Long Night


Kwon Yuri = beautiful and cheerful girl, but of her cheerful , he had a hidden side that haven't known of anyone...

Kwon Yuri = gadis cantik dan ceria tetapi dari sifat ceria,ia punya sisi tersembunyi yang belum diketahui siapapun.

Choi Minho> arrogant, cool and ambitious guy. A head of basketball club and chief osis, single child in family.

Choi Minho > cowok ambisius yang sombong dan cool. ketua klub basket serta ketua osis,Anak tunggal keluarga.

Tokoh lain akan ketemu dalam fanficnya...

another person will be find at fanfic



Choi Minho is now the head basketball club chairman with ambitious and arrogant character . All he wants must he get it, if  he can't get it he will think of ways to get it.Yuri cheerful and smiling girl met by a chance with him. The story starts from the two met on the basketball court.

what be happen at the next story??

Choi Minho adalah ketua klub basket tetapi ketua yang ambisius dan sombong. Semua yang diinginkannya harus dipenuhi,kalau tidak dia akan terus berpikir cara untuk mendapatkannya.Yuri cewek ceria dan murah senyum ini bertemu secara kebetulan dengannya. Cerita dimulai dari keduanya bertemu di lapangan basket.

Bagaimana cerita selanjutnya ya????

Kita lihat di chapter 1...

Kamsamhanida reader ^^

Aku Akan cepat update ceritanya....



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caroline_jansen #1
@imasein ; thank you for comment but are u come from indonesia???
Why you can ask you'r ambitious guy????
caroline_jansen #2
@Adifa_NaSoo : Thank You chingu ,aku akan segera update. and thanks for subscribe ^^
@iloveyul : Ok ^^ Thank You seneng nih fanficnya dibilang bagus,haha....
AdifaSince1495 #3
Bagus bgt fanficnya ! Update lagi dooong ! Hehehe ^^ :))))
iloveyul #4
wah akhirnya nemuin fanfic b.indonesia...heu

chingu,,aku seneng ma x
penasaran si minho mau apa ...

update ya...tp jgn lama lama n jgn pendek" ya...hehe

caroline_jansen #5
@minhosera : Yeah, okay.... Wait...
@shy113 : Okay,I will update with english too... Chingu,wait me to update,okay...
@all :Thank You for read ,chingudeul ^^
This is Indonesian right? I am Malaysian but luckily I can understand the language :) Bisa update? Hihihi.