

And I hide because there’s more to me than what you see and I’m not sure you’d like the rest. I know that sometimes, I don’t like the rest.




''I'm not so sure you'll like it'' and yet he still consists on it. What if he doesn't like me after I send him this? What if he stops talking to me?The list goes on and on as I make my decision and suddenly I was distracted and lost my thought.

(1) New Text Message

 Uh oh! What did he say? Oh here's a clue Eun Ae Shook! Check it ya dummy! .. moments later I was in complete shock. How can one person write such daring but sweet to a person he haven't even met face to face yet? What can do I even say to that? Should I just send it.. I mean it's not like it's nudes or anything.. It's just me. That's what I'm afraid he'll see, me. What if he just said that just to say it? Does he even mean it? Does he know how much just those couple sentences means to me?

It's a HUGE affect. Girls like me doesn't get that kind of treatment. He told me he loves me for me and no matter how I look he'll accept me for who I am. There, at that instant I send it. Grow some balls Eunnie! Sent. Oh my buddha, what did I just do. -Sigh- It's whatever not, what's done is done. 


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