The Dating Game


Sunggyu likes Woohyun... Like really likes Woohyun. But Woohyun doesn't like him back. Sunggyu is the smartest guy in their grade and is best friends with equally smart Myungsoo, and his neighbor Hoya the athlete. Woohyun is the most popular guy in school who is friends with Dongwoo the athlete, Sungyeol the immature class clown, and Sungjong the gossiper. Sunggyu wasn't ugly or anything, he and Woohyun were just at different places on the social ladder. And Woohyun has never so much as looked Sunggyu's way. Myungsoo and Hoya have come up with a game to have Sunggyu wining Woohyun's heart: The Dating Game. A website that is dedicated to setting Woohyun and Sunggyu up, but is disguised as a dating service website for the students of Woollim High.






"Been going crazy since the moment I met you."


1.) You must never mention anything about the game or the website. It is all highly classified and only for students. If any teacher or adult finds this out it will be shut down.

2.) This is only for those who go to Woollim High. If any non-Woollim High students this will be shut down.

3.) If you aren't single, or end up dating who you are set up with you must delete your profile ASAP.

4.) You cannot use your real name. It has to be a username and no sending pictures of yourself. It's supposed to be anonymous so we can set you up with your true match.

5.) You must go on at least one date with the person you are set up with.

6.) Have fun.


I will update in the Summer after school gets out! :)


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Simran20 #1
Chapter 10: This is fun❤️❤️❤️
jessy2 #2
Chapter 8: I♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ this chapter:-D :-D
Yeolli claim Myung is his officiall boyfriend..
OhMyGyu! I'm so ecstatic for your return!!!!!!!! ♡ ^^
AoiMizuiro #5
Chapter 15: I find this story today and now I'm fall in l9ve with this story :D
welcome back author nim XD
Chapter 13: Are u still here?? Uhm please update soon. This story is really awesome!! im puking rainbows and butterflies now. This story is so cute and fluffy and cheesy and soo woogyu. I love how the events turned out . And just perfect. I was actually kinda worried when woohyun found out about the web but I believe in woogyu. I almost cried. Woogyu does not deserve angst and tears, painful tears. And you gave them a happy life. So please come back. Maybe im not enough to make you come back and continue this but this is my honest feeling and I hope thats more than enough. Come back eung? I want you back back back back~~~ fighting author'nim♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
mylastromehyun #7
authorniiiim~ please comeback for this story ;A;
hyeamazing #8
Wow this was such a fun read haha!
Curious to see how things escalate there and then xD
Update soon!
Chapter 14: I really love this
I never thougt of Sungjong with Jokwon xD the diva couple -_-

I wanna know what happens next cx