No Set Destination

Starting Fresh

Jongin is such a stupid . 

Sehun was nice to him, bought him things, and put up with all of his . How did he repay him? By leaving him, of course. 'Leaving' was even sugar coating it, because Sehun had been full on kicked out. The laughter of this 'Kyungsoo'  Sehun had caught him with still rang through his ears as the door was practically slammed in his face by the short boy with, in Sehun's opinion, too big eyes. 

Tears began to leak out of Sehun's eyes that disappeared behind his hair line as the wind blew over his face. His convertible allowed the hot summer air to keep his hair, and tears, out of his face as he cruised along the highway. He was probably going to get pulled over soon, what with him driving way over the speed limit. But really, what's a speeding ticket when you just lost the love of your life to some stupid ?

Faintly up ahead he could see a small figure that appeared to be walking along the highway. What kind of stupid walks along the damn highway? were the only thoughts that entered Sehun's mind in that moment, and when he saw that the figure was also holding up his thumb, he took it upon himself to help the Stupid . Maybe he could even offer his mind a distraction for a couple hours.

He began to slow down as he approached the figure and pulled off a little ways in front of him. Of course he was slowed enough passing the stranger to note that the Stupid did have a very nice , not that he was in the mood for flirting and he certainly wasn't ready for a relationship right now. 

The blond-headed stranger got into Sehun's car with dramatic huff and shut the door.

"So, where are you headed?" The stranger asked as Sehun hit the road again.

"I honestly don't know. Somewhere...." Sehun began.

"New?" Stupid finished, "Me too, I just lost my job and got kicked out of my parents house. I have all the money from my bank account, so I guess I'll be going where ever you are."

Sehun was a little surprised by the stranger being so open with him, he felt like he owed the other the same, "I just got kicked out too. Caught 'em with another guy, then claimed it was my fault."

"Well whoever she was, she's an idiot."

"HIS name was Jongin, and I have a few more words for him besides idiot but yes, yes he is."

They sat in silence for a few miles, letting the sun hit their skin and the radio play a little louder then necessary.  Given that Sehun still had watery eyes when he picked the boy up and didn't want to embarrass himself, he still hadn't got a good look at Mr. Stupid . Mind you given his assumptions of Jongin, maybe he wasn't so stupid after all.

Sehun coughed into his hand and flew a sideways glance towards the boy in the passengers seat. He did a double take as he was met with the passenger staring right back at him, a smile spread across his face. 

"Uhm...Can I help y-"

"His," the stranger said, with an obvious hint of amusement in his tone.


"My name is Luhan by the way"


"So, Sehun," Luhan began boldly, "What if we went to Seoul? We could split rent on an apartment and there's tons of job opportunities there. Not as friends, if that makes you uncomfortable, but just as roommates. It would cost less."

Sehun let out a sigh, "Luhan I-"

"Don't say anything now, Seoul is hours away. Just...just think about it. Please?"

"Alright Luhan. I'll think about it. But don't get your hopes up," Sehun put on a reserved front, but inside the idea intrigued him. 

The more he thought about it, the better it sounded. He needed somewhere to stay, so why not share the expense? And Luhan was right, their chances of getting a job in Seoul was greater then that of any other place. Luhan didn't seem like he'd be a bad roommate either. I mean they had already spent over two hours in the car together and Sehun at no point wanted to push him out of the vehicle, and for Sehun that was a compliment. 

So then why did the idea of sharing an apartment with Luhan make him feel nervous?

He quickly erased any unsure thoughts out of his mind and pulled off at the nearest off ramp. He needed food. Food and sleep. It was starting to get dark so they would probably need to crash in a hotel for the night. He pulled into the parking lot of a twenty four hour McDonalds and put the car in park. 

"Luhan, wake up we..." Sehun's voice trailed off as he got his first real look at Luhan.

He had the face of a baby, even though they had already established that Luhan was almost twenty three. His eyes were shut and his eyelashes were casting shadows down his cheeks that had a slight pink tint from the wind. His lips were pink and slightly parted. Luhan's eyebrows were as light as his hair and they furrowed into a slight scowl as he his lips and his eyes fluttered open.

"Se-Sehun?" Luhan eyed the younger questioningly and asked with soft voice, "Why'd you stop?"

Sehun chuckled. Luhan, though older then himself, could have been five years old with how innocent Sehun noticed he seemed. Sehun had to admit, Luhan was pretty cute. 

"Dude we've been driving for hours, I'm hungry. And I have something I want to tell you. C'mon," Sehun smiled at the sleepy Luhan and jumped out of the car, a groggy Luhan on his heels.


Okay for the first chapter I just wanted to get some characters established. Mission accomplished :) . I'm on break still so there shouldn't be too much time between chapters whoopwhoop. HunHan is so cute I love writing about them already and this is my first HunHan fic...THANKS FOR READING :D

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Chapter 10: i love this! sequel with a lot of fluff, maybe? ;)
Chapter 10: omg this is so sweet haha is there a sequel? *u* there should be one heh
onkeyslove #3
Chapter 10: i imagine my life would be that sweet with my jinki..hahahahaha..what the hell do I think? btw nice first story. i love your sweet hunhan :3
udontknow #4
Chapter 10: Awwww that's was ssoooook cute
stormfall #5
Chapter 10: <333333333333
onkeyslove #7
Chapter 7: i love jongin in real life but he is Jerk here >:(
onkeyslove #8
Chapter 6: ooooohhhh..naughty lulu hahahaha..he's so cute no matter what age he is :3 nice story