Ren doesn't know why he exist...he doesn't know what is his role in existence,,doesn't know the right  word to describe himself..a slave? a ? maybe he is more than that,,he thought of that...he witnessed how he was priced, how he became the merchandise in a bidding,,yes maybe the right word is merchandise,,something that can be sold and something that can be rented..His beauty actually is priceless, one million is not enough for him as a price but people around him take it as overpriced...

Few days later after the arguments between Mj and Jr, a shocking news was delivered to him, ren was in disbelief,,in shocked,, He walk through the hallway of the school after he talked to his master Mj,,the words are banging in his mind, again messing up his messed mind..

"go out with Jr,,that punk!!! Mj told the blonde boy and punch the table, they were in the canteen talking about the shocking news..

"why? is all ren was asked for,,with his eyes that can'teven gave an expression,,he knows,,

"he deal with abeoji and not to me,,,he paid for a lot just to tease me and piss me off..Mj said in anger...Jr won,,he was pissed already...

Ren lifelessly fell on the wall while on his way to his room, breathing so deep, panting like he run a miles..A hand hold his waist as a support,,he lift his chin to look the one who came to help him,,is he an angel who sent down to become his rescuer? that's the first thing he thought but that was turned to a disappointment,,,he saw the face he hated, the face he had added to his cursed list.."jr...he mumbled almost in whisper and his knees felt so weak more..he tried to shove the guy but he was too weak to do and the other was too strong for him..

"You're sick again,,Jr spoke as he lift him, carry him bridal style,,,Ren was struggling over the grip until he gave up,,,Jr just stare to him and walk him to the clinic...he landed him to the soft bed of the school clinic,

Ren curled himself after his body was free from the other back facing him,,,he folded himself as he felt cold,,,Jr put the blanket to him,tucking in tightly,,he calmed his cold body,,,what are you doing? finally he spoke,,,

"helping you,,,Jr answered...

"that's a lie,,i know everything,,you paid to Mj's father,,you are one of them,,,you are not different from them,,,you just added to my messy said almost sobbing but was controlled...

"wait for the nurse,,i will take you to my house,,,Jr told the blonde ignoring what was said...

Ren burried his face to the blanket, sobbing, ensuring his sobs won't get out from the blanket...Jr sat on the corner reading a magazine while waiting for the nurse,,,ren was silent by then,,it was only few minutes passed,,he went closer to the blonde,,he peek,, the blonde was sleeping, he shove the messed hair to the face,,,"how did you end up with this kind of life? he asked thev sleeping beauty while staring to the face..running his finger to the pale smooth face..

"Is he sleeping? a nurse came in to check...

"ah yeah,,,he fell asleep...Jr answered politely..

"he can go home when he wakes up,,he just had a slight fever,,,the nurse said after making a random check...

Few hours later, ren still not waking up,,he was sleeping deeply, soundly...Jr tried to shook him to wake up but no response as usual..He carried him again passing the students who were just ended their classes,,all eyes shooting on them, he didn't mind until Mj came to their way,,,Mj stare sharply to Jr whose carrying the lifeless Ren...

Jr smirked devilishly with will regret everything,,,he spoke leaving the pissed off guy in awe..He took the blonde on his car laying him on the backseat as he placed the head on his lap...




Ren fall asleep into his sobs, not as deep sleep as he wanted,as he wished everytime he close his eyes to sleep,,he never fell in deep sleep,,he felt someone came to his side as the bed banked a bit,,he didn't move, eyes still shut,,"why you end up in this kind of life?,, a questioned was brought by the other as he felt a careful hand shoving and fixing his messed blonde hair...tear escaped in his eyes as hebheard it wetting the white pillow he was leaning,,,teeth tightened controlling his self to make a sound,,a finger run into his pale face smoothly and slowly, he wanted to winced up but, why he felt secured at that time,,he felt saved by the moment,, he felt comforted at the same time..with that smooth carress he fell again in his dream..
The next thing he knew as he opened his eyes wide as he can, he woke up in a pinkish four walls of a room,,unfamiliar of course..he looked around wondering where is he,,it wasn't his own room in the mansion,,, the room looked lively with that pinkish and flowery decorations, it was wider than his own room, cabinet, table, chair, it's all pink,,he saw the pink picture frame on the bedside with the picture of a girl and a boy smiling brightly together,, he felt envious seeing a happy face that he never did,,he was pretty but he never smiles,,he took it with his hand and looked carefully as he pouted...
"Awake? a deep voice spoke,,popping out from the door that didn't even screech to sound open..
"where am i? he manage to ask,,,,
"at my house...the other answered as he pulled the pink chair and sat on it...
"whose room is this? he asked again...
"obviously it's not's her room,,,the black haired answered again pointing to the picture frame that ren was holding...
"girlfriend? you should've not let me use her room,,,he said lowering his head looking at the picture and put it on the place where he took it...
"my sister,,,she's not using this room,,she's not living with us...she lived far from this place...the boy answered..
Ren looked at the window..why did you take me here? what were your agreement about me? he asked confidently,,,,why did you,,,re~~~ren~~ted me,,he asked chopping the word...
"i didn't rented you,,i'just gave half of the payment, ill give the full next time...the boy answered under his chuckle...i hate renting...
"then what do you want from me?,,my service?,,just tell me,,i know my role,,it's all the same.i am the best in the world,,i can do any service you want..Ren said but deep inside he felt disgusted with his self,,his body, his body is dirty,he felt it was too dirty that he can't even touch himself...undressing himself as he kneeled on the bed, looking to the other with his face too serious,, i know you want this,,just let's do it right away,,
"Let's go down stairs,,the food is waiting,,you can't skip your meal you have to take your medicines....the boy told ignoring him once again...he stood from his seat and walked...
Ren run to him stand infront of him,,,Jr just finish this for today,,i don't know until when i need to serve you but please,,,,,he begged as he pushed himself to him, touch his lips to him,,,giving an invitaton to the other to do what he thinks the purpose of him being on that house..
Jr pulled out,,i never thought of doing this to you,,,i have my purpose,,,dress up right now i'll wait outside,,,he said and left him waiting at he door...
Ren was amazed yet puzzled,,did he just ignored,,,someone whose willing to pay a bag of money refusing to use his body? then why? what is Jr's purpose,,those questions are holes that won't complete a puzzle...He covered his body wearing his tshirt and putting on his tight pants again,,he exited the room seeing the other still standing infront of the room,,he mused at the scenery,,the house is well built but it was quiet aside from the badyguards playing on the living room and some maids chit chatting on one corner...
All stopped on what they are doing and stood up properly as the maid led the two to the dining table,,lots of foods prepared but they are the only one eating...
"don't you want this food? Jr asked in serious tone with his sharp gaze to the blonde....
"they're ok but i don't have apetite,,the blonde answered with his pursed lips...
"you have to,, how could you serve me tonight if you won't  eat,jr said giving a signal to one of the maids to put some foods to the blonde's plate,,the maid obeyed,,
Ren didn't able to refuse again seeing the sharp eyes shooting him,,tsk,,i was right then,,how could i think he's different,,he's all the same as them,,he mumbled giving a sharp look as a response,,he was served fully by the maids,,after few bites he stood up and left his seat,,,he went to the same room he used a while ago,,as he entered, a pair of pajamas was layed on the bed,,he took it and look carefully,,,he never wore like this, he always falls down his bed with his tee and pants or sometimes with his uniform or mostly slept ,,
"use them,,i havent use those,,they are new,,,Jr spoke leaning on the door frame..
"he look behind and saw the boy looking at him biting his lower lip, you were just perfect like Mj said,,i  think i know why he wanted you that much,,but sorry for him,,
Ren didn't uttered any words he put down the clothes and just stood in there,,,Jr went to him closely leaving few inches of their body still staring to the blonde's stares back,,
"just do what you want? i know, this will end up in the same destination,,,
"what do you think i want to do?,,tshhhh,,anyway you don't have to answer,,,from now on you'll be using this room,,Jr said..
"Until when? he asked...
"you'll not going back to Mj..i bought you from them already,,,
"impossible,,how could you,,my step father's debt costs my life,,,ren told not believing the boy...
"why? impossible,,is it because im too young to have that much money?,,jr chuckled smirking like a devil eyes gaze too richer than anyone else,,im even richer than my noona,,,
"then tell me at least what is your purpose of buying me!,,,ren shouted again,,,my body? my service? for ?,he added,,emphasizing those words...
Jr pushed the boy on the bed, he pinned him with his hand on both shoulders,,,why? you want me to you all night like what they do to you every night? like what that Mj was doing to you every night or every good mood he have, you infront of those ing chit chatters? gossipers,,you want me to treat you like a ? like a ? like a dirty bug?,, he gritted his teeth let his eye linered eyes become more are such a ing stupid,,don't you know how to refuse?
Ren was surprised with the sudden move,," me all you want..i don't mind,,treat me what you like, a , a ,,coz i am,,all of them treat me like one,,and you are one of them,, he said in low husky tone as the clear crystal escaped on the side eyes..
Jr stood up,,pulling himself from the other, go to sleep,,you'll go to school tomorrow,,,he remind the boy..but you'll go home here not in mj's place, do you understand me?
Ren didn't response, he closed his eyes and curled himself once again on the bed,,,Jr left him slamming the door close..He then fell asleep after he wrapped the blanket to his body, not even care to change into pajamas,,,
The next day, ren woke up, he pat his head,,too heavy that he wanted to lay back down to bed again but what caught his attention was the pair of uniform hanged on the hook of the cabinet, fully pressed,,,he blinked several times before he looked a the wall clock that was placed on the upper space of the door and was snapped when the door swung open revealing a well dressed Jr,ready to go to school...
"aren't you going to school? i'll wait outside,,we'll just have our breakfast at the canteen since you hardly pulled yourself from that bed....Jr said rolling his eyes...
Ren was stunned,,think for a while before he moved,,,he looked back to the clock it was already 7 in the morning, and their first class will start at 7:30,,he dashed out from bed and run  to the bathroom to take his shower,,it was his first time rushing like this,,he usually woke up at 5 am but this time he was late,,,he wonder if he slept that well,,,,
He took his last step on the big house exiting totally the gate and there jr stood straight waiting for him..he rolled his eyes and hoppped inside the car, jr took the spot next to him,,
Soon they both arrived at the front entrance of the school,,he stopped for a while breathing heavily as he gather all his courage to face the students again,,he was sure, new topic and new words he will going to hear..And so he wasn't wrong,,all eyes glared at him, if those stares could murder a person he was sure layed dead by now,,,he gulped once again trying to be strong but deep inside he wasn't, he was trying to walk confidently, chin up as if nothing is wrong, he did but inside him his pride and embarrassment is killing him...he walked straight as usual not minding every gossips and talk...
Behind him was Jr who just walk normally not even dare to look to others,,his eyes were lock to ren's back, a serious sharp stare that eats the blonde,,They both reach the front classroom,, Ren stopped and look to the guy who was then sitting with a bunch of peers just near their classroom, It was Mj, he was shooting Jr a sharp glare, he knew it because jr was behind him,,he look at Mj and then to Jr, he just ignore it and went in the classroom,,
He knows it was a big fight between the two guys,,,Mj was his first master but then he was transferred to Jr,,the reason for jr why he bought him from the rude guy is still a puzzle,,he doesn't know it...Few minutes later the seat beside him was occupied, a sign that Jr is there  but he didn't look at him,,
Class started but then time is too fast,,the class ended without his knowing,,,All students gone to their classroom leaving behind jr with aron, minhyun and baekho who was glaring at ren,,,
"Yahhh did you really~~~ i mean,,is ren with you at your house? minhyun asked...
"yes why,,you want to take him with your house? Jr answered mocking the boy...
"why did you take him with you,,are you insane? youare crazy,,there are lots of someone out there,,,why he? baekho questioned his friend with a gritted teeth...
"why were you so mad at him,,did he done something wrong to you? did he punch you, kick your off or what? minhyun said with an annoyance..
"you were just paranoid over him,,just don't mind him,,stop being jealous,, admit it,, he is much prettier than you,,,aron interrupted as he tease the annoyed guy..
"YAhhh!!!! hot tempered baekho grab aron's collar gesturing to hit him but then he released a soon as  Jr stood up....
Ren had no intention to hear what was said,,he was the topic it was obvious, no one in there,,,he stood up as soon as Jr stood from his seat to stop the friends from arguing,,he walke pass them...
"Wait at the car...Jr commanded ren...
Ren glare to his side as he stopped from walking to hear what the other had telling him,,,he then continue to walk when Jr delivered his message..he was walking to the hallway when an arm suddenly wrapped around his shoulder and another arm on his waist,,he stopped,,he can sense who was it,, with the perfume that sooth his nose,,,
"I miss you,,,can we go out tonight? i need you,,,Mj spoke almost whispering to the other's ear...i have with me the capsule,,i know you misses it misses the heaven,,right? he added.. the earlobes of the blonde..
"who told you to touch you really need those capsule? i bet not for me,,he enjoys every minute i captured him,,,he doesn't need that damn capsule,,so can you free my property now? ...jr coldly spoke behind the two,,,he's not yours now, he's mine,,im sure you are aware of that..he added and went infront of them,,as he carressed ren's soft's really good to have your own money,,you can buy anything you want..he mock to make the rude one pissed off,,and he won again..
Mj release ren, Jr grab him and pulled him on the waist, they walk attach to each other until they disappeared from Mj's sight,,he pushed him on the car and he entered on the same door,,,ren crawled to the other side to make aspace to the other..
"You still talking to him?,, who told you you can talk to him?!!!! Jr shouted..
"Huh!~~~ ren just sighed biting his lip hard surpressing the tightness of his chest again,,he was accused to the fact that he didn't even do...
"if i caught you talking to him, you'll see what can i do...Jr warned..
"Why don't you all just kill me!!!! i'm tired already,,,i don't want to live anymore but why am i still burst out,, he screamed for the first time...Just~~~ kill me,,i don't want to live like this i am so tired,,,he spoke in low tone as his tears wells down to his cheeks..i didn't talk to him,,i didn't went closer to him,,he just went to me and hug me,,he explained under his sobs...
Jr gulped,,he was then surprised,,it was the first time he heard an explanation from him...he somewhat felt guilty,,,,"drive,,he commanded the driver,, the driver followed....
..Thankyu for new subbies hope you can leave a comment....


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Chapter 30: Omg this story was so amazing that i read it in 3 days now it's over and i feel like i don't know what to do with my life anymore Hhhh LOL but truly speaking this story is just AMAZING I LOVED EVERY SINGLE THING ABOUT IT THANK YOU FOR WRITING IT
daniellekima #2
Chapter 4: I'm starting chapter 5, and I love this story!!!
worldofdreams #3
Chapter 29: that was so cute and romantic
worldofdreams #4
Chapter 1: that is disgusting, what kind of mother is she? but anyway, good story, i like it alot
Maymas #5
Chapter 29: Waaah really love it i never tierd of reading it
mimi84 #6
very nice story
cominghome #7
Chapter 30: I loved this. Its the best I've read of these two out of the hundreds I've read
rain629 #8
Chapter 1: <3 this is really hot
Complete long fanfics about jren couple are so damn rare. I'll vote for this story because I like ren <3
Chapter 29: Why didn't I find this story earlier!!
Author-nim I really loved reading your story! *starting to cry* I loved every chapter! This story is one of favorites out of all the ones I read!