You Never Know Until You Try!




“They’re at the station, again?” I questioned, feeling completely flabbergasted as I received the news about Odagiri and Yabuki the moment I walked through the doors in our classroom.


“They were caught at the scene of a robbery,” Yabuki shook his head angrily. “Stupid cops seriously think they robbed the store because they’re students from Kirogin 3-D.”


“What store?” I felt my own fury rising up in me.


“That jewelry store at the corner of XX and XX,” Takeda piped up, his face mirroring our own feelings.


Yankumi jumped through the door, cheerful as always. Her happiness soon faded as she was told the news. “They wouldn’t steal!”


“They were framed,” I growled through gritted teeth. “And I bet it was Kudo.”


The rest of the class froze and paled as I uttered the name. 


“Kudo is bad news,” a student said nervously. “No one messes with him and gets away with it.”


“And no one messes with my friends and gets away with it, either.” Before I could do anything, Yankumi stepped in front of me.


“________, you’re staying here. No one is going after this… Kudo person. I’ll take care of it,” she told me sternly.


I spent the entire day on the edge of my seat, biting my lip, waiting for the bell to release me to Kudo’s hell. The instant the bell rang, I was out the door before Yankumi could hold me back. I dialed my phone.


“Kato-san. ________ desu.”


“Ah, ________! It’s so nice to hear your voice. What’s the matter?”


I knew I couldn’t call my grandfather’s or my cousin’s phone because there was no way they’d tell me Kudo’s hideout. So, using my brain, I had called a gang member who was on friendly terms with us.


“Have you heard of a man named Kudo?”


“Why, yes. Him and his group gave us a little bit of trouble a couple of nights ago and we took care of them. Is he bothering you?”


“He messed with some of my friends. Do you know where he’s located?”


“XX and XX- the brown, run-down building is his hideout,” the man informed me.


Thanking him, I hung up and headed in that direction. As I drew near the door, I could hear laughter through the thin walls. I quickly turned the recorder on my phone on as I crouched beside the door, careful to not make any noise.


“The police really thought that it was Odagiri and Yabuki who robbed the store,” a man snorted.


“The okami are stupid. We got all the jewelry and money and those two punks got the blame,” another man laughed.


I clenched my teeth and kept listening.


The first man’s voice sounded again. “Where should we hit next?”


“More like, who should we hit next.” I recognized Kudo’s antagonizing voice and wrinkled my nose. Then I realized his footsteps were coming closer to me and I hurriedly turned the recorder off and stuffed it into my bra for safekeeping. Crap. He knows I’m here.


A second later Kudo kicked the door open, revealing my crouching figure. “Just the girl I was looking for,” Kudo grinned as he held me by my arm and led me into the room. “Everyone let me introduce to you Odagiri’s girlfriend!” He raised my arm and swept it across the room. I snatched my arm away, glaring at the man.


“You’re such a coward,” I sneered, silently preparing myself for a fight. I took the opportunity to seize up the room and the crowd, relief flowing through me when I realized that I could take most of them down easily. Kudo, however, will be a challenge.


He raised his fist, expecting me to flinch. He lowered it when I didn’t. “Oh? So you think you’re all that.” His other hand flew up and slapped my face, causing me to stagger back a few steps. Reflexively my fist slammed into his and instantly a fight began. Kudo ducked out of my second attack and spun away, yelling for his minions to take me down while he stood at a safe distance away from me. One by one, and sometimes two by two, they began to drop like flies. Wearily I twisted in a circle, attempting to grasp the situation. Only six men were left, including Kudo. Five men were left. One man managed to pop me in the side, leaving me doubled over in pain. A trail of blood dripped down my face and I wiped at it, blinking rapidly. Just as I dodged an attack from two of the guys, I felt something hard slam into my back. Falling to the floor, I turned around to see Kudo smiling wickedly, holding a metal bat.


“Pretty good,” he grinned as he his lips. He bent down near me, his hand slowly moving up my thigh. I shrugged his touch off me and kicked him in the head as I leaped to my feet.


“Sick bastard.”


The fight began again and this time I was barely holding up. Staggering around, I failed to notice Kudo sneaking up on me again. He grabbed my arms and put me in a headlock while his last two men repeatedly slammed their fists into me. I felt my remaining strength slip away and the room started to swirl around me. Just as I was about to pass out, I heard a fuzzy voice boom out in the distance.


“STOP RIGHT THERE!” Through my blurry vision, I saw a woman make her way through the fallen bodies and she stopped right before us. “Give me my student back, please. You’ve done enough.”


There was only one woman who would say that. “Yankumi?” I groaned. “Yankumi, my phone. My phone, my phone, my phone…”


“What’s this? You can’t be serious-twenty-four… no… twenty-five, twenty-six, twenty-seven, twenty-eight men against one girl? What a pathetic bunch,” Yankumi’s voice mocked the man holding me up. He tossed me to the floor and I landed in a sad pile at his feet.


“You’re her teacher? Hah.” Kudo’s sneering voice started fading away as I started to slip into darkness. I heard fighting sounds above me and struggled to get to my feet, failing miserably.


The next thing I knew, I was lying in a bed. In a hospital. Surrounded by my class 3-D.


“She’s awake,” a hushed voice whispered. I slowly opened my eyes, dizziness consuming me as I tried to sit up.


“Careful there,” Odagiri’s familiar and comforting voice reached my ears as he helped me up. “Thanks,” he smiled, his face coming into focus.


“Wha-what happened?” I was confused as I placed my aching head into my bruised and battered hands.


Oh wait. That’s right. I confronted Kudo. I fought Kudo. He knocked me out. Actually, his men knocked me out while he was playing chicken. And… Yankumi came.


“The recording!” I reached toward my chest and realized that it wasn’t there anymore.


“It’s okay, ________. I got it and showed it to the police after I brought you to the hospital,” Yankumi appeared through the doorway. “You are crazy, you know that?”


I shrugged, wincing at the pain. “The okam-the police let you go?”


Odagiri nodded. “Yeah. They heard the recording and let me go,” he smiled as he gingerly patted my head. “Thanks,” he whispered again.


The room repeated his words as they broke out into a loud cheer.



Sorry I can't fix the spacing since it's dinner time now && my family's getting kinda impatient ^^


And after a looong drought, it finally raaained today~ YEEAAH BUDDY. (Actually, it stormed. It rained and thundered and hailed like crazy.)

(That reminds me.. did I ever go back and fix the spacing on that other chapter? I can't remember...)


























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Jahsa4 #1
Chapter 55: I hope you write a squeal soon
Jahsa4 #2
Chapter 14: Nice to introduce Ryu's cousin Kame
yuxuan #3
Chapter 55: Oh my god i am crying already this is my first time crying for this storypls have a sqeual i really really like this story and i like to watch gokusen keep watching and watching
Chapter 55: WTH is this? Geez I'm happy I saw that comment before I got any farther and checked the last chapter to see the ending. Ugh i hate endings like this. Great now my nights ruined. I'm going to be super depressed now cuz i really like this fic and now i have to stop. *sigh*
Chapter 55: I'm currently writing a gokusen fic and you just gave me very good inspiration but I'm so sad that it had to end like this...
Hope of a sequel or also an epilogue just like kiss_xander23.
thank you for writing this!!!!
Chapter 55: Please have either a sequel or at least an epilogue where they reunite!
DarthJader #7
"no crying when you're reading this letter, Take."
I don't know why, but that made me laugh.
Yay u remembered lol awesome updates keep um coming ^^.
mrswoojiho #10