Imprinted Signature


How long does it go on for?

Do you remember the times when you run across fields? The adult world was as distant as the sky, with no worries, no work, no stress, do you remember the times when you were a child? 

Wu Fu Chen and her younger sister, Wu Ying Jie left that world a longtime ago. To a child, play was the happiest moment. But to the two sisters, the reason why they can't remember anything is beause they had to grow up. To them, the past remains distant as the stars while their present prevents them from moving forwards. Afriad of the world and the people who live in it. 


Scars, how can you get rid of them?

When Mike was younger, his parents got into an accident and left Mike in the care of their dear old friend, Mr. Yan. When Mr. Yan found out that Mike was going to become apart of his family, he was more than happy to welcome him into the family.

Now, he has 2 boys, Mike and Aaron. One of the thing Mr. Yan allowed Mike was to keep his surname as 'He.' Mr Yan wished that despite his fatherly role, he wanted Mike to have a say in what he does with his life.


I don't understand anything else but this, we went into hiding for a reason. I cannot tell you nor show you more than what I've seen. As unbelieveable as it is, my world can't easily be seen because I am no longer involved as a citizen. I was suppose to be gone, vanished, and disappeared 16 years ago.


However, if you really want to know what happened that lead to this, I will grant you permission as I invite you all into my world.






The Taiwan Police.


Taiwan Police is currently searching

for any individuals involved in the

2005 gang case. The Police is doing

everything they can to bring case

to an end and to put those involve-

ed behind bars. It has been report-

ed that one of Taiwan’s most prom-

inent figure is suspected in being i-

nvolved in illegal underground act-

ivities. Our recent reports discover-

ed that Mr. Wu and his family disa-

ppeared on the night after 30 citize-

ns died from an mysterious poison-

ining. Reasons unknown, whereab-

outs unknown. For the safety of e-

veryone, immediately contact the

authorities if anyone hear or see a-

nything suspicious. Everything and

anything will be heavily considered

as important evidence. Please help

bring justice for those who suffered








The following is a work of Fiction. Purely an imagination of mine, sorry if there are coincidental scenes.

© ko0mii 2012-2016. All rights reserved. Distribution of any kind is prohibited without the written consent of ko0mii.









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Chapter 44: Oh Ma'am!! it's not fair at all .... really :'( I meant after all these years of reading and waiting to see what will become of this story ..... and you just happened to end it as a mysterious to US, readers ._. ?!?! we aren't detective, please don't do that to me T_T

PS: One of the epic endings that I will probably remember for a long long time^^ .... I really enjoy reading this fanfic, of course others as well. I will be off to read your other ffs soon hehe :D
PS2: I apologize in advance ... just in case or if you find any of my comments offend you. Just to let you know that you are one of my fav authors so far. See you around XD
Chapter 43: Err, eh?? wait a moment there, I don't get this at all ..... so GuiGui lost her memories and has been living with that jerk Alan for 7 freaking years??
Like seriously? am I seeing it right? and where is Aaron now? how? why?
Chapter 42: At the beginning of this chapter I was really grateful that Angela & Wang Zi help Aaron and GuiGui and I even thought that Wang Zi is a totally cool dude in this story .... however, all my reasons for liking him disappeared in a blast the instant he decided to separate Aaron from GuiGui and I lost respect for Angela for going along with Wang Zi's plan >_<
Chapter 41: I feel bad for Mike that Hebe did not admit her true feeling for him and also she remembers his proposal after what they have been through together all this time. Well, I could understand why Hebe wants to keep some distances between them though.
Chapter 40: Ch #40 is a nice flash back and it does help me to remember the flow and what the story is about.
Thanks god, that I still have some good memories left, lol
winniegulu #6
Omg why did you end it like this T.T My poor guilun T.T Hope you can make a sequel to this! It's amazing but the ending is heartbreaking T.T
Chapter 39: WOW! wow! WOW!!!!!! this one is unexpected .... such a twist of event Ô.ô
Hold on a little^^ *let me adjust to the situation*
First! by the so called ultimate power of LOVE and jealousy can make Aaron break the tied rope on his hands (I did not know this fact until reading this chapter - a note to myself for future reference) XD
Second! serve you that Alan guy ... I have always want to see him being cornered, now a useless puppy.. lolzz (well done! Ah Wei ^^ )
Er! hmm! and what is this little guilun romantic do we have here?? aren't they in a live or death situation? how could they suddenly becoming Romeo and Juliet? haha XD
Well! too much going on so my emotions kinda mix up ... but I do still worry and pray that Gui & Lun are safe!
PS: I will be turning in again when another red notification pop-up hehe :P
Chapter 38: How hurt it is .. .when someone you once trusted so much betrayed you, I just can't imagine it T_T
This chapter is really sad .. the one event or should I say one careless mistake that turned their whole family up side down.
Poor girls they lost their mother since they were young :'( *grab my tissue box and cry my eyes out*
Chapter 37: Oh GoD! never mind ... coz God does not hear my prayer in the previous chap T__T
I felt like I was pushed off the cliff -_- I did a little jump of joy when Aaron finally found GuiGui ... but everything went dark when that one sole person appeared right after *crying* .... I was secretly praying that someone/reinforcement will come to rescue Aaron & Gui .... but darn those stupid monkeys .. yeah! I am referring to Jiro, Chun & Calvin >.< they were not much of help, everyone is an >.<|| only showed off their asses and to be captured at the end *click my tough with frustration*
I can't do anything right now except sit and wait !! (this is really so not my style, just wanna bang my head against the wall)
Chapter 36: Ahhhhh~~~ Oh No!! Why? why!??!
Are you that eager to stop your update there?? like seriously?! Excuse me!! >.<
I was holding my breath the whole time while reading this chapter and at the end Aaron hasn't even found Gui yet?? *sob*
I wanna kill Ah Wei, how dare he! how dare he hit Gui >:(
OH GOD!! I hope Aaron will success in saving GuiGui .... wish Alan's car stop functioning half way *finger crossed*