More crushes on that girl.

You Never Know Until You Try!



Just as we were questioning ________ about her boyfriend, that boy from before came behind her and hugged her.

“I’m her boyfriend,” he said.

No. Freaking. Way.

I stared at him in shock. I stared at her in shock.

My heart shattered into pieces.



[A/N: Just in case you guys don’t remember who Ren is, he’s one of the guys who stay at Yankumi’s place. He’s best friends with Seiji, ______’s childhood friend. He’s also the one who “looked tenderly” at ________ when they were all at Yankumi’s house. Remember him now? (: ]

My long legs strolled through town as my stomach grumbled.

“Where shall I go eat?” I glanced around, scanning my surroundings for a yummy sounding restaurant.

Right as I took a step forward, someone placed a heavy hand on my shoulder. Spinning around, I prepared to defend myself with my hands up.

“Chill bro. It’s me,” my best friend Seiji grinned. I relaxed, dropping my hands back to my side.

“Don’t creep up on me like that man!”

He nudged me sheepishly. “Sorry ‘bout that bro. How are you?”

“Same as always. Nothing’s been happening ever since that one night. How’s ________?” I asked, knowing that he knew about my crush on her.

And he liked her too.




“Hey, Seiji?” I called over to my best friend who was lying on the grass next to me. We stared at the starless sky, both worn out from a tiresome day of training.


His mumbled voice drifted toward me. “Yeah?” He yawned.


“What would you do if I told you that I like ________?” I fidgeted with the grass, worried about his reaction.


“Ehh. Nothing, really,” he calmly replied as another yawn escaped his mouth.






“I thought you’d be mad and tell me to never see her again.”






He to his side and faced me. “Because I like her too.”






I paused. Best friends can’t like the same girl, right? “How about neither of us can date her?”


“Deal. It’s not like I can anyways. She thinks of me as her best friend.”


“Same here.”


He turned to face the sky again. “I just hope that the lucky guy who gets to be her boyfriend is a good guy…”


He spoke up again after a long silence. “If he’s not, we’ll beat him up together.”


“Deal,” I smiled, relieved that I had gotten it off my chest.




“She’s doing better. I visited her recently.” Seiji’s tone instantly became serious. “I think she’s fallen in love with that Odagiri guy.”

“He likes her back, too…” I sighed.

Seiji looked at me, surprised. “You met him?”

“Yeah, that night when y’all were attacked. He came and took her home.” My gaze followed a car as it turned around the corner. “He seems like a decent guy.”

“Yeah. He really cares about ________.” Seiji’s shoulders drooped slightly and I clapped him on the back.

“We knew this day was coming,” I mused. He nodded silently.

His stomach rumbled and he looked at me, embarrassed. “Did you eat yet?”

“Not yet. I was on my way to find a restaurant when someone decided to be macho-man and jump me.”

“I didn’t jump you,” he defended himself as he steered us in the direction of Kuma’s restaurant.

Walking up to the restaurant, we could see Odagiri inside, swiftly moving to a girl and hugging her, shocking the people around him. We opened the door and came inside.

“I’m her boyfriend,” Odagiri said.

Seiji and I glanced at each other. “Is that…?”

At the sound of our voice, the girl looked back at us, her eyes dilating with surprise. “Ren? Seiji?”

“Hey ________. Congratulations on your relationship!” A genuine smile found its way to my face; I was truly happy for her.

She blushed as she glanced at Odagiri. “Thanks.”

I directed my gaze to the guy standing beside them, his face showing how he was obviously trying to hide his pain.

Hmmm… so he’s just like Seiji and I?

I’m surprised though. I’m not as broken as I thought I’d be… probably because this was what I was expecting.



Two handsome men walked in, startled by Odagiri’s words. ________ heard their footsteps and twisted her torso to face them.

“Ren? Seiji?” ______ sounded surprised to see them here.

She knows them?

“Hey ________,” the one on the right smiled, “Congratulations on your relationship.”

“Thanks!” ________’s face flushed as she turned to face Odagiri again.

I shoved down the pain that was bubbling to the surface, forcing a smile on my face. I knew she only saw me as an older brother figure… and that one day she’ll find someone she loves… but I never knew that it would hurt this much.

“I just have to call my old gang here and everyone would be present,” Kuma’s rumbling laugher caught our attention. “All the important guys in ________’s life would be here. This is really something.”

She scratched her head. “Seriously, right? All of my friends.”

“Are all guys. Why are they all guys?” Kuma shook his head.

I finally relaxed and sat down.

This was going to be one long lunch/dinner… 



Sorry for the crappy update..

I felt like I really needed to update something.. and this is what came out...

I hope you guys like it? 

LOL. It doesn't really move the story along, but it shows the thoughts that some of the other characters are thinking.

Poor Kikwang :( 


< 3, 


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Jahsa4 #1
Chapter 55: I hope you write a squeal soon
Jahsa4 #2
Chapter 14: Nice to introduce Ryu's cousin Kame
yuxuan #3
Chapter 55: Oh my god i am crying already this is my first time crying for this storypls have a sqeual i really really like this story and i like to watch gokusen keep watching and watching
Chapter 55: WTH is this? Geez I'm happy I saw that comment before I got any farther and checked the last chapter to see the ending. Ugh i hate endings like this. Great now my nights ruined. I'm going to be super depressed now cuz i really like this fic and now i have to stop. *sigh*
Chapter 55: I'm currently writing a gokusen fic and you just gave me very good inspiration but I'm so sad that it had to end like this...
Hope of a sequel or also an epilogue just like kiss_xander23.
thank you for writing this!!!!
Chapter 55: Please have either a sequel or at least an epilogue where they reunite!
DarthJader #7
"no crying when you're reading this letter, Take."
I don't know why, but that made me laugh.
Yay u remembered lol awesome updates keep um coming ^^.
mrswoojiho #10