chapter eighteen.

Perfect Man (Sequel of Dream Boy)

You sat in the library, on your laptop, writing another essay. "Hello Hyemi~" three voice sang. You looked up and met D.O., Suho, and Chanyeol. D.O, who always messed with you and Baekhyun, had a rare smile on his face. Chanyeol, your best friend who was the Happy Virus, tried his best to smile. Wasn't very convincing. Suho, the guy who always gave everyone angelic smiles, only gave you a small smile, not as wide as it usually is.

You looked at each and every one of them. "What are you guys doing here?" you asked.
D.O. nudged Chanyeol in the ribs and cleared his throat. "W-well, we wanted to take you out for lunch today," Chanyeol said.
You looked at them again. "Are you guys okay? You're acting weird."
"W-whaat? Psh, please, I'm always weird," D.O said.
You looked at him. "That did not make sense..."

D.O sighed. "Just come with us. We're treating today," he said and pulled you away with Chanyeol, as Suho packed your things.
"And you can order anything you'd like," Chanyeol said.
D.O gave Chanyeol a look. "What?! I barely have enough money for the bus ride home!" he whispered to Chanyeol.
"Don't worry, I'll pay. In the meanwhile, tell Sehun and Chaemi to come too," Chanyeol replied.

Baekhyun stared at his phone wallpaper of you and himself. *I thought fate set us up. But it's making us falling apart... Or is this just part of life? You get separated and in the end you're back together again?* He sighed and looked out the window of his office.
"Knock knock~" Jihae sang. She popped her head through the door. "Baekhyunnie oppa~"
"Don't call me that," he snapped.
She ignored his grumpiness and walked inside his room. "The tailor is here to help you with the suit for the wedding," she said.
Baekhyun sighed. "I don't--" He remembered what his mother said that morning.

"If you don't marry Jihae, consider your Hyemi gone. I will send her overseas and make her not come back," she said. She took a sip of her coffee. "You don't want that do you, Baekhyun?"
Baekhyun's knuckles turned white. He thought of how you wouldn't be protected anymore by him or his friends. You'd be unsafe in a place that you don't even know. And he wanted you to be safe. "Of course not..."
"Then do as I say and marry Jihae." His mother gave him a stern look.

Baekhyun sighed and stood up, followed Jihae out of the office.

Baekhyun sighed as he walked into the penthouse. For once, he was finally home early. He looked around and found you not home. *Maybe.. If I just left... No... That would leave her heartbroken... Either way, I can't tell her that I'm getting married to someone else...* He sighed once more and walked to the bedroom with a duffel bag in hand. He reached for his phone and texted his closest friend. 'Take care of Hyemi while I'm gone... Don't tell her about my arranged marriage. It would only get her more heartbroken. I'll take care of everything. I'm counting on you Chanyeol.' He sighed and walked into the closet.

You walked inside your penthouse and heard noises coming from your room. "Baekhyun?" you called out. You walked closer to the noise and found Baekhyun in your room with a duffel bag in hand. "Baekhyun what are you doing?" Baekhyun paused and turned to you. You glanced at his bag that was filled with his clothes. "Where are you going?" you asked as you took a step closer to him. Baekhyun took a step back whenever you walked closer to him. "Baekhyun--"

"Remember that promise I made you keep? About us always telling each other secrets?" he mumbled. You nodded. "I want you to keep another promise..." He paused and looked at the ground. "Promise me that no matter what happens, you'll always keep that beautiful smiling face of yours. Never frown or cry, no matter what happens. Just move on," he said.
You looked at him. "What?"
"Just. Promise me," he said.
You nodded. "I promise," you said.
"Then I have a secret to tell you..." he said. "I'm getting married to Jihae," he whispered.

Your world suddenly stopped moving, like time had stop, everything had froze. "What?" you managed to say. You managed to let out a laugh. "For a moment there, I thought you're talking about Ryu Jihae, my friend--"
"I am," he said.
You looked at him in disbelief. "What?" Your smile faded away.

Baekhyun's heart ached from just saying that he'd be marrying to a girl that he never loved. His heart crashed into pieces when he saw that your smile was gone. He walked towards you and grabbed your hand. "I never wanted to marry her... But... I have to..." He looked at you and caressed your cheek. "Remember when I asked you if you knew that I loved you?" he asked. "I meant it. I want you to remember that even though I'm marrying someone else. Don't wait for me anymore." You stood there, speechless. He had the urge to hug you and kiss you, but he knew that if he did that, it would make it more impossible for you to forget him. He dropped his hand and took his bag. He glanced at you one last time before walking out of the room. *I will always love you.*

4th update! *^* Only a once a month thing. xD
I cried writing this. ;A; And Davichi's song fitted to this chapter so much! Well, if you look at the english translation.
Don't worry. I'll try my best to lighten up the mood with a little bit of Chaehun. And I will certainly try my best to bring Bawerp together!
But still more drama coming ahead!

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okay, I'm just going to say, I at writing wedding things. xD I've only been to 3 and I hardly paid attention to most of the ceremony, so ish update. D:


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mmyramos2004 #1
Chapter 17: this made me cry.It broke my heart
Chapter 19: Do your job author-nim~~
Chapter 6: Welcome to OHMYGOD!!!! >.< that one was hilarious. ROFL
KookieSeo5 #4
Chapter 18: The fanfic was good but I really want to whack Jihae in the face
Exofangurl1274 #5
I really ship bawerp alot..lolol...
one of the shipping i can never forget
Chapter 28: I ship Bawerp so much couldnt stop reading this since Dream boy gahhh <3
Chapter 28: This fanfic is so adorable!
I've been reading the prequel and this for the past few days. It's so good!

I love Bawerp!

I'll be reading your third installment~
Lovely0303 #8
Chapter 27: Perfect Fanfiction! The Bawerp couple is so adorable! I love the plot of this fanfic!
But most of all I love Baekhyun!!!!!! <3