The Small


Arashi, a famous Japanese boy band, go about their variety show filming with slight monotonous hearts.

However, when eating lunch from a new caterer the group unintentionally surrender themselves to a curse.

A curse that shrinks them down to the size of a soda can. A curse that can only be broken when the idol group truly fall in love.

With the help of a female PA, Kobayashi Sakura, the members try to sort out what must be done.

< +++ >

Disclaimer: I do not own the members of Arashi, nor do I own the images used.


On another note this story will be broken up into five different sections. One for each member of Arashi.

But the first few chapters will be neutral ground. Meaning that it will involve all five of Arashi.


“It is a curious thought, but it is only when you see people looking ridiculous that you realize just how much you love them. ” 
― Agatha ChristieAn Autobiography


“Love does not consist of gazing at each other, but in looking outward together in the same direction.” 
― Antoine de Saint-Exupéry


“Love doesn't just sit there like a stone; it has to be made, like bread, remade all the time, made new.” 
― Ursula K. Le GuinThe Lathe of Heaven
Delayed updates for "The Small" because I can't figure out who should go first. P.S. On the banner I think my bias is showing. xD


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Chapter 2: YEAH!!!! I love coming home to updates!! This is so exciting!!
Anyway this was kinda cute~ I have the feeling that Ohno really likes Sakura. It's all just soooo adorable!!!
Update soon Ari-chan!!!!
Chapter 1: Love it!! Small cute. lol xDD
Update soon!!! Really looking forward to it! :33
Chapter 1: haha!!! oh cool!! i like how she was trying to stay calm and then suddenly, MINIATURE ARASHI! xD
she's gonna fall in love with ohno i betcha xD
update soon~!!!
Waaa~ It is like the drama ive seen before with Neen starring it. :)))