
My Revolving (Ex-)Boyfriend

My Revolving (Ex-)Boyfriend

In the three weeks I spent without Kris, I must have somehow forgotten how supernaturally handsome he was. The moment I walked into Starbucks and saw him sitting across the café, coolly leaned back in his chair as he sipped on a Pumpkin Spice Latte, it felt like my heart bungee jumped out of my chest toward him. I almost wet my pants when he noticed me and casually lifted a hand in recognition.

"You can do this," I muttered under my breath as I took a shaky baby step toward him. "You can do this. You can totally do this. Don't trip now. Don't trip, don't trip, don't trip."

"You look good," Kris cooed, rising from his chair as I approached. He towered over me and, oh god, he had such wide, handsome shoulders, and somehow I immediately forgot that he completely tore my heart out and stomped on it a few weeks ago.

Of course, while I was busy admiring my ex's mind-boggling looks, I missed my footing and tripped on the very last step, toppling right into his chest. "Whoa! Careful there," he cautioned as he caught me by the arms and straightened me up.

"Sorry," I mumbled, flushing red as a maraschino cherry. He merely chuckled as he pulled a chair out and helped me take a seat in it.

"Let me get you a drink," he offered, leaning over to peck me on the cheek. "The usual?" he breathed.

"Th-that would be... lovely..." I sighed, starry-eyed. "Thank you."

I cupped my hands on my cheeks and watched in a daze as he sauntered over to the counter and ordered a Green Tea Latte. After all this time, he still remembered my favorite drink.


I hoped.

"So, how have you been the past few weeks?" Kris asked as he returned to my side and handed the warm cup over, his fingers brushing across mine.

"Fine," I lied and held the drink to my lips to take a sip. Like I was going to admit I'd spent all three of said weeks watching reruns of Tom and Jerry because it was the only show I could find with minimal romantic storyline.

Kris smirked and reached across the table to take my free hand in his, my knuckles with his thumb. "I've missed you so much, you know. I just couldn't stop thinking about you. You should have called me."

I sputtered into my steaming coffee. "But I thought we broke up."

He looked taken aback. "Broke up? Hanbyul, I never said I wanted to break up with you."

"But you said you needed space," I reasoned, trailing off unsurely at the end.

"I just wanted a break," Kris sighed, running a hand back through his hair. I could just make out the scent of his shampoo as he ruffled it. "I didn't mean I wanted to end it for good."

I peered up at him with disbelieving eyes. "Really?"

"Really." He flipped my hand over and interlaced his fingers with mine. "I love you, Hanbyul."

And just like that, I had unbroken up with Kris Wu.

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captivateinsgraphics #1
Chapter 6: Hah! Nice ending, lol. You srsly took me by surprise-when I pressed the next button, all that popped out was a sentence, and I was like: huh? Are you freakin kidding me? Lol but anyway, it was really awesome. Daebakkk! Thank you, I love you~~!!
Chapter 6: ohh?? didnt xpect that. but..this fanfic is so funny!! good job! i love how relax i feel while reading this.
Chapter 6: Like the rest, I was laughing all the way through. Till I got to the end. I laughed no more. Just kidding though XD The ending was really...something. I didn't expect it to be like this but eh, whatever..the story itself is good for me. If you're thinking of making a sequel for this one, count me in :DDD
Chapter 6: what the hell did i just read?? I...I ...please dont tell me this is the real ending bcs i'll...i'll cryyy
nerd_91 #5
Chapter 6: yahhhhh. you fool us. hahahaha.
Chapter 6: Yeh i should have expected something like this i mean THIS IS TOTALLY YOU! hhhhhhh
Chapter 6: wait what? i was practically laughing from the first chapter until here. although I know i shouldn't laugh at someone's misfortune. but, wait. what did just happen here? HAHAHHAHA
Chapter 6: wut da...?
Chapter 6: creeping your fics while waiting for the kris chapter because wHY NOt

onlyfics #10
Chapter 6: Wait, is this really the ending? Or you gonna make a sequel or what?