The Trophy

The Olive Branch

"Did you see the way she danced last night? Man, she totally got the moves!"

"The way her body just swayed with the music... It was as if her steps were leading the music!"

"But no one really knows her... What was her name?"

"Who cares? I hope she'll appear next time when we have the spring's dance competition. I can't wait!"

Yuri found it hard to enter the classroom. Sure, she was thrilled to hear all her classmates talk about her, but she felt a bit awkward. She chewed nervously on her bottom lip, staring at the door, which was the only obstacle getting in her way. Every time she tried to reach to slide the door open, her fingers would stop and shake just before it brushed against the wooden wall.

Didn't I want to be popular? Yuri asked herself. I did, didn't I? I got what I wanted, and I just need to admit that it was me. But... I have no evidence of my victory.

"When do you plan to get inside, stupid?"

Yuri gasped, then whipped her head around. She stared at Yunho, who gave her a look of annoyance. In return, she sneered at him. He pushed her to the side and ignored her frown. However, once he stepped inside, the classmates shut their mouths and silenced themselves. Yunho glared at Yuri, who only shrugged in response. 

"Wow! The class is giving you a silent treatment? I wonder why," Jaejoong commented, poking his head into Yunho's business. Yuri almost screamed at Jaejoong's sudden appearance, but realized that he was always with her when the three were walking to school. Jaejoong smirked, then rested his elbow against Yunho's stiff shoulders. "I. Wonder. Why."

"What's with the tone of your voice?" Yunho laughed. "They're probably just being quiet today. Something must've happened--"

"King Yunho shattered down to Number Two Yunho. What do you have to say for your loss to a girl who danced better than you?" Jaejoong questioned Yunho, pretending to hold a microphone. To this, all the classmates stared at Yunho with an intense stare.

Yunho growled. "What are you doing? Just be quiet and head back to your seat, or I won't go to the police station to pick you up next time."

Hearing this, Jaejoong pretended as if he said nothing and walked to his seat near the window. He seemed angry, yet pleased that he managed to make fun of the former "Dancing King." Yunho gritted his teeth and picked the trash can nearby. Yuri gasped, then widened her eyes. He might look handsome, but it was obvious that Yunho was a poor sport when it came to losing to dancing. 

How low, Yuri thought. Jessica was right! Why am I even hanging around with these jerks?

"You're Kwon Yuri, right?" Yuri almost felt her eyes pop out when she turned behind her. Standing in front of her was a charismatic man, who seemed a lot younger than she was. She blinked her eyes, then forced a bright smile. 

"Yes, yes I am! And what may I do for you..." Yuri gazed down at the man's uniform, which seemed different from her. "You... You're not from here, are you?"

The boy with the navy blue uniform shook his head. "Hello! I am Choi Minho, a student from the middle school two streets away from here. I've come to give you this." He pulled out a small statue, engraved with the words "Dance Champion." Yunho widened his eyes, and stared at his bag. 

No way! Yunho thought. That guy stole the trophy from me!

"My brother, the host of the competition, told me that he was supposed to give this to you. I found this in a bag, and I was told to steal it and give it to you with my brother's apology."

"You're such a kind boy!" Yuri exclaimed, admiring the golden trophy. "I love it! It's beautiful in every way! But..." She sniffed it, then scrunched her nose. "It smells like boy sweat."

"That's because the former winner had this trophy for several years, and he's a guy. In fact, he's right there glaring at the back of your head!" Minho said enthusiastically. Yuri flinched, then slowly turned around. She spotted Yunho giving her a deadly look, which made her body tense up. The way he curled his fingers and dug his nails in the palm of his sweaty hands made Yuri fear that he might bleed with rage.


"Sorry? You think an apology will clear this situation? Admit it, you cheated. You cheated and you cheated to win this competition. Was it money that you were after? Girls love money! I wonder how low you are enough to cheat. It's only a competition! You don't have to cheat to win! You could've tried your hardest, like me! Stop hating me for being born in a perfect society!" Yunho yelled. Jaejoong felt the corner of his lips go up, and he held himself back from laughing. 

How hypocritical, Jaejoong thought, shaking his head with amusement. He glanced over at Yuri, who only gave him a look of shock. It was obvious that she did not expect such an irrational behavior from Yunho. 

"Don't get so full of yourself, Kwon Yuri!" 

At that very moment, Yuri suddenly snapped. Her brown eyes hardened into a nasty look of disappointment. The way she frowned showed how she was disappointed at Yunho's childish acts. She was already fed up with his complaints. What part of hard work did he not understand?

"Shut your mouth, Jung Yunho."

This was the first step towards either taking back the title of being the "Dancing Champion" or keeping the precious title.

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8/11/13: Hey guys! I start school tomorrow, which means that there will be MONTHLY updates instead of weekly updates. Yep... Thanks for understanding!


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@DylonShinka: I'm like you enjoyed the fanfic! :D I felt that I kind of rushed it too much, but I'm still glad that you liked the ending. ^_^
DylonShinka #2
Chapter 31: Ahh so happy ending~!
really makes those who read it untouched and curious.
Thank you for your story, it was fun ^^
@ErinKrystal: Well, I'm probably not going to do a sequel (and if I was, it would probably highlight their marriage life or maybe one of their children's life), so yeah. ^^;;
Chapter 31: I hope you do another sequel! This story so interesting! :D
@roxxi1993: Well, I added the epilogue, if that makes you feel any better. :3 I was going to leave it as a cliff-hanger, but I thought that it would be nicer to add an epilogue instead. >_<
Chapter 31: Awww I was hoping for one more chapter before it truly ends!
But its so cute how it all ended!
Yunho finally had the courage to kiss Yuri!
And Jaesica got together after a long time of separation!
Thank you for completing the story!
@Glamgirls: Aha, thank you! ^o^
I love your foreword and description ><
@rapunsyoo: I was planning on having a cliff-hanger, but I decided to just end the story with a short epilogue. :P Thank you for reading! ^_^
Chapter 31: OMG THE EPILOGUE >___<
Yes it's kinda unclear for me but still better than hanging the story tho.
Good job author ^^