Extra Story

Chasing Summer: Autumn

   Graduation, for Myungsoo, was a series of pauses and fast forwards. It felt like a dream, sitting down on the black, slightly cushioned chair, listening to the speeches. Soon, it would be his turn. The sky was a soft shade of pastel blue, with the faintest wisps of clouds that looked like feathers. His toga absorbed the sunlight’s gentle warmth. He looked around him, and the world paused. A slow smile graced his lips as his father, together with Daehyun’s mother, waved at him. He was satisfied. He was very, very satisfied. He never expected for that scenario: to see his father attend his graduation. Reality slowly whirred to life once again, only to freeze after a second. His heart raced. So much, it felt like it would burst. The ones who occupied the row next to his father was the Bae family. Mr. and Mrs. Bae were there, with Suzy and Sang Moon. The smile on their lips clearly showed how proud they were of him.

   Suzy slowly raised her hand, and waved. It was like a spell which started the machines to ignite, causing the words from the speaker to stumble into incoherent words. It steadily slowed down until Myungsoo heard everything clearly once again. Professor Yang then approached him. He tapped the has-been student’s shoulder, and whispered, “You’re up next, Scholar Boy.”

   Myungsoo quickly stood up, knees trembling at the slightest as he approached the side of the stage, rerunning what should take place afterwards. He looked at the sea of faces in front of him, and he felt nauseous. Nevertheless, he fixed his eyes on his family. The crowd applauded. He waited for three seconds before climbing up the stage. He stumbled halfway, and he smiled sheepishly as the audience chortled. Finally approaching the podium, he subtly placed his guide on the surface, and waited for them to calm down before speaking.

   “Hello,” he greeted. “My name is Myungsoo. Kim Myungsoo. I am representing the Applied Music department. My mother was a social worker. Was, because got into an accident several years ago. I was on the phone with her, and we were arguing. Then, I heard a loud crash. That was the very last time I spoke with her. Somehow, I was able to secure her number just to keep her voicemail alive. Whenever I faced struggles, or if I just felt lonely, I would call her, listen to the beep, and talk. Maybe I was already depressed by then, I merely didn’t acknowledge it. I remember shattering the windows of our own house after coming home from school. I was told to write my feelings down, but it was too much for me, listing what I felt on a piece of paper was not enough. People knew who the instigator was, but they did not reprimand me. I felt worse.

   “I am not telling these sad things for you to pity me. No. Not at all. I want you to know that despite every bad thing that could happen, there is still hope.”

   Myungsoo paused, flipped over to the next page, and carried on, “My father remarried. Out of spite, I moved out and he let me rent an apartment. Back then, the only point I acknowledged was he did something wrong. I did not face the reality that even I, as a son, fell short on my responsibilities. Being alone made me realize I could think the clearest whenever I played music. Soon, I taught myself to play the guitar. I made up my mind, then: after high school, I would major on something—anything—that involved music. Being alone, too, caused me to do crazy things. Calling strangers in the middle of the night, for instance. However, one summer, everything changed. On my fifty-first call, someone picked up. The person did not talk, and neither did I. Looking back, it was strange. But if it weren’t for that situation, then I suppose I wouldn’t be here.

 “The person who answered my fifty-first call, is the very person I fell in love with, and I am prepared to have a lifetime commitment with her. She is the only woman I imagine marrying.”

   The crowd cheered. Some heads turned, trying to spot who Myungsoo was talking about. Some pointed at the already quiet Suzy with a wide smile painting her rosy lips. Myungsoo took a quick glance at Professor Yang, who was wearing an approving smirk as he knowingly shook his head.

   “Let’s call her Sunshine,” he continued. “While Sunshine was still a stranger I talked to over the phone, a miracle came along. Daehyun, my younger brother. Due to our circumstances, I disliked him at first. It was immature of me, but I felt jealous. Nevertheless, he loved me. That child had a really big heart. He taught me, and reminded me, of so many things. Truth be told, that child encouraged me to return to God. I still remember Professor Yang telling me something changed in my music. It was for the better. That change was Daehyun. I see some of you are already looking around the area. You won’t see him. He…already passed away.

   “Daehyun. I wish you could have met him. I am so proud of him. He told me before that he wanted to be a blessing. He did. He was a blessing to every person he met. Things, for me, spiraled down from there. I fell back—caved in. I had a relapse. It was not pretty, but at that time, it was the easiest way out. Simply put, I slashed my wrists and hoped to die. But God had a better plan for me. What I learned from there is this: things can and will hurt, but only at that moment. Should we focus on the storm, we’d fall. That is why we should look above, and fix our eyes on Him.

   “The best is yet to come. I know this is supposed to be a graduation speech, but it turned out to be a story of my life, instead. Still, the more I think about it, the more I realize I am not the hero here. Because I was always the one who got saved; I was always the one who needed help; I was the one who got picked up by grace.

   “This reward isn’t a result of my own skills. I am not a prodigy, and as you’ve heard, my life…is pretty messed up, really. I made many mistakes along the way, as well. But God…” Myungsoo trailed off, a smile beginning to grace his lips. “He’s a God of plot twists. And I stand here before you, not to display how good I am, but how good God is. To graduate at this age, and to have a job waiting for me—let alone a future wife—it’s amazing. Surely there will be rough days, but marking this time, and remembering this victory when problems arise, I have faith God will pull us through.”


   The closing remarks were said. The togas were thrown heavenwards. The people applauded, stood up from their seats, and prepared to leave. Some patted Myungsoo on the back, and he returned the favor with a hug. Soon, he was standing face to face with Bae Suzy. Her cheeks were rosy, her eyes nothing but a pair of cheerful crescents.

   “Hyung,” Sang Moon began. “Did you just profess your love to my sister in front of thousands of people?”

   “Was that just mere professing?” Mr. Kim added. “I thought it was a marriage proposal—I was actually waiting for the ring.”

   “Dad,” Myungsoo landed a soft punch on his shoulders.

   His father chuckled, before locking him into a tight embrace. “I’m proud of you, son.”

   The two families decided to have a meal together, and that was when Sunggyu called. He congratulated Myungsoo, and apologized for not being there. Everybody talked to him, and before hanging up, the phone was given back to Myungsoo.

   “Send me photos, all right?” Sunggyu said, followed up by his goodbye.

   Myungsoo set his phone down on the table. He was sitting across Suzy. Gently, he placed his hand over hers, and their fingers intertwined. The both of them looked outside the window, admiring the soft, pink petals that fell from the array of trees.

   It was spring.

   Suzy wouldn’t miss Myungsoo’s birthday anymore.

   All was well with them.

"So Jacob served seven years for Rachel, and they seemed only a few days to him because of the love he had for her."
- Genesis 29:20

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Chapter 17: This is such a beautiful story! However I feel like it's written for Christians? I'm not sure if you're intending to preach secretly in the story so I cant focus on the main plot. =/
Chapter 38: It is spring again, and I return to this story again too because It is a meaningful and so well written story.
Chapter 38: I always return to read it again.
Chapter 29: Its too warm
Chapter 13: Great writting.. great..!!!!
Chapter 12: Myungsoo was. For once happy... Its hurting...
Chapter 6: A thumbs up for ur innocence author nim
Chapter 3: Oh the entry of a mischievous boy there... Nam wohyun...
Chapter 38: I’m happy how things turn out at the end. Thank you for showing us how great God’s love for us is. I hope you’ll keep on writing! :)
Chapter 12: I’ve reread this every year around this time and I still cannot get over the fact that Daehyun dies.