Meeting the child (part 1)

Babysitting with the Stars

Woohyun practically danced into the kitchen that morning, humming an upbeat tune, as he opened the fridge and grabbed the orange juice carton.

Sungyeol eyed him suspiciously from the couch, while Dongwoo sat beside Sungyeol and cheerfully munched on his cereal, excited to watch his morning cartoons.

Sungyeol nudged Dongwoo. “What’s up with him?”

“Hm?” Dongwoo turned around to glance at Woohyun who was in the kitchen, admiring his own reflection in a spoon. “What do you mean? He seems fine to me.”

“No he’s not! Don’t you remember the other day he was all upset because of Kim Sunggyu? Oh right…you were too busy flirting with that rapper guy!”

Dongwoo blushed and shoved Sungyeol. “N-no I wasn’t!”

“But anyways, he was supposed to be filming with Kim Sunggyu the other day…so why is he so happy?” Sungyeol questioned.

“I don’t know…” Dongwoo shrugged. “Maybe while they were filming a piano fell on Kim Sunggyu, and now he’s dead! No! That’s horrible! Why would Woohyun be so happy about that?! What if he was the one who dropped the piano?!” Dongwoo panicked and grabbed onto Sungyeol’s arm, lowering his voice. “…what if Woohyun’s a killer?!”

“How can you even say that?! That’s just stupid!” Sungyeol hissed and then paused, observing how Woohyun was skillfully slicing some fruit.

“He is pretty good with a knife…” Dongwoo noted.

“T-That doesn’t mean…” Sungyeol laughed nervously.

“And remember that time we bought that fish?” Dongwoo pointed out. “He just butchered it like that! He didn’t even blink when he cut the head off!”

“Holy ! We’re living with a murderer!” Sungyeol gasped.

“Shhh!” Dongwoo put his hand over Sungyeol’s mouth. “He’ll hear us!”

“Morning~” Woohyun squeezed in between the two on the couch, holding his bowl of freshly cut fruit. “What’re you talking about?”

“Uh...” Dongwoo looked to Sungyeol for assistance.

“Oh nothing!” Sungyeol laughed loudly. “Just…uh you know the weather, and…current events!”

Woohyun gave him a weird look. “Are you guys ok?

“Of course we are!” Dongwoo forced a huge toothy smile.

“The real question is, are you ok?” Sungyeol put an arm around Woohyun. “How’s our best buddy doing in his life? Anything interesting happen?”

“Oh not really~” Woohyun looked down and smiled at his fruit. Dongwoo and Sungyeol exchanged horrified looks.

“Really?” Sungyeol continued. “Nothing at all? What about with…Kim Sunggyu? Didn’t you guys have a filming a couple of days ago?”

“Yeah…we did.” Woohyun nodded coyly.

“And?! Was he a jerk to you again?” Sungyeol prodded.

Woohyun smiled at Dongwoo and Sungyeol. “That won’t be a problem anymore.”

“W-What do you mean by that?” Dongwoo asked nervously.

“It means it sorted itself out.” Woohyun answered and fished his cell phone out of his pocket, checking the time. “I gotta go.” He handed Dongwoo the bowl of fruit and got up. “See you guys later.”

“Wait! Where’re you going?!” Sungyeol shouted.

“…To work?” Woohyun grinned. “What’s up with you guys today?”

 “R-right…” Sungyeol laughed awkwardly.

“H-Have fun!” Dongwoo waved, as Woohyun headed out the door. They waited a few minutes until they were sure Woohyun was out of ear shot.

“He totally killed him!” Sungyeol shrieked, as Dongwoo popped an apple slice from Woohyun’s fruit bowl into his mouth. “Ya!” Sungyeol swatted the bowl out of Dongwoo’s hands. “What’re you doing?!”

“I’m hungry!” Dongwoo pouted.

“Stupid! Don’t eat that! What if he poisoned it?!” Sungyeol shouted.

“Oh my god! I didn’t even think of that!” Dongwoo stared wide eyed at the fruit splattered all over the floor.


Woohyun, with his manager, Man Suk, walked into the studio, where they were going to film meeting the child for the first time. When Woohyun spotted Sunggyu, he raced ahead of Man Suk and wrapped his arms around Sunggyu from behind.

“Morning hyung!”

“W-what are you doing?!” Sunggyu shoved him away embarrassed by the looks people were giving them.

“I’m just happy to see you~” Woohyun smiled. Sunggyu blushed slightly, feeling uncomfortable with how Woohyun’s attitude towards him had completely changed.

“I-Its weird…stop smiling at me like that…” Sunggyu mumbled. “It was almost better when you hated me…”

Woohyun pouted. “Hyung! Don’t say that! I’m sorry, I’ll stop ok?” He backed off. “I just want to make it up to you…”

“I already told you, you don’t owe me anything…” Sunggyu sighed. “But even if you did, is this how you would make it up to me? By being all creepy and weird?”

“Creepy and weird?” Woohyun latched onto Sunggyu’s arm and looked up at him with puffed up cheeks and glassy eyes. “Is that what you really think hyung? That I’m creepy and weird?”

Sunggyu gulped and looked away. “Y-You’re not supposed to be cute…t-that’s the kid’s job!”

“Hyung, you think I’m cute?”

“I-I didn’t say that!”

“I’m pretty sure you did~”

“N-No I didn’t! There’s nothing cute about a grown man doing aegyo!” Sunggyu exclaimed and then stumbled off awkwardly. Woohyun watched him go with an amused expression, making a mental note, to prove Sunggyu wrong on that.


“Ok since the social worker is running a little late, we’re going to have you two participate in some babysitting training.” The MC told Woohyun and Sunggyu, who were being filmed on a set that was made to look like a child’s playroom with bright yellow walls, and toys scattered all over the fluffy carpet.

“Babysitting training?”

“Since in the previous episode, you both said you didn’t have any experience caring for children.”

“Well that is true…” Woohyun nodded.

“Great, take these.” They were handed two baby dolls.

Sunggyu eyed the doll. “What are we supposed to do with these?”

“First, we’ll have a competition to see who can change their baby’s diaper the fastest.” The staff rolled in some changing tables, as the MC spoke. “Then we’ll have this child care specialist choose the winner.” He gestured to a forty something woman with glasses and a disapproving glare plastered on her face.

“1, 2, 3, Go!” Sunggyu and Woohyun rushed to the tables. .

“How do I open the diaper bag?!” Woohyun questioned, frantically.

Sunggyu turned to Woohyun with a dry look. “Are you serious?”

“It’s really hard to open hyung! Here try it!” He shoved the bag towards Sunggyu, who opened it within seconds.

“Wah! Hyung why are so amazing?!” Woohyun applauded.

Sunggyu sighed. “I’m not amazing, you’re just dumb…”

“Hyung was really born to be a mother.” Woohyun nodded in a matter of fact tone.

Sunggyu rolled his eyes. “Don’t you mean a father?”


“Times up!” The MC announced. “And…you both failed.”

“But I got further than hyung!” Woohyun exclaimed. “Doesn’t that I mean I win?”

“Ya!” Sunggyu pouted and shoved Woohyun lightly. “That’s because you made me open the bag!” Woohyun didn’t say anything and just laughed. “Is the kid almost here?” Sunggyu sighed.

The MC glanced at the producers. “The social worker should be bringing—.” Suddenly they heard loud crying and the MC turned to Woohyun and Sunggyu. “Your child’s here!”

The cameras followed Woohyun and Sunggyu as they walked up to a frazzled lady, who was holding hands with a crying child.

She looked up with tired eyes when she saw them approach. “You must be the pair who are taking care of this child.”

“Nice to meet you.” Woohyun smiled politely, but the woman barely paid him any attention.

“Ok, great.” She pushed the child towards them. “Have fun.” And at that, she was gone, hurriedly rushing out of the studio. Woohyun and Sunggyu were confused and just stood there dumbly, while the kid continued crying.

“Uh…there, there.” Sunggyu said in a robotic voice. The child stopped for a moment and looked up at Sunggyu with watery eyes and a red face.

Woohyun knelt down in front of the child. “Why are you crying cutie pie?” The child stared Woohyun in the eyes, and then pointed at Woohyun’s face.


Woohyun grinned and patted the child’s cheek. “You think I’m pretty? Well this oppa thinks you’re pretty as well. You’re prettier than a princess~”

The child frowned, bottom lip quivering. “W-wait what’s wrong?” Woohyun asked.

“I-I’m not a princess!” The child cried. “I’m a boy!”

Woohyun’s jaw dropped, while Sunggyu struggled to hold back his laughter.

“Hyung it’s not funny!” Woohyun frowned. “His clothes are very gender neutral! It’s hard to tell!”

Sunggyu knelt down as well, and put a hand on the boy’s head. “Ya…aren’t you a man?” The boy looked up at Sunggyu, who grinned slightly. “Real men don’t cry ok?”

“R-real men?” The boy sniffled.

“Yeah.” Sunggyu nodded with a tough expression and the boy’s eyes sparkled in admiration. “Now what’s your name kid?”

“P-Park Hyun Su…” The boy murmured softly. “I-I’m six…”

Sunggyu ruffled his hair. “Hyun Su? Nice to meet you…I’m Sunggyu appa, and this is Woohyun appa.”

“W-where’s umma?” Hyun Su asked.

“Uh…well there isn’t one…” Woohyun said, and then smiled. “You’re going to have two appas, Hyun Su~”

Hyun Su didn’t seem to like this idea and looked as if he was about to start crying again.

“Ok ok!” Sunggyu stopped him. “Uh...Woohyun can be your umma!”

Woohyun pouted. “Why do I have to? Hyung should be the mom!”

“No way!” Sunggyu argued. “Besides he already said you were pretty!”

“So? Fathers can’t be pretty in this day and age?” Woohyun countered. “And plus you’re pretty too hyung!”

“Me?” Sunggyu blinked.

“Of course!” Woohyun exclaimed. “Haven’t you looked in a mirror lately?!”

“A-Anyways…” The MC cut in. “How about we all sit down so we can learn more about Hyun Su?”

“Oh right…” Woohyun nodded, and smiled at Hyun Su. “Wanna hold hands with appa Hyun Su?”

Hyun Su ignored Woohyun’s offer, and grabbed onto Sunggyu’s hand instead. Woohyun smiled uncomfortably in an attempt to mask his hurt feelings. Sunggyu noticed, and tried to send Woohyun a comforting glance, but the younger man didn’t notice, and  forced a smile and nodded at something the MC was saying.


Weird random end to a boring chapter OTL

I wasn't even going to update until next week, but you guys are so nice and wrote such lovely comments I just had to^^

Thank you so much for subscribing and for the comments and the upvotes! <3<3<3

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Thank you for reading everyone! Maybe we'll meet again in the sequel?^^


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Chapter 14: I really love woohyun sjhdhdj he's cute
Chapter 7: dongwoo and sungyeol can't be real seriously shdhsh
Chapter 6: This chapter is hilarious sdsff love it
Chapter 5: cute cuteee
Chapter 4: I really enjoy your writing!
Chapter 3: woohyun is so cuteee
Chapter 2: i'm laughing so hard, this part is funny! I love your humour
Chapter 1: It's gonna be interesting!!!
Simran20 #9
Chapter 51: Really Miss this kind of Fics now a days.
Simran20 #10
Chapter 38: Rereading it after a long time. Still it remains one of my favorite Fics.