I didn't mean to kidnap you


~Taemin POV~
Minho. Please don't leave me. Not again. I'm sorry I was . I'm sorry I'm tainted but I need you. I do t want to go back to them. 


We rode in the ambulance with Minho as they tried to stop the bleeding. He has an oxygen mask on and was taking slow breaths. His arms had tubes attached to them pumping blood and fluid in them while another showed us his heart rate. One paramedic was checking my wrists while I tried to watch Minho. Make sure he's ok. They wrapped my wrist just as his heart monitor made the flat line noise. They rushed to put adrenaline in his veins and yelled clear to give him a shock. It didn't work and they charged it up again. I was screaming now and key umma had to hold me back. They shocked him one last time before the heart monitor showed his heart rate going back up. I cried as they got the bleeding to stop. He can't leave me. He can't. I love him to much. 


We waited in the waiting room as I paces (well limped) back and forth. What's already been in surgery for 2 1/2 hours. I was getting anxious. Key had fallen asleep with his head on Jonghyuns shoulder. Finally the doctor came out and told me Minho would be fine and that I could see him. 


His room was a dull white with machines surrounding the bed. His sleeping figure lay on the mattress as I walked up closer.  I sit on the chair next to the bed. "I'm sorry Minho. I didn't want you to get hurt. I'm sorry I'm tainted. I don't want you to leave me just because of that. I want you to stay by my side forever. I know it's a stupid kids dream but that's what I want." I say quietly head looking at the ground. I felt soft gentle fingers glide along my jawline and I looked up. Minhos eyes were open and filled with love. 


"Taemin. I will never leave you. I don't care if you killed the president I will always love you no matter what. Come. Lay with me." he said with a smile as I crawl into the bed with him. Laying my head on the left side of his chest I listen to his heartbeat. Key was right he would love me no matter what. 
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pame_123 #1
Chapter 22: I was ree reading the story and I just nodis was that the date minho say is the exact day of my birthay 24 day of the 6 month
CrazyLovingKpopper #2
Chapter 23: Saranghaeyo Fanfic
CrazyLovingKpopper #3
Chapter 23: Saranghaeyo Fanfic
Chapter 18: Minho should not blame himself for not preventing Taemin going back to his parents, he was kind out of it in the hospital. Its Key's fault! How bad lyhe was looking after Taemin when he have not even known that he was taken!
Chapter 22: I love this story soo much! beautiful ending! <3 saranghae! ^^
Chapter 23: Loved this! It was beautiful!^^
Chapter 22: Aww Minho came back. Such a happy ending :D
This was a great story :D