The Flaw-Covered Perfection


Eventually you love people - friends or lovers - 

because of their flaws.



A perfect partner does not have to be perfect, but perfect in your eyes. You should be able to love them for who they are, not what they have become. You should cherish them for the longest time, until forever ends. For who knows if you just miss the right timing, or were never meant to be from the start. However, in life, there's always those few people, whether you catch them or not, that will influnce you big time. Long or short, there will always be one moment where they are right next to you. That one person that will always be in your life. Protecting you, listening to you, and loving you as a friend. And another person, that will be with you forever in eternity. Loving you, loving you, and just loving you. 


Main Characters:







The O V E R R A T E D

Im Yoona


"Just because you are protected and cherished by all those people,
it doesn't mean I have to do the same right?
You make me sick, Im Yoona."


"Don't listen to what others have to say. Their thoughts are as important as trash.
Everyone's perfect in their own eyes, and you're perfect in mine.
You deserve this every single way, don't ever doubt it."


The B R A S H E R 

Oh Sehun


"Having confidence in yourself is one thing.
But being all cocky and self-centered is another. 
Can't you, for once, just act properly for the sake of others, Oh Sehun?"


"You got to act strong, buddy! Ignore all the other side thoughts.
Think like a man. Follow your heart.
Just don't overpower it, alright?"


The R O G U E

Kim Jongin


"You're the amazing dancing machine, Jongin-ah, you can lock it and pop it.
I'm just another girl, stuck in your web of lies, alright? 
So please don't come any closer,it makes me uncomfortable."


"Being friends with you, was the last thing I would think of.
The funny this is, it actually happened and it's not as bad as I thought it would be.
You're very different...different compared to the way everyone says you are."


The N E G L E C T O R

Seo Joo Hyun


"You're smart, Joo Hyun-ah. Don't hide that fact,
but don't act all that because of it.
Sometimes...keeping something to yourself would be best."


"Most of the time, you do your own things. At the highest, you say a word to a few sentences.
At the least, you act like an alien from planet whatever, not talking to anyone.
I love how you're able to follow your own ways, and I respect you for that."


The P H O N Y

Xi Luhan


"You better put a stop to your act. I can see everything from top to bottom.
You don't care about any of them and any of us. Luhan hyung, don't do this anymore,
because deep inside, all you care about is yourself."


"You're so...Luhan. There's seriously no way to describe you, bro.
No wonder you got the girls AND the boys, without even saying one word.
Damn, you got to teach me one day."







  [oh-ver-reyt]  Show IPA
verb (used with object), o·ver·rat·ed, o·ver·rat·ing.
to rate  or appraise too highly; overestimate: Im Yoona. 




  [foh-nee]  Show IPA adjective, pho·ni·er,pho·ni·est, noun, plural pho·nies, verb, pho·nied,pho·ny·ing.
not real or genuine; fake; counterfeit: Xi Luhan.
false or deceiving; not truthful; concocted: Xi Luhan.
insincere or deceitful; affected or pretentious: Xi Luhan.






  [ni-glekt]  Show IPA
verb (used with object)
to pay no attention or too little attention to; disregard orslight: Seo Joo Hyun.
to be remiss in the care or treatment of: Seo Joo Hyun
to omit, through indifference or carelessness: Seo Joo Hyun.
to fail to carry out or perform (orders, duties, etc.): Seo Joo Hyun.
to fail to take or use: Seo Joo Hyun.




  [brash]  Show IPA                                                                                                                                             adjective, brash·er,brash·est, noun
impertinent; impudent; tactless: Oh Sehun.
hasty; rash; impetuous: Oh Sehun.
energetic or highly spirited, especially in an irreverent way; zesty: Oh Sehun.






  [rohg]  Show IPA noun, verb, rogued,ro·guing, adjective
a dishonest, knavish person; scoundrel: Kim Jongin.
a playfully mischievous person; scamp: Kim Jongin.
a tramp or vagabond: Kim Jongin.





     Hey guys! It's been a pretty long summer break, but doesn't it feel so short?? Well anyway, I feel bad because during this whole break I updated one chapter only? The lazy side of me is finally returning! :O Alright, moving on, so this is a small plot I've been dreaming about for the past weeks. I had a hard time thinking whether I should really write it or not, but I guess I'll just give it a try. If it doesn't work out, I know...always delete it. Yeah, I know, I know...I'm taking the easy way out, I just can't help it. So please do tell me what you think, it would help me out so much, rather than just slapping myself. Now, to the story. We all know we have our own problems, don't we? Unless you find youself perfect...then congratulations? These five high school students are just at the time when they know their flaws but actually don't. They want to fix it, but just can't. That's pretty much it. The small paragraph is kind of funny to me, honestly. I feel like I exaggerated too much...but its interesting that way! For the character description part, you could see there are two quotes per person. The first one is usually a more bad one and the second one is more of an advice or compliment. Can you guess who said what? Here this might help, there are five people and 10 quotes. Which means each person said two. And to make it fair, so one person doesn't just keep on insulting people, each person has an insult quote and good quote. That should be a BIT easier to interpret. For the dictionary descripitions of each word, the five 'apparently' are described as, IS NOT REAL. The definition is real, BUT THE END OF EACH, THAT IS MAKING AN EXAMPLE OF IT IS NOT REAL. DO NOT TAKE IT SERIOUSLY. I would hate to get bashed because this. IT'S NOT REAL. I just thought it'd be pretty fun, plus if you didn't know any of the words described, you could see it here! Without having to search it up yourself. As for Yoona, I couldn't really think of any actual name, so I'll just leave it as overrated. I'm kind of trying to lead everyone to think of it as a extremely popular girl, which might seem like a good thing, but is acutally not. However, don't think of it as I hate her and think she's overrated in the k-pop world, I LOVE YOONA. She is my absolute bias ever since I got into kpop. I could spaz all day, but I doubt you guys would want to listen. Now back to the story, Yoona being overrated is just what people think around the school, she may be popular and all, but it doesn't have to mean she loves it and wants more. Who knows, she might just hate it and all. *Shrugs* Sehun is a brasher, like a really hyper young child. So hyper that he jokes around everything, even if it was an extremely serious event. (Like the downpour parts of a korean drama :D ) Kai is rogue as always described as...just kidding I love Kai. He just looks like a really handsome but dishonest and flirtatious guy. But, hey! ONCE AGAIN, this is just what people think their flaws are, this just might be a huge rumour around their school. Seohyun is someone who is smart and just ignores pretty much everything but herself and her book. Don't really trust me and all, but what about her close friend? Does it mean that if you get close to her, she's a total opposite person? Luhan is the quiet guy that everyone, well, almost everyone admires. He's so quite, you can't find much about him. He talks a lot at times, but only to certain people. Will anyone find the real truth inside him? Or will he forever be known as the quiet cool guy? Just so you know, I LOVE THESE 5 PEOPLE, SO DON'T GET ME WRONG BECAUSE OF THIS STORY. And finally, please subscribe and comment! Love you all!~ <3


P.S. The title is just like a shorter way of saying the quote. Like you know, someone may be perfect in someones eyes not because of what they're good at but what their flaws are. It's hard to explain.

P.P.S I actually don't know whose going to end up with who, or they are all just going to end up with some other person out of these five. I want some certain couples but I'm not sure if it will work out...I'll try my best!


OH AND A BIG THANKS TO FreakingOutFTW for the amazing character chart!! <33

Sorry guys...just as I was going to update...i accidentally pressed something and everything got sad. I'll update next time. SORRY!):


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Chapter 2: Awww from the looks of it, it looks like Luhan and Yoona won't end up together... D: Unless she change her ways.. ( Which I really hope she will ) xD
sshin96 #2
Chapter 2: LOL uptight!Seohyun is just too cute. Anyways, I was hoping maybe Luhan and Seohyun would get together, and Yoona could be with Kai, or even better, you can throw in a love triangle between Luhan/Seohyun/Sehun! That would create so much chaos, no? Haha
Chapter 2: i think yoona's a bit popularity-crazed? it's not too good...and i get the feel that luhan's just like..-.-'' but...if sehun was like, "no kai.." then does that mean that sehun knows about yoona and luhan's relationship? but seohyun <3 bahahhaa and sehun is so cute in this^^ LOVING ITT. :D
Chapter 2: yey! luyoon moments! luhan and yoona the popular couple! but yoona should stop aiming high,it will ruin their relationship! and i like sehun and seohyun
Chapter 2: yey! luyoon moments! luhan and yoona the popular couple! but yoona should stop aiming high,it will ruin their relationship! and i like sehun and seohyun
Chapter 2: yey! luyoon moments! luhan and yoona the popular couple! but yoona should stop aiming high,it will ruin their relationship! and i like sehun and seohyun
lovessnsd2pm #7
Chapter 2: LUYOON <3 Hopefully they stay together :D
YoonAddict530 #8
Chapter 2: :OOOOO THIS IS....WOW...Yoona<3 Luhan<3 Seohyun<3 Kai<3 Sehun<333