Dreams.. within a memory..


enjoy.. xD


Standing alone in a field..
Storm rises and clouds began to crumble..
Confuse and clueless.. i go straight..
Looking up there is a tree.. closer i see Her.. standing.. looking up in the sky
Blink i did.. and she was gone..
I go forward.. stepping branches and mud..
Without noticing.. Shes sitting beside a rock..
As i move closer.. her figure disappear..
Fear kicks in.. as i run straight to find civiliza

With a rush stop i am.. watching Her laughing towards me
Panic i was.. i go straight to him..closing my eyes.. hoping it was a shadow.. and it was..
Without eyes open.. i cant see where im going..
Instinct i use.. to navigate myself..
Clueless i was.. i open my eyes.. and with surprise.. She was holding a bow... aiming at me..
As she shoot it.. the arrow disappear like a fog as it penetrate my body..
Losing control.. i yell for help.. and kneel down..
Hearing the voice of Her .. i look up..
Lighting falls down.. with one glance.. i wake up..
To found out it was a dream.. within my memory..


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