Bringing Hyun Su home

Babysitting with the Stars

Later, that evening, long after the so-called housewarming party had ended Woohyun was sitting on the bed, reading over the study packet Man Suk had sent him. He didn’t realize there was so much that one had to know before taking in a child.

He sat up, when he heard the front door open, indicating Sunggyu was home. Woohyun leapt off the bed and almost rushed to the door, but then stopped himself, realizing that would make him seem too clingy. He let out a nervous sigh, smoothed down his hair, and attempted to keep a cool pace as he entered the living room.

But, the moment he spotted Sunggyu in the entrance way, running a hand through his slightly wet black hair, Woohyun froze in his steps. Sunggyu looked up after removing his shoes, and noticed Woohyun standing there, gawking at him.

“What?” Sunggyu grinned, as he peeled off his rain jacket that was somewhat dampened from the rain storm. “You’re not even going to welcome me home or anything?”

“O-Oh right…I just—.” Woohyun took a step forward, still entranced with Sunggyu’s slightly wet appearance, not even noticing the neon pink soccer ball lying on the floor. He accidentally stepped over it and ended up tripping and falling flat on his face.

“A-Are you ok?” Sunggyu immediately rushed to his side.

“Mmm...I think…” Woohyun mumbled, as he raised his head slightly to look at the older man. There were red marks on Woohyun’s forehead and chin, and his nose was also slightly pink.

“Jeez what’s wrong with you?” Sunggyu sighed, as he knelt down beside Woohyun. He hesitantly reached his hand out and touched Woohyun’s cheek. But when Woohyun flinched slightly, Sunggyu retracted his hand. He stared at the younger man with a look of concern. “Does it hurt a lot?”

“No…it’s fine.” Woohyun sent him a small reassuring smile, as he stood up.

“Are you ok to stand?” Sunggyu asked, worriedly, as he held out his arms.

“Why?” Woohyun grinned. “Is hyung going to carry me?”

Sunggyu rolled his eyes. “I just got back from a long hard day’s work! I’m exhausted. How am I supposed to carry you?”

“I was just kidding hyung~” Woohyun chuckled. “Besides…I’m probably too heavy anyways…” Sunggyu frowned. He didn’t like the way Woohyun was always inadvertently putting himself down, and wanted to say something to make him feel better.

“Dummy, y-you’re only heavy because you have all those muscles!” Sunggyu blurted out, but then realized that probably wasn’t the best thing to say.

Woohyun just stared at him for a moment, with an unreadable expression.

“Uh…I-I mean you’re probably not that heavy.” Sunggyu tried to say, but paused when he realized Woohyun wincing slightly as he gingerly touched his forehead. “You should put some ice on that.” Sunggyu told him, as he grabbed onto Woohyun’s wrist and guided him into the living room. “Sit.” He instructed, before heading to the kitchen to get an ice pack from the freezer. Sunggyu wrapped the ice pack in a towel as he sat down beside Woohyun on the couch.

“Thanks.” Woohyun held out his hands to receive the ice pack, but Sunggyu ignored him, and pressed the ice pack to Woohyun’s forehead. “Ow! That hurts hyung!”

“Well it’s your own fault for not looking at where you were going.” Sunggyu scolded.

“That was your fault hyung!” Woohyun pouted.

“What?” Sunggyu blinked. “Why’s it my fault?”

“Uh…” Woohyun eyed the floor, obviously not willing to explain that he was too distracted by Sunggyu’s appearance to look where he was going. “N-Never mind…but hyung you should change. Your clothes are all wet.”

“Huh? Oh yeah I will…” Sunggyu sighed. “I swear, Hyun Su’s not even here yet, and it already seems like I’m taking care of a child.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Woohyun folded his arms.

“It means you’re a baby.” Sunggyu smirked as he lightly poked Woohyun’s nose.

“Oh yeah?” Woohyun put on a smug expression. “Could a baby prepare a delicious amazing dinner and clean the entire house?”

Sunggyu blinked in amazement. “You did all that?”

“Well it’s not like I had anything else to do.” Woohyun shrugged. “Oh yeah, and I was also looking over the study packet that Man Suk hyung sent.”

“Study packet?”

“Remember? For the test the social workers are going to give us.”

“Oh right….” Sunggyu nodded, as he watched Woohyun disappear into the bedroom. He came out moments later, with his laptop in hand, and sat down beside Sunggyu. They read over the information and went through the practice tests for about an hour, while they ate dinner on the couch. Afterwards, they changed into their pajamas and watched TV as Sunggyu told Woohyun about how his work went. He told him about some crazy thing his manager, Sang Hyun had done, during an interview. And Woohyun laughed and exchanged his own funny story about his own manager, Man Suk. They continued on like that, just laughing and talking.

“Ah…it’s already midnight.” Woohyun commented, after glancing at his phone.

“We should go to bed…” Sunggyu stretched out his arms over his head.

He didn’t even realize that the time had just flown by. Sure, he was tired, but he also felt a sort of contentment. He figured it had something to do with Woohyun being there. At Sunggyu’s place, he usually returned to a dark, cold and empty space so he wasn’t used to having someone at home waiting for him. He thought it would be kind of annoying, but he actually didn’t mind it much, and thought it was kind of nice—coming home to a warm home and cooked food, with someone to talk to.

I wonder if this is what being married feels like…” Sunggyu thought to himself, and then laughed off the thought, realizing how ridiculous he sounded, even if it was only in his own head. He lay down on the bed, and noticed Woohyun beside him, looking at something on his phone.

“What’re you doing?” Sunggyu asked.

“Hm?” Woohyun looked up. “Oh it’s nothing…Dongwoo and Sungyeol just texted me. They said that the video of the competition thing we had this morning was uploaded and apparently it got really popular.”

“Already?” Sunggyu asked, as Woohyun opened up his laptop. “That was fast…”

“I know right?” Woohyun grinned, as he went on the Babysitting with the Stars official website. Sunggyu peered over his shoulder. “You want to see it hyung?” Woohyun asked, when he noticed Sunggyu scooting closer to him.

“Ah…I-I just…I mean people keep saying we’re popular or whatever so I just wanted to see what kinds of things people were saying about us.” Sunggyu explained, as Woohyun moved the laptop slightly, so they could both see. He scrolled down to the comments section. There were quite a few comments that said something about the two fans, Jinyoung and Ji Won being the luckiest people ever. But the most popular comments were:

WooGyu is the cutest couple in the whole show <3


The only reason I watch this show is for woogyu^^

Sunggyu blinked. “What’s woogyu?”

“Woohyun plus Sunggyu equals woogyu.” Woohyun explained, feeling slightly embarrassed. “I-It’s our couple name hyung.”

“Pfft…what?” Sunggyu snorted. “People come up with some pretty funny things…”

“Uh…yeah I guess.” Woohyun nodded, seeming to be far less amused than Sunggyu, as he closed his laptop and placed it on the night stand beside him.

“What’s wrong?” Sunggyu asked.

“It’s just…” Woohyun leaned back resting his head on the headboard. “W-Why do they think that…I just wonder about that.”

Sunggyu shrugged. “I don’t know…It’s just something girls like to do…”

“Yeah…I guess.” Woohyun slid down to rest his head on his pillow. They sat in silence for a while, with the only light coming for the small lamp on Woohyun’s nightstand.

Sunggyu couldn’t help but think about Woohyun’s sleep talking, and that mysterious hyung he had proposed to. Then he noticed Woohyun’s staring at him from the corner of his eye.

“What?” Sunggyu scooted closer to the younger man.

“Uh…i-its nothing…” Woohyun mumbled and attempted to back away, but Sunggyu suddenly grabbed his wrists and pinned him down. “W-What’re you…?”

“Where were you going?” Sunggyu asked, as he lay on top off Woohyun.

“N-Nowhere…” Woohyun averted his gaze.

“Then why were you backing away?” Sunggyu noticed Woohyun’s cheeks go pink. “And why are you getting all embarrassed?”

“I-I’m not!” Woohyun stammered.

“Then why can’t you look at me?” Woohyun held in his breath as he met Sunggyu’s gaze. “Your face is all red.” Sunggyu chuckled softly, as he hesitantly moved his hand to caress Woohyun’s cheek.

“Hyung, t-this is—.”

“Who was that hyung in your dream?” Sunggyu interrupted.

“W-What?” Woohyun’s eyes went wide.

“I know you didn’t say Hyuna…” Sunggyu sighed.

“I-I’m not…like that…” Woohyun stuttered.

“Like what?” Sunggyu noticed Woohyun looked like he was at his wit’s end, so he decided to let it go for now.

“I-It’s not you…” Woohyun’s voice was practically a whisper.


“T-The dream…i-it wasn’t about you hyung.”

“Ok…?” Sunggyu blinked, as he started to get up off Woohyun. “I never thought that—” Woohyun suddenly grabbed the collar of Sunggyu’s shirt and pulled him back, so that they were closer than before.

“W-What’re you doing?” Sunggyu murmured softly.

“I-It wasn’t you.” Woohyun repeated, his eyes studying Sunggyu’s for a moment before lowering his gaze slightly.

“Why do you keep saying that?” Sunggyu put on an amused expression. “I might think it really was about me.”

“N-No.” Woohyun protested, though his eyes were locked on Sunggyu’s mouth.

“No?” Sunggyu leaned closer, and Woohyun squeezed his eyes shut. “Ya…what’re you closing your eyes for?” Sunggyu poked Woohyun’s cheek, causing the younger to open his eyes again.

“I-I just—.” Woohyun paused, when he felt Sunggyu’s lips on his chin. He froze, his whole face heating up, and the only sound he was able to emit was a helpless whimper. “Why are you so cute?” Sunggyu chuckled, as his thumb Woohyun’s chin.

“K-K…” Woohyun was far too confused and flustered to form proper sentences. “W-Why…?

Sunggyu sat up, crawling off Woohyun. “Is your face ok now?”


“When you fell on your face before…doesn’t it still hurt? I figured it might have still been sore, so I was just trying to make you feel better.”

“F-Face…?” Woohyun slowly sat up, blinking dumbly at Sunggyu.

“Jeez, did your brain get damaged when you fell?” Sunggyu joked, as he reached out to ruffle Woohyun’s hair.

Woohyun merely looked down, and pulled at his sleeves, his face still felt hot and his heart was still racing. He didn’t understand anything of what just happened. Of why he felt so shaken up because of Sunggyu. Or why he had wanted to kiss Sunggyu.

He bit his lip, as he contemplated, and then realized the answer was so obvious. It was what he had told Sungyeol earlier. His current dating life was practically nonexistent, so of course he wanted to kiss someone. He hadn’t been with a girl for months, and he was just in need of some...well you know.

These thoughts gave him a sense of relief, and he smiled to himself and nodded happily.

“What’s wrong with you?” Sunggyu raised an eyebrow.

“Hm?” Woohyun grinned, an idea forming in his head. “Oh it’s nothing~”

“Really?” Sunggyu folded his arms, and eyed Woohyun suspiciously. Suddenly Woohyun turned to him with a menacing grin. “Wait…what’re you doing?” Sunggyu backed away cautiously.

“Attack!” Woohyun shouted, as he swiftly tackled Sunggyu, sending them both tumbling off the bed onto the ground.

“Ahh, what’re you doing?!” Sunggyu laughed, as Woohyun assaulted him with tickles.

“It’s my revenge!” Woohyun announced with a sneaky smirk. He poked Sunggyu’s stomach, causing the other to let out a slight moan. Woohyun immediately blushed and got off Sunggyu.

“What?” Sunggyu asked, innocently looking up at Woohyun. “Is that it?”

“Uh….w-we should get to bed. It’s late.” Woohyun stated, already tucking himself in.

“Ah, you’re right.” Sunggyu nodded and followed suit. “Good night Woohyunnie.”

“N-Night hyung.”


The next morning, they headed off to the orphanage to take the exam. Their managers came to pick them up and the four of them loaded up into the black van Sunggyu frequently used. Sang Hyun drove, while Man Suk sat in the passenger seat, leaving Woohyun and Sunggyu seated in the back.

Woohyun drummed his fingers on his knees nervously. He wondered if he had studied enough. He thought about what would happen if he didn’t pass.

What if Sunggyu passed and he failed? Would they kick him off the show, and continue on with Hyun Su and Sunggyu alone? Would there be a chance for him to retake the test? He had forgotten to check on that, and then started to panic when he realized he hadn’t asked about a lot of things regarding the test. He’d been taking it too easy. He wanted to slap himself for not concentrating more and for not studying more.

Suddenly he felt a hand on his thigh, and glanced to his side at Sunggyu, who patted Woohyun’s thigh once more before holding out his hand for Woohyun to take. Woohyun smiled and gripped onto Sunggyu’s hand tightly.

“I’m nervous too…” Sunggyu said, his eyes focused on the road.


“Of course.” Sunggyu turned to Woohyun. “If we fail, Hyun Su’ll never forgive us.”

Woohyun grinned. “What’re you talking about hyung? Hyun Su loves you. It’s me he won’t forgive.”

“Don’t say that. Hyun Su likes you too.”

“Yeah…but he likes you best.” Woohyun sighed. “I don’t even blame him. I like hyung better too.”

“What?” Sunggyu blinked.

“I-I just mean…if I was in Hyun Su’s shoes, I would prefer a father like hyung.”

“Tch, what are you saying?” Sunggyu shoved Woohyun lightly from embarrassment.

“I’m serious!” Woohyun grinned. “I wish hyung was my appa~ Gyu appa~”

Sunggyu rolled his eyes. “Why would a grown man being dong aegyo towards his father?”

“Aw c’mon! Who wouldn’t want to have an adorable son like this?” Woohyun shot Sunggyu his best eye smile, and started doing bunny aegyo complete with cutesy sound effects. “Gyu appa~”

“Aigoo, come here you little…!” Sunggyu grabbed Woohyun into a head lock and started ruffling up his hair.

“Ah hyung wait!” Woohyun whined. “You’re messing up my hair!”

“They sure are noisy, huh?” Man Suk sighed.

“Yeah.” Sang Hyun grinned, as he stopped at a red light. “But it’s kind of nice since Sunggyu’s usually pretty quiet. That kid needs to have some fun.”

Man Suk snorted. “Woohyun’s the opposite. That kid has way too much fun.”

Sang Hyun smirked. “Well I guess that means they’re perfect for each other.”

“Yeah….” Man Suk nodded with a grin. “I guess you’re right.”


After successfully passing the test, Woohyun and Sunggyu were allowed to see Hyun Su, who was outside playing with the other kids. The moment he spotted Sunggyu and Woohyun walking towards him, Hyun Su abandoned the other children in an instant and rushed up to them.

“Appa!” Hyun Su ran to Sunggyu, who smiled and scooped the child up in his arms.

“Did you miss us Hyun Su?” Woohyun patted Hyun Su on the head. Hyun Su stared at Woohyun for a moment before reaching out and poking Woohyun’s cheek. “What’re you doing?” Woohyun blinked.

“You look pretty today ahjussi.” Hyun Su stated. Sunggyu burst out laughing, while Woohyun just stared at the child in Sunggyu’s arms, in shock.

“Anyways…” Sunggyu said, after calming down a bit.

“Why don’t we take Hyun Su out for hot chocolate?” Woohyun suggested.

“Can we?” Sunggyu looked to the director for approval.

“No we cannot do that.” The director shot them an annoyed look. “What? You think we can just willy nilly do whatever we pleasey? Well guess what we can’t—.”

“Actually they can take Hyun Su for hot chocolate.” The social worked interrupted. “It’s totally fine with us. After all, they passed the exam.”

“Oh…” The director paused. “Well then…I guess we’re going to get hot cocoa.”


“Oppa! I love you!” A fangirl screeched, as Sunggyu, Woohyun and Hyun Su walked down the street towards the nearest café with the cameraman and the director ahead of them. Sunggyu sent the fans, who were following behind them, polite smiles.

“Woohyun oppa, you’re so cute!”

“Did you hear that hyung?” Woohyun turned to Sunggyu with wide eyes. “Your fan says I’m cute!”

Sunggyu grinned. “Actually I think that’s your fan.”

“W-What?” Woohyun turned around to find the girl, who had screamed his name. “Who was it?!” He asked. “Who’s my fan? Come here so I can give you a hug!” He announced, wearing a greasy smile as he spread his arms out. The huge crowd of girls screamed and started rushing towards him. “W-Wait…” Woohyun paused. “W-Why are you all…?”

“Everyone calm down!” The director announced, and the fans actually listened.

They all stood in front of Woohyun, Sunggyu and Hyun Su, in a surprisingly civilized row. Some got out their cameras and phones and flashed pictures, while others attempted to hand them gifts. Woohyun couldn’t believe what was happening, and looked to Sunggyu for an answer. Sunggyu merely smiled and patted Woohyun on the shoulder, and the fangirls went wild.

“OMG you’re so cute Woohyun oppa!” A brown haired fangirl cried.

“Thanks!” Woohyun was practically beaming.

“Is that Hyun Su?!” A teenage girl giggled.

“Yes this is our Hyun Su~” Woohyun grinned, patting Hyun Su on the head. Hyun Su smiled cutely and giggled, causing the fangirls to squeal.

“The three of you are so cute together!” A noona fan gushed.

Woohyun and Sunggyu exchanged embarrassed grins. “Thanks.” Woohyun answered.

“Woohyun oppa, how much do you love Sunggyu oppa?” A fangirl in a pikachu sweatshirt asked.

Woohyun laughed awkwardly. “W-What?”

“You two should date!” A girl with glasses squealed.

“W-What?!” Woohyun stammered.

“Woohyun oppa, you’re the only who I’ll let have Sunggyu oppa!”

“Yeah same here!”

“W-Well it’s getting late, we have to go!” Woohyun lied and tugged on Sunggyu and Hyun Su’s hands dragging them away from the fangirls.


Another day...another batch of fangirls/woogyu shippers.

I actually wanted to use their Korean couple name which is HyunSung or SungHyun, but it sounds too similar to Hyun Su's name =_=

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Thank you for reading everyone! Maybe we'll meet again in the sequel?^^


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Chapter 14: I really love woohyun sjhdhdj he's cute
Chapter 7: dongwoo and sungyeol can't be real seriously shdhsh
Chapter 6: This chapter is hilarious sdsff love it
Chapter 5: cute cuteee
Chapter 4: I really enjoy your writing!
Chapter 3: woohyun is so cuteee
Chapter 2: i'm laughing so hard, this part is funny! I love your humour
Chapter 1: It's gonna be interesting!!!
Simran20 #9
Chapter 51: Really Miss this kind of Fics now a days.
Simran20 #10
Chapter 38: Rereading it after a long time. Still it remains one of my favorite Fics.