The Encounter

The Olive Branch

At night, Yuri couldn't sleep. Whether it was because she was so excited that she won the contest or that she was able to show off her smooth moves, she was ecstatic. She was awarded with money and was supposed to receive a trophy with it. Then she remembered that the past winner wouldn't give in the trophy, and all she was able to take was some paper that could be used to buy whatever she wanted.

Her eyes furrowed. How was she able to prove to her classmates that she won the competition? Sure, she could show them the money, but bringing all those cash would be too risky. The only item she could use to prove that she was the winner was the trophy, and she didn't have it in her hands.

Oh yeah. Who was that guy again? Yun... Yu... Yoo... Yunyoo? Eh, whatever. I'll figure it out tomorrow, she told herself. Before she turned off the lights, she looked at Jessica, who was sleeping on the bed across from her. The two had been sharing the same apartment and room just recently. They both planned to go to the same high school, but after hearing how Jessica wanted to become an entertainer, she went to Kirin High School, leaving Yuri to go to one of the top high schools available: Seoul High School. 

"Good night, Jessica," Yuri whispered.

"Mm," her friend responded. Yuri smiled softly, and turned off the lights. 


"An outrage, I tell you! I'm baffled! Why did she win? Were my clothes not good enough? I practiced with my back-up dancers! Maybe I had too many dancers. Maybe they were all bad! Maybe I failed because they were so bad at dancing, they made me look bad! That has to be the answer! I got to compete with her again. This time, I'll definitely show what kind of dancer I am!" Yunho shouted. The hostility of seeing someone else besides him win the dance competition never left his heart. Since night, he could not get a wink of sleep. 

A sleepy yawn escaped from Jaejoong's lips as he rubbed his sore cheek. "Mm. Well, if you ever cared about my life, I got slapped by this weird girl last night. Kirin is a violent school, I tell you."

"Oh yeah. Do you know where the 'winner' of the dance competition goes to? I hope that she doesn't live too far," Yunho mumbled.

"To be honest, you could've had more practice to dance--"

"Ah! Isn't that the girl? Over there, with that blonde woman."

Before Jaejoong could say a word, Yunho had already took off ahead of him. He heaved a sigh and shook his head. As he quickened his past, his eyes stopped wandering around and spotted a familiar thin branch inside a familiar book. His pace slowed down, and his heart suddenly raced. Although the weather was as cold as ice, he felt his cheeks warm up just from the sight of staring at the blonde woman's back.

Blonde, he thought. As if the woman had read his mind, she stopped abruptly and turned her head. Jaejoong stopped, and watched Yunho approach the other woman besides the blonde girl. Suddenly, Jessica's eyes widened and she gave Jaejoong a dark glare.

"Oh, it's just Lone Wolf," Jessica hissed. Jaejoong snapped out of his mesmerized thoughts and furrowed his eyebrows.

"I see that Blonde is a bit moody today." Jaejoong growled.

Yuri stared at Jessica, then at Jaejoong. "You know him?"

"Last night he's the guy who called me 'Blonde.' Rude," Jessica muttered.

"You remember me, right?" Yunho asked Jessica, pointing at himself. Jessica examined Yunho from head to toe, then tilted her head. "Um... I'm the one who you told to hurry down and dance. Remember? Last night?"

Jessica pointed at Yunho with her index finger. "Oh! You're the guy who made me wait forever since Yuri couldn't leave until we saw your dance. To be honest, it wasn't even that good. You could've prac--"

"Yuri? So the champion's name is Yuri?" Yunho asked. He eyed at Yuri, who gave him uncertain look.

"Do I know you?" she asked.

"It's me, the guy who was supposed to give you the trophy," Yunho said. Yuri clasped her hand.

"Oh! Perfect! Are you here to return the trophy?"

Yunho snorted and crossed his arms. "As if. Why would I give something valuable to you?"

"... Because I won--"

"Because you cheated," Yunho started. "You cheated, and you probably caused some kind of weird spell on those people. What? Were you flirting with them? Were you giving them money? Here, I'll give you money, too." He turned to Jaejoong and rubbed his fingers to signal that he wanted cash. "How much? I can give you as many as you want. I can give you all of my money if you want. How--"


Yunho blinked his eyes and stared at Jessica, who seemed to be fuming over their current conversation. "Excuse me?"

"How disgusting. You think you can buy hard work? You can't buy what you lost like this. Look, if you took the time to practice and not waste your money on some flashy clothes, you might've actually won. Look at Yuri! Did you see her last night? The way she grooved and moved her hips? Didn't you hear the girls cheer and the guys whistle? She was wearing such a simple outfit and saved money, and she practiced all night to perfect an occasion where she would be invited to dance like this. You think you can just buy her pride and take whatever she deserved to earn? Ha! If you think that money if everything, go waste your money on whatever you want and tell me how it feels like to live a life with filthy paper in your hands. Disgusting, just plainly gross," Jessica spat.

Yuri gently tugged on Jessica's sleeves. "Cool down, Jessica. He means no harm. He's just a kid--"

"And you! Lone Wolf!" Jessica shouted, diverting her attention to Jaejoong. He seemed quite surprised that he was being spoken to, since usually everyone wasted their time on talking to Yunho. "Is this guy your friend?"

"We consider this as friendship," Yunho answered.

"Shut it. I never asked you," Jessica snarled. She turned back to Jaejoong and gave him a crossed look. "Well? Is he your friend?"

No. "Like he said, we consider this as friendship," Jaejoong responded. 

It took a while for Jessica to show any reactions. Then, she let out a bitter laugh and shook her head.

"You two are disgusting. Really. You're not living a life with friendships. How sad."

"Cool it, Jess!" Yuri scolded. "Let's just part ways now. You're going to be late for school."

"That's okay. I'll skip," the other woman answered.

"Skip? You can't skip! That's a bad impress--"

"I'll skip with you." Everyone stared at Jaejoong with wide eyes. Jaejoong stare at the rest, then innocently blinked his eyes. "What? I can't go to school now. I might get a suspension notice for getting into a fight a few days ago, and I don't want to go through all those lectures from the teachers--"

"I'm going to school! See you, Yuri," Jessica stuttered. She took off to the other direction before anyone could figure out Jessica's change of mind.

Jaejoong sighed, then walked over to Yuri. Now being alone with Jaejoong, somehow Yuri found him a lot more scarier than he was when Jessica was around. Her back cringed and her eyes were glued on Jaejoong's dark gaze. Then, he dropped his hand to the side and extended it towards Yuri.

"Want me to carry your bag?" he offered.

Yuri turned bright red, and she shook her head. "N-No! Why would you think..."

"You looked frozen stiff and tired. You look like Yunho when he doesn't get any sleep. Hey Yunho! I found a girl version of you," Jaejoong joked. Yunho flushed his cheeks and gave Jaejoong an irritated look.

"Since when did you start talking to other people?" Yunho snapped.

Jaejoong just shrugged. "I don't know. I just want to know why she has that olive branch."

"Who has a what?"

Jaejoong paused, then smirked. "No, nothing."

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8/11/13: Hey guys! I start school tomorrow, which means that there will be MONTHLY updates instead of weekly updates. Yep... Thanks for understanding!


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@DylonShinka: I'm like you enjoyed the fanfic! :D I felt that I kind of rushed it too much, but I'm still glad that you liked the ending. ^_^
DylonShinka #2
Chapter 31: Ahh so happy ending~!
really makes those who read it untouched and curious.
Thank you for your story, it was fun ^^
@ErinKrystal: Well, I'm probably not going to do a sequel (and if I was, it would probably highlight their marriage life or maybe one of their children's life), so yeah. ^^;;
Chapter 31: I hope you do another sequel! This story so interesting! :D
@roxxi1993: Well, I added the epilogue, if that makes you feel any better. :3 I was going to leave it as a cliff-hanger, but I thought that it would be nicer to add an epilogue instead. >_<
Chapter 31: Awww I was hoping for one more chapter before it truly ends!
But its so cute how it all ended!
Yunho finally had the courage to kiss Yuri!
And Jaesica got together after a long time of separation!
Thank you for completing the story!
@Glamgirls: Aha, thank you! ^o^
I love your foreword and description ><
@rapunsyoo: I was planning on having a cliff-hanger, but I decided to just end the story with a short epilogue. :P Thank you for reading! ^_^
Chapter 31: OMG THE EPILOGUE >___<
Yes it's kinda unclear for me but still better than hanging the story tho.
Good job author ^^