Diana's Food

I need You, Kim Jongin.

I Need You, Kim Jong In



Kai's POV


I was walked to the school with Stella and that guy, Lu Han. They were silent, maybe because of the 'Sleep Together' incident.


"So, you really slept with Kai?" He asked


"NO!!!" she said




"What are you talking about, stupid?" She said


"The truth" I smirked.



As usually at school Stella will following me and bring me lunch. But when breaks she's gone. To the Lu Han's classroom. So I should buy my lunch and ate by myself. After soccer, Stella usually waiting for me and bring me drink and towel, but now I should bought my drink first and I didn't bring my towel. All of my friends asked why Stella doesn't with me today, and I sick of that question. When Math started, Mrs. Choi asked for homework and I haven't done that. Usually Stella will show me her homework in the morning. Mrs. Choi punished me and made me stood in the corridor. One day without you is , Stella. And then suddenly I saw her out from the class and stood beside me.


"What are you doing here?"




"No, I mean why?"


"I haven't finished my homework"


It's impossible.



The bell was ringing and it's time to go home.


"Kai, you can go first. Me and Lu Han oppa will go to the bookstore" She said


No....you can't!


"No. You should....ah...you should..." I thinking




"You should accompany me to buy Diana's food"


"Kai, you can buy it by yourself"


"No....you should decide which the best...food is"




"Kai, I can't"


"I take it as okay"


I drag her out from the school before Lu Han come


"Oppa, I'm sorry I should accompany Kai to the pet shop"

"Ne. Next time okay?"

"Tomorrow is fine"

"All right, then"


Tomorrow? What should I do tomorrow?



Your POV



"Oppa, I'm sorry I should accompany Kai to the pet shop"


"Ok, we can do it next time"


"Ne. Next time okay?"


"How about tomorrow?"


"Tomorrow is fine"


"Ok, take care. I'll hang up"


"All right, then"


If it is not for Kai, I wouldn't cancel my promise to Lu Han oppa.



"So, do you really haven't finished your homework? You know, Mrs. Choi"


"Of course" I lied.


"I thought...”




"I thought you want to be with me, standing"


Honestly, I have finished my homework. Today I decided to stay away from him. When breaks I went to Lu Han oppa classroom and I didn't bring Kai's lunch. When soccer, I didn't bring Kai's drink and towel. When I saw him, he didn't bring her towel. I want to give him a towel and drink, but I decided to stay here. When Mrs. Choi asked for homework, I forgot to show him my homework this morning. I feel sorry for him for all the things this day. So, when Mrs. Choi asked for my homework, I said that I haven't finished it. And then I can stand beside him in the corridor. I missed him for today. When Kai said that I should accompany him to the pet shop and cancel my promise to Lu Han oppa, I'm happy and feel sorry too to Lu Han oppa. But, as long as I'm with Kai, I'll be happy.



"Woahh!!!! The handsome guy these days!!!" The one of the shop workers pointed to Kai. They are all girls so don't wondering why they freaking out when saw Kai.


Kai just nodded and smiled to the workers.


"You want to buy some dog food again? What happens to the food which you bought yesterday?" The workers asked


He bought it yesterday? So, why he bought it again today and asked me to decide which is the best?


I Need You, Kim Jong In

A/N; Helloooooo^^ what do you think? Will Lu Han mad to Kai?^^ I'll glad to see you comments and subscribe^^♥

Sorry for my bad english grammar

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THIS STORY'S ENDED!;-; thank you all, it's always on 'stories trending today' everytime I updated it. It's because of you guise ALL!!! THANKS!!♥


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gemmymars #1
Chapter 34: Such a cute ending^^ I really enjoyed reading your story authornim~
rosebell #2
I keep rereading this story, it's just so good!!
Chapter 34: Hapoy ending
Chapter 34: Happy ending ;)
Anikai #5
Chapter 1: I started to read it. ..
PiKai_chu #6
Chapter 34: Yeheyyy.. Happy ending xD #ugly sobs
Chapter 36: Was amazing story author-nim!!!!!!
Chapter 34: It was really sad with luhan part but that was imposible about sehun being nice over someone who he didnt have any feeling xD

i laught when sehun said if he tred being tired! Really funny!

And you are indonesian, good job! Salam kenal author^0^
mega_kimkai #9
Hy too....that your ps really to me....??? Okay i'll subc and comment your fic...this is the first time i read your fic....sorry for late to read your fic....:))