
43VER THE FLAW is a new kind of kpop band.


Why? because they arn't korean.


This story follows these two amazing american girls trying to make it as korean idols.


and yes, there is a very big love triangle involved.


read and find out.


Ps. this story was written with a friend who doesn't have one of these accounts. so credit to her too.



43VER the FLAW:

Amaya Serene, and Aleera Elizabeth. Amaya: Seen by all others as 'flawless, beautiful, gorgeous and talented.' But she doesn't see that when she looks in the mirror. She sees that she's not tall, but not too short. Five foot four, not a bad height. Her hair is long. The way she likes it. It's all the way down to her stomach. The long under-layer and her slanted bangs are always changing color, her constant way of making her self feel interesting. Her eyes are pretty enough, she'd suppose. But they bore her and she forever wishes she could be flawless. Or even beautiful, or gorgeous. Although she knows she's talented. She knows she'll forever be flawed. She's too open and constantly being hurt, her heart is constantly torn to shreds, and she can't ever see herself as others do. Insecurity: something, almost, only she could play off adorably.

Aleera; Another girl seen as gorgeous and talented. Another girl who doesn't see it when she looks into the mirror. She sees the short girl, only standing five foot tall. Medium length, naturally, blonde hair, and it's styled to look pleasing. Blue eyes. Pretty enough. But boring, unlike the contacts and makeup she shrouds them in. She doesn't see the stunning features that others so bluntly exclaim she holds in her face. She doesn't see this talent others say she possesses. She sees the girl who tries so hard to succeed, and always just falls a little behind her best friend. She too feels as though she'll forever be flawed. Shy and insecure. And only a tad slow: something, almost, only she could play off adorably.

These two have known each other for long. Going back to when they were little tots, they've grown up together almost like sisters, and share a close intimacy seemingly only siblings could possess. They were thrown together like this from the closeness of their parents and began to share everything, their birthday, their clothes, their hopes, and eventually even shared a roof. And began to share a dream. They found Amaya's angelic high voice and Aleera's touching low voice fit like two puzzle pieces, along with their styles, of music and fashion.

October 18. There's no mistake. The two of them being born on that date, is only what one would call fate. From that one day, those two girls became connected, and those two girls began to care for one another, pick them up when the other was down. Jump for the other's joy, cry for the other's sadness. From that day they became a pair. And they became inseparable.

Fate had more in it's plan it would seem, because they began to fall in love with kpop and on their 16th birthday they became a part of SM entertainment USA. And it was when they were nearing 18 that fate's true design was finally shown.

Sorry for the slow update, guys ^.^


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OnJongMinTaeKey1993 #1
Lovin' the story!! Can't wait to find out what happens next xP
Chapter 25: Omg!! This is so good! I really love Maya and Minho ♥ I want to see Lee with someone! Update plase!!