Still Not Enough

Why Don't You Just Jump?



(JunHong’s POV)

YongGuk plopped down at the lunch table across from me. I mumbled a hello and continued to push my food around my plate. There was a rumour around school that HimChan and Saya had broken up. I hadn’t even known they were a couple although I guessed it should have been obvious. I wanted so badly to talk to her. Maybe she needed some comfort? YongGuk nudged me with his elbow.


“You wanna go skating later?”

“Yeah, sure…” I muttered

JiEun sat down next to YongGuk.

“Why the long face, Zelo?”

I shrugged. I didn’t want to admit that I was thinking about Saya again. YongGuk would probably get pissed. He was at a point where he couldn’t stand her. I could understand him though. Through his eyes, some stupid girl was making his friend miserable. That would probably piss me off too.

“Cheer up, Zelo,” JiEun said, “Do you want my cherry tomatoes?”

I shook my head. “No thanks, noona.”

“What?? Are you sick??”

“He’s thinking about that girl again,” YongGuk interjected.

JiEun looked sympathetic. “I heard she’s not with HimChan anymore, maybe…”

I just shook my head sadly. I wasn’t even going to get my hopes up.

“She asked for you,” YongGuk said.

I blinked then jumped out of my seat.


“Sit your skinny down and chill!” YongGuk shouted back. “Before school this morning she asked me where you were.”


“I obviously didn’t tell her.”

Before I could do anything JiEun slapped YongGuk upside the head.

“Yah! What the heck was that for?!” YongGuk yelped.

“You pabo!” JiEun scolded. “Why didn’t you tell her? Maybe she’s finally come to her senses!”

YongGuk opened his mouth but JiEun slapped her hand over his mouth.

“I don’t care how much you dislike her! You know how Zelo feels about her! You’re so selfish sometimes!” She removed her hand and YongGuk sheepishly looked down at his food.

“I’m sorry, Zelo,” he muttered.

“That’s not enough,” JiEun said.

“What do you want me to do?” YongGuk said, irritated.

“Stop being so immature and go let her know Zelo will see her afterschool.”

“Noona!” I suddenly panicked. “I-I’m not sure, what if –”

“You cut the crap too, Zelo. Don’t you want to talk to her?”

I gulped and nodded.

“Fine. YongGuk, go find Saya and tell her Zelo will see her afterschool, right out here.”

YongGuk mumbled to himself about women thinking they ran the world and stalked off to find Saya.

“Thank you, noona.”

“It’s no problem, Zelo. I know you like Saya a lot and I get the feeling she still cares a lot about you too.”


(Saya’s POV)

As I was finishing up lunch with JongUp and his friends (yes, his friends! and I didn’t pass out!) I saw YongGuk coming towards us. JongUp frowned a little but he didn’t make any movements to get up. YongGuk nodded at JongUp then looked at me.

“Zelo will see you afterschool.”

O_O “I’m sorry, what?” I asked.

“I said Zelo will see you afterschool. You want to talk to him and he wants to talk to you. He’ll meet you right over there.” He pointed to where I could see JunHong and JiEun getting up. “Arasso?”

I nodded quickly and YongGuk shoved his hands in his pockets and walked away. After that, the day seemed to pass by slowly and quickly. When I felt excited about seeing JunHong time would slow down and when I started to get nervous about seeing him time would speed up but eventually the bell rang and I made my way to the outdoor lunch area. My heart started to flip-flop when I saw JunHong sitting at a table. I breathed deeply and regularly to calm down. My feet felt like jelly as I made my way over. When I was a few feet away JunHong heard my footsteps, turned around and stood up. He was so tall. He reminded me of the night that we had first met.

“Saya,” he said softly and I knew then and there how hard it would be to just be friends with JunHong. Not with the way I felt a blush creep across my cheeks when he said my name and the way the butterflies in my stomach went crazy. I swallowed.

“JunHong…I want to give you another chance. We-we all make mistakes and I shouldn’t judge you on just one. I-I’m sorry. Can-can we just be friends again?” I squeezed my eyes shut. That had to be the worst make-up speech ever. My eyes shot open when I felt JunHong tucking a few loose strands of hair behind my ear.

“Of course we can,” he said, quietly. He kissed my forehead and stepped back. “Bubble tea?”

I couldn’t help but smile. “Yes, of course.”

He went to take my hand but remembered and pulled his hand back. “Well *ahem* let’s go.” He gestured instead holding my hand and I snickered.

“What’s so funny?” He asked indignantly.

“You’re so awkward,” I said, starting to walk.

I’m awkward? You’re the one who’s awkward.”

We bickered happily all the way to the bubble tea shop. We spent about an hour there, just chatting and sipping our drinks then JunHong walked me home.

“You don’t know how happy I am to be with you again, Saya,” he told me at my doorstep, “It was so frustrating to have you hate me like that.”

“I…I never hated you,” I admitted. “I mean sometimes I really wanted to but I just couldn’t. Believe it or not it was frustrating for me too.” Since you’re the one who cheated on me. I bit back that last thought, I needed to put that aside if I wanted to start over with JunHong.

He nodded his head understandingly and started walking backwards. “Well, I’ll see you later.” He waved and turned around then abruptly turned back to me. “Is it ok if I call you later?”

I bit my lip. “Um…maybe we should…you know…take it easy.”

I saw the hurt in his eyes but I stood resolute. I didn’t want to give myself any more chances than the bare minimum to fall for JunHong again. I could tell he was trying not to look too let down.

“Alright, well, I’ll see you tomorrow.” He waved again and walked over to his house.

Later that night my phone started to ring when I was in bed and I groaned and sat up. I picked up the phone assuming it was JunHong.

“I’m sorry but I thought I told you not to call me?”

“Oh…I’m sorry,” HimChan’s husky voice said, “I thought you said – just – never mind.”

A dial tone assaulted my ears and I banged my head against my phone. Oh gosh, I was an idiot. I quickly dialled HimChan’s number.

“Um…yes?” his voice said hesitantly.

“HimChan, I’m so sorry! I thought you were JunHong! I didn’t check the caller ID.”

“Oh! Thank God! I was about to go drown myself in chocolate ice cream! But…JunHong is still calling you?”

“Well, we’re friends again. I just told him we should take things slow.”

HimChan was quiet for a bit. “I see. Do you plan on getting back together with him?”

“I don’t know if I could trust him again…but let’s not talk about him. Why did you call?”

“Oh…I just wanted to hear your voice, really.”



I laid back on my bed. I wanted the company but I knew it wasn’t really HimChan I wanted. I closed my eyes as his voice spoke to me. I was using him right now to substitute for JunHong. Actually, that was what I had been doing all along :/


(JunHong’s POV)

This wasn’t enough. It just wasn’t. I couldn’t just be Saya’s friend. Sure we had started out that way but I asked her to be my girlfriend for a reason. I wanted to be closer to her than someone she had bubble tea with every now and then. I was grateful to JiEun and YongGuk for getting us talking again but I still wasn’t satisfied and I wouldn’t be until I could call Saya mine again.

The next day at school as I sat eating with YongGuk I cast a longing glance over at Saya.

“Krisus, what is it now?” YongGuk asked, “Aren’t you guys friends again?”

“Yeah…just friends. I – I asked her if I could call her yesterday and she told me no. I know it seems like something small to you but it’s not to me. I used to call her all the time and she was always happy to hear from me. And we weren’t even together yet! But now…it’s just…ugh…it’s like we’re not even really friends.”

“But…you said you went out for bubble tea…”

I slammed my fist on the table, surprising YongGuk. “It’s not the same! We’re not the same as we were before!”

YongGuk remained calm. “Things will only go back to normal when she finds out the truth.”

“And how the hell is that going to happen? She doesn’t believe anyone! The only way she’d believe it is if she heard it from HyoSung herself!”

YongGuk and I froze and looked at each other. That was it. But how were we going to get that to happen? 


Are you guys hating Saya right now? >_<


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If there are any songs that pop into my head while writing I just post them before the chapter ^^ you don't HAVE to listen to them lol but enjoy!


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Chapter 11: SayaxZelo, hands down. I hate it when people float apart because they can't/won't comunicate.
Chapter 5: JongUp is so cute, protecting his little sister!
iluvkpop28 #3
Chapter 11: OoO what. will. happen?? next chappie here i come!! :)
iluvkpop28 #4
Chapter 9: O.O SHE COLORED HER HAIR?? wonder what will happen next! ^^
eine08 #5
Chapter 17: Awww gosh the cute little bangxsong on the side >_<
i think your story is going to be very interesting though i have yet to read it. but i will! I subscribed. keke~ the only thing that bugged me was that suzy's name was saya. kinda confused me at times. mian-ne. >.<
bapdaehyunnie #7
Chapter 19: Aww, such a sweet ending, i love it :)
Chapter 19: Owww I love your fiction <3 It's very cute ^^
yooamie #9
Chapter 19: Awwww, such a cute fanfic:)