Homework Again?!

Adventure and romance in America

Rose POV


I heard Taemin whine about something but I couldn’t make out what it was since I was waking up. I groaned some and rubbed against Taemin’s arm and kissed his cheek as I woke up “afternoon” I said to him and he smiled at me “afternoon. They guys are back and having trouble with their homework” he said and I groaned “Noooo….I don’t wanna do more homework” I groaned and he laughed at me. “If you help them with homework then you can cuddle more with me” he said and I liked that idea “fine, you’re lucky you’re so cute” I said then realizing what I said and blushed. ‘Why are you being so much more flirty than normal?’ I thought to myself and saw Taemin was blushing as well “I’m sorry Taemin” I then said and got up embarrassed with myself “No its ok Rose” he said blushing and smiling and went with me to go help his friends with their homework.


Taemin POV


Rose began to wake up and rubbed against my shoulder which made me smile. She was acting so cute like a little kid waking from a nap. I couldn’t help but smile at her. Rose didn’t seem so enthused about helping the others with their homework. We aren’t good with English and since all the assignments were in English it was hard for us. Rose was being a bit more flirty after that then normal and blushed about it “I’m sorry Taemin” she said to me getting up. I then smiled and got up as well “No it’s ok Rose” I told her not really minding it. The others were just glad that I had someone, they liked seeing me happy. We went in to help them with their homework as Rose got started helping them I decided to go in the kitchen and make a delicious Korean dish known as Bulgogi. I know that my fellow Shinee Members would love it and Rose could try it that way.


No one’s POV


Rose helped the Shinee members with their homework, which wasn’t as frustrating tonight as the night before. Key came down and sat there with them listening to her explain the assignment and did his assignment as well but wouldn’t even look in her direction or any of the others for that matter. Minho seemed to finish his work first and went to see what Taemin was doing. “What you making Taemin?” Minho asked him walking into the kitchen and Taemin showed him “Bulgogi, I know I miss eating it and I am sure Rose would like to try it” he said smiling as he said her name “So you really do like Rose?” Jonghyun said coming in the kitchen seeing that smile on Taemin’s lips as he said Rose’s name. “Yes I do and I am taking her to the movies on Friday” he said proud of himself. “Aww Minho are little Taemin is growing up. He is going on his first date with her in just two days” Jonghyun said and Taemin blushed “Jonghyun why must you pick on me so much?” he said pouting. Soon enough the food was done and there was a bit more picking on Taemin before he plated up the food and called everyone to dinner. All but Key came to the table. Key took his plate and went to sit out by the pool. Onew went outside with him to figure out what was going on with him.


Onew POV


“So Key why have you been so upset?” I asked Key sitting down taking a bite of my food. Key looked at me with that blank look on his face as he was chewing. “Because Taemin is getting what
I wanted. I have never lost before and I have this time. I don’t like losing and I don’t think it’s fair to lose to someone younger than me” Key explained to me. I don’t get how he is losing Rose isn’t a prize that can be won; he didn’t even go about the situation the right way. “Maybe if you went at things with a kinder heart and not as such a ert you would have had a better chance” I told him and her growled not liking what he was hearing. “I hate to say that but you are right Onew I did go a bit overboard but I just wanted her to be mine. I have never had a problem before with the girls wanting me. Just getting them to leave me alone. Rose is just so different” he said and I rolled my eyes. “Maybe because she isn’t just a fan girl. She likes our music but isn’t just a swooning fan girl like all the girls at fall all over you” I told him and he nodded “your Right Onew. Maybe I will try to apologize and make it up to her” Key said and we finished our dinner. We then took our plates back inside and decided to get ready for bed for school the next day.


Rose POV


Taemin made us all dinner which was very good. Helping them with their homework was nowhere near as bad as it has been. We all ate our dinner and Onew went out to the pool with Key who hadn’t talked to any of us or even looked at any of us since they got home. Not really sure what’s up with him but I know that it will be alright. The guys will make sure he is ok. I just want to make sure that he won’t try anything else on me. After we all get the dishes cleaned up we decide to go to bed for the night since there is school tomorrow and then the day after that is Friday and my date night with Taemin. I can’t wait for Friday night to come and to be able to go see that movie with him. “Rose can I tuck you in?” Taemin asked me as we walked upstairs after everyone else had gone to lay down and I nodded at him “Sure I’d like that” I told him smiling at him. Taemin was just so cute and innocent I knew he wasn’t that kind of guy who would do anything to hurt me unlike most other guys. Taemin walked me to my room and let me lay down and then sat on my bed side “Good night sweet Rose. I’ll see you in the morning” he said to me and kissed my forehead. I couldn’t help but blush and smile “Good night my cute Taemin” I said in reply as he headed to the door. He turned back and smiled at me turning out the light and then went to bed himself. The next school day right around the corner.

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Izzy1333 #1
Chapter 18: awesome way to go with the story! Keep up the good work.
Izzy1333 #2
Chapter 17: Still liking the story line. Keep up the good work.
Chapter 16: I really hope all my readers are enjoying the story so far. Please don't be shy comment if you like it and if you would like Rose to work with any specific group. I am open for ideas
Chapter 12: To all my readers sorry for the delay of posting I just got a new job at a brand new store that had its grand opening last Sunday and my computer was having some major issues the next post will be up soon. Thank you all for your support
Izzy1333 #5
Chapter 11: Key is really fuming!!
Izzy1333 #6
Chapter 9: Liking the story line.
Chapter 9: Oh ok... Thanks!!
Chapter 7: I understand what you mean but I did it this time that way due to I wanted different thoughts going on through that. It will make sense later.
Ok so now I don't even know for sure who I want with Rose.... But.... You keep repeating the same sene like 4 or 5 times.... It makes the story much less interesting... Sorry but I thought u should know my opinions.. Sorry for the long comment....