'm so emotional wreck every and each time
zigzag06 #7
Chapter 84: Been reading this fic for years and i still love it!! Deserves an epilogue or a part 2!!
xe2d2205 #8
Chapter 84: I am back again ! I like this story! really , it has too much tragedy and hurt but aftermath they are happy what have their have! This is good! we were too much laugh and cry and this story made we happy at the same time! Thank you , you have a graet job! I hope we will meet a new daragon story again!
be safe and happy
Yma_0421 #9
Chapter 83: His alive!!! I thought kekeke no happy ending....
EmmaforTokki #10
Chapter 42: Waaaaaah! Ang intense!! feel na feel ko yung emotions. Huhuhuhu