Facebook Time With Exo! [EDITING]


So, EXO have now all got facebook accounts of their own, and the fun is just starting.

Couples get together, they break up, and secrets become unfolded.

Some of them even get into arguements.

So many members of EXO really don't mind sharing their own secrets with everyone else.

So, please, go ahead and read about EXO with Facebook.





Something i really wanted to write after i read one with exo on facebook on live journal.

It's pure crack of course, but i hope it's completely enjoyable !

It was fun to write, and there will probably be a few more that i put up, and i know it says complete, but i'll probably add more and more :D

But you should subscribe in case i make a new chapter - which is more than likely.

So comment and subscribe.

Because i promise you'll enjoy it.

Love you guys always <3


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Chapter 14: So Funny.XD
loverliverlaugher #2
Chapter 14: I, honest to God, cannot with these posts! You're too funny, man!
fangrlxbecky19 #3
Chapter 16: I loved all of them, they were so funny XD Thanks for writing this great fic!
Chapter 16: Finished reading in one go. Totally like it. Made me miss luhan and kris more ;-;
vyiself #5
Chapter 10: Tao and all his GUCCI things.. omg I love Kris' reaction at that
EXOtic181818 #6
Chapter 8: Lol so fckin funni
EXOtic181818 #7
Chapter 3: Dayum ing awesome
EXOtic181818 #8
Chapter 1: Lol if only these were real
vyiself #9
Chapter 3: The time when lay showd tao that site... hahhaha.. how cute must be the jealous Tao..