120607 EXO-M @ CNTV Interview


*Lay ,Luhan and ,Xiumin had a live short performance
*Luhan's favourite song is History
*Lay: Our relationship are all very close, but Luhan and I will talk more about our happiness and unhappiness. Luhan: until midnight
*Xiumin's favourite song is their hit song MAMA because it's rap and shouting that makes it even more perfect
*Chen likes all but if there's one song he would recommend 'Machine'
*Tao likes 'Two Moons' because he is honored to sing it with Key
*LAY said he likes laying beside LU HAN in bed and chat with him with a small light on
*They've prepared for the album for almost a year
*TAO: I will keep advicing him, Xiumin lets learn chinese together. we will learn languages together until late night. 
*XIU MIN didn't know he had potential to do screamos until they recorded MAMA
*When they were asked whether did they drink liquor, they said no. yixing drinks green tea, luhan drinks black tea.
*Q: If you are not EXO-M member, whose fan would you want to be? Kris,Luhan& Tao answered EXO, Xiumin answered Kris, Chen chose Lay, Lay chose Chen
*Xiumin envies Kris' height, manly charisma and knows 3 languages.
*MC: Who do you have the deepest impression of? Kris: Lay
*Kris said when Lay first entered he was younger and very hardworking
*MC: Who do you have the deepest impression of?
--Lay:Kris & Luhan
--Luhan: Lay, Xiumin. Because Lay was really friendly, Xiumin because he was rounder and fatter
*Lay: Kris was really cold when I first met him but Luhan was really cute
*LU HAN doesn't seem to be talkative today
*Q: What is Kris' hobby? Chen: Watch movie Luhan: read books Xiumin: Sleep Yixing: Act cool Tao: Plenty. Drums, African drums.


cr: xiches

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News flash Lay has ripped his pants xD chapter 401


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Xiumin_Squishy_Baozi #1
Chapter 1: Hahahaha, gull
Greyson #2
Chapter 24: *ovaries exploded* D-do you h-have any e-extra ovaries in t-there? haha xD
Pandalover2210 #3
Chapter 155: Cuuuuuuuuuuuteee
pinkpajamas #4
Chapter 115: LOL. at that pokemon. Somebody correct me if I'm wrong but is that Moltress? :)
Chapter 114: LOL D.O SRSLY :'D
OhhhmyyyyLuhan ♡
Chapter 100: WHAT???
sehun likes bieber===''????

hs a belieber???
shank97 #8
Chapter 3: I've been told that in the original lyrics, what kris says in two moon is 'roar like a buffalo' but everyone misheard it as roll like a buffalo..... doesn't this make sense to anybody else...? Is it just me who thinks this makes sense? Huh.....lol