Janitor's Closet

The Other Side of the Mirror
Things got slightly better after a while when everyone started to forget about the embarrassing defeat Sehun suffered.
Jina was slightly nicer to him but not as crazily obsessed any longer, of which Sehun felt demoralized over. Why would he be demoralized over losing his crazy fan, I had no idea. She was still nice and sweet to him, however, because even with such an embarrassing defeat, Sehun's popularity still held strong.
The only reason why she was colder than before was because she could still feel the shame and embarrassment from that fateful day and it irked and disgusted her.
The thing about Sehun's popularity was that it was indestructable. The girls still loved him and the boys still regarded him as a role model and idol in their hearts, even if his godly status slipped a little.
He was still handsome and now not to mention smart all of a sudden, and he still appealed to the masses.
Since his soccer skills were out of the picture, the other people began focusing on his other aspects of life. Namely: his love life.
Sehun's original motive for acting as Sunmi's boyfriend was to protect her from his fangirls and for him to have a valid reason to hang out with her and the EXO-K boys. It seemed this reason wasn't enough any longer because his relationship with Sunmi was facing some sort of....an ordeal.
Since there wasn't any more chance of seeing Sehun in action on the field, the girls turned their attention to Sehun in the classroom. And goodness gracious, it was then that they realized how un-couple-like Sehun and Sunmi were together.
True, they still held each others' hands all the time and it had turned into some sort of habit once they left their classrooms. When they met each other at the door, Sehun's hand would automatically search for Sunmi's and she would interlace their fingers together while they walked.
But, other than that little display of theirs, there was nothing couple-like at all about them.
There weren't any of those cute lovey dovey passing of notes or secretive smiles or stolen kisses (and trust me they looked really hard). There were none. ZERO.
It was then that the girls were suspecting that the two weren't as loving as they thought they were. And perhaps, just perhaps...Sehun could be losing his affections for his girlfriend? Could it be that they still stood a chance to be with him?
And all of a sudden, the girls didn't care if Sehun was already attached. In their eyes, they decided that Sunmi there or not, they were going to get him. And that was how Sehun was suddenly bombarded by the same horror of the surge of confessions and chocolates getting thrown in his direction, a truely horrifying experience for one who didn't enjoy it.
"Sehun oppa, would you go out on a movie date with me? I already got the tickets." one girl hugged his arm.
Sehun looked over at Sunmi, panic-striken and pale. "I uh...I'm not free." he muttered.
"Sehun oppa, would you marry me in the future? I already printed out our marriage certificate and all I need is your signature!" antoher girl beamed brightly at him. Sunmi's jaw dropped and she felt Sehun grip her hand tighter. She squeezed his hand for mental support.
She heard Kai chortling with laughter behind her and had a good mind to smack that guy, but really she felt like laughing herself as well. Heh, marriage certificate. These girls were really something.
"I don't..." Sehun struggled with his words, not being good at rejecting people. "I'm already dating Sunmi." he held out their intertwined hands. "I thought everyone knew?"
"Yes but you're only dating her now. Who knows if you're going to be dating her tomorrow?" the girl rolled here eyes. "She's most definitely not the girl you're going to marry."
Sunmi didn't know why she felt a little hurt at the comment even if it made sense. Sehun frowned and furrowed his brows. "How would you know when our relationship will end?" he huffed, slightly displeased.
"Yeah," Chanyeol nodded, moving forward to defend the two in case their little act was blown. "I can tell you that Sehun and Sunmi are VERY IN LOVE." he stressed.
"They're really cute together." D.O. added, gaining a grateful smile from Sehun and the former had to bite back a laugh. He wondered what Sehun would think if the latter knew that he really meant what he said.
"So?" a voice sounded out somewhere in the sea of girls. "We never see them kiss before or go on dates. They're always together with the group of you guys and they don't act couple-like at all. We have good reason to believe that they're either not dating, or their relationship is failing."
Sunmi and Sehun gaped and snapped their heads towards each other. HOW DID THEY KNOW?
Sehun immediately detached his hand from Sunmi's, only to pull her nearer by the shoulders. "I'll have you know that we are very in love thank you very much. Please don't bother yourselves with our love life."
With that, he pulled Sunmi away, walking as quickly as possible without turning it into a run. Never, ever underestimate the power of fangirls. NEVER.
The girls were evidently not at all convinced with Sehun's words because they continued to pester him with the same ferocity as they did before Sunmi came along. Sunmi was slightly uncomfortable with how they were pawing him and she kept repeating it to herself that it was because she was concerned about his welfare as her friend. Keep thinking that.
Things got to such an extent that the girls had managed to sweet Sehun away from Sunmi for lunch and got him trapped at their table with no chance of escape on their part.
Again I repeat. NEVER underestimate the power of fangirls. Even if you were an EXO member with real super powers. Fangirling power topped that.
Sehun was positively disturbed when he returned to class after lunch, being assaulted by so many girls at once. He couldn't fend them all at once and some of them managed to sneak kisses on his face and boy, was that scary.
"I want to die." Sehun mewled softly into his hands.
Sunmi chuckled softly beside him and he pouted at her. "They're so scary. Why don't they believe we're dating even when I say so?"
Sunmi shrugged. "I guess because we really aren't dating, they don't see the spark between us." she murmured. "And perhaps it has to do with how you always blush red as a tomato around Lee Jina and not me. That kind of gave things away."
"Oh as if you don't blush when you're around Suho." Sehun muttered to himself, scowling at the reminder. Sunmi shifted her gaze to him in confusion. "What was that?"
"Nothing." Sehun shook his head, trying to shake off the unpleasant feeling that took over him once he was reminded of Sunmi's crush on Suho. He didn't know when that feeling started to grow within him and he hoped to get rid of it. He would much rather eat frog skins raw than feel that unpleasant cringe.
He sighed softly and propped his chin up with his elbows. "We've got to convince the other people that we are really dating." he muttered. "How?"
Sunmi shrugged. "I don't know. I haven't dated before so how would i know about it?"
Sehun pouted. "I haven't either. You're my first you know." he grinned. Sunmi rolled her eyes with a chuckle and slapped his arm lightly.
The news of Sehun's apparent "available-ness" had reached Jina somehow, and it was the reason why she sauntered over to Sehun's table ily before the bell rang for the class. "Sehun oppa, I heard some interesting rumors today." she smiled, her bright red lips curling.
Sehun blinked at her. Why was she approaching all of a sudden again? Talk about mood-swings and menopause. Did women get menopause at nineteen?
"I heard that you are going to break up with Sunmi unnie soon." Jina whispered in Sehun's ear, lingering a little too long for comfort. "When you do that, please tell me. I don't want to be left in the dark. If you need anyone to comfort you, tell me, Sehun oppa." she winked.
Sunmi blinked at the two of them, not having heard what Jina had said. But judging from Sehun's pink cheeks, Jina's words must have returned to their usual standards of tiness.
She shifted in her seat uncomfortably and looked away, letting out an annoyed breath. She was surprised when the next moment, Sehun sprang up from his chair and grabbed her wrist, yanking her up from her seat.
"Think what you like, Jina. It's not going to come true." Sehun's voice was unusually cold. "Come, Sunmi. Let's ditch this lesson."
"Ditch?" Sunmi and Jina blurted in unison.
Sehun grinned at Sunmi and ignored the third party. "Yes ditch. We should do that once in a while. Live wild." he beamed. Sunmi looked uncertain as she glanced at the clock on the wall. The teacher was coming any minute.
"But Sehun-"
"If you two are ditching, I'm coming with you." Jina clung onto Sehun's other arm. "Don't leave me out from the fun."
Sehun looked down at Jina and raised a brow. "But we're going to the janitor's closet. Are you going to come with us?" Sunmi gasped inwardly at Sehun's words and even the EXO-K boys looked a little surprised. Wow goody two shoes Sehun was getting a little guts of his own.
The janitor's closet was synonym for making out session. Hot, passionate, make out sessions to be exact.
Sehun gave a little amused grin at Jina's gaping expression. "I thought so." he grabbed Sunmi's hand and led her out of the door quickly before the teacher arrived. "Let's go, Sunmi."
They ran quickly away when they saw their teacher turn the corner in their direction and Sehun quickly threw the janitor closet's door open while Sunmi rushed in without a second's thought. Sehun followed in and slammed the door shut, both of them enclosed in complete darkness and in a restricted enclosed space.
Sunmi let out a breath. "I didn't know you had that in you, Sehun." she sounded impressed.
"Well, I'm not that innocent as you think." Sehun shrugged, pinking and glad that the closet was dark. "And I'm a guy. I'm bound to know a little."
"Well yeah, but you talked back to Jina." Sunmi mused. "That's got to be a first. You almost behaved like the Devil but much nicer. I never thought you'd disagree with anything she said."
"She can't just expect me to welcome her with my arms opened when she suddenly decides to become nice to me after being cold for days after I lost to that Kim Jisuk." Sehun grumbled, harboring ill feelings. "She wasn't even there to comfort me. Like you did."
An awkward silence ensued moments after that and Sunmi shifted, suddenly acutely aware of how close they were even if she couldn't see him. "Uhm.." she broke the silence. "Is there a light switch around here?"
Both of them suddenly became occupied with the sole mission of finding a light switch as their hands roamed the walls for the familiar button. Sehun swallowed uncomfortably, feeling Sunmi's breath against his neck as she craned her own neck to look for the switch.
Why did he suggest this again? He didn't think he'd feel as...strange as he did in here.
"Found it!" Sunmi exclaimed in excitement as she flicked a button. Her face was to the left of Sehun's before that happened and both of them were looking in opposite directions looking for the switch.
The moment she exclaimed, they both turned to look at each other in excitement and that was when the most cliche thing happened. The most cliche but still undeniably heart-stopping moment.
Their lips touched.
Both eyes widened and Sunmi blinked furiously, staring back at Sehun. She was the one to break away first, her hand going up to her lips immediately and her face reddening to a seriously unhealthy shade of red. She immediately regretted finding the switch.
Sehun snapped his head to the opposite direction as well, not knowing what to say when he just lost his first kiss accidentally and not to mention, she lost hers.
Sehun cleared his throat awkwardly and Sunmi shifted as close as she could against the shelves to put space between them. "H-Hot huh?" she laughed fakely, directing her eyes anywhere but at him.
Sehun gave a nod. "Yeah." Tell him about it. Hot. It was, definitely.
He had to check it up in Google after he got home though. Was it normal for his heart to be beating so fast if he kissed someone he wasn't in love with?
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Y'all Goddess invented parallel universe since 2014!!
Chapter 64: Now I finally understand everything. Maaaaan this is so creepy and amusing. All those what ifs
Chapter 42: Ohhh just passing by. Really?!
Chapter 11: Both Sehun’s are suffering from this situation
Erponnn108 #5
GOOd story
taetae29 #7