38. Running away from you.

Oh my Luhan, I fell In love with my master!


Luhan's POV.

Lay had requested to talk to me alone. This is bad. He's going to question me like there's no tomorrow.

"Hyung," Lay started, "You don't have to act anymore it's just us." Damn. I was a hundred percent right. 

I sighed and looked at him, "Why are you so smart?" 

Lay laughed, "Hyung. You can't just stare at someone when they're taking water for you and expect me to not know." He shook his head. I was that obvious?

I rubbed my neck, "Mianhae, I didn't mean to lie to you guys, It's just-" 

Lay cut me off, "I know, Yoonmi right?" I nodded my head, "Yeah.." 

Just then, a loud crashing sound could be heard from the door, making me and Lay look up. 

Oh no.

Yoonmi staring right at me. 

With tears falling. 


Yoonmi's POV.

Luhan could see all along? I didn't know why, but I felt betrayal fill my heart. And Lay knew? 

I was so worried for nothing. 

Nice going Yoonmi, Luhan fooled you perfectly.

I stared at the two boys infront of me, tears falling. How could you make me worry so much about you when you're actually okay? 

"Yoonmi I can explain-" Luhan spoke, but I cut him off. "No. I don't want to hear your explaination." I shook my head, dropping my tray on the floor and ran. 

Wherever I could go at the moment, please bring me there.

I know I lied to you too Luhan, but that was to take care of you. But you made me worried. Maybe I was worried for a lost cause afterall. 

So you knew it was me all along? Those questions you asked, those things you told me. You wanted me to feel guilty for leaving you? 


Luhan's POV.

"No! It's not safe!" Lay tried holding me back, but I harshly pushed his hand away. 

"No, I have to explain to her. I-I Can't lose her a second time!" I shouted, and ran out of the hospital ward. I was weak, I was breathless, But I didn't care.

Please don't leave me, Yoonmi. Please. 

I'll tell you my reason for lying to you, Please give me a chance to explain. 

I ran out of the hospital, panting. It was raining, but that didn't stop me from finding the love of my life.

I continued running aimlessly. Where are you? 

Just then, I found a familiar figure standing at the nearby park, drenched. GIve me a chance to explain, I'll make things right. It's now or never, Luhan. 

"LEE YOONMI!" I called out, making her turn around. 


Yoonmi's POV.

No! NO!

I turned away from him, ready to run again. 

"DON'T. MOVE." I froze. I've seen Luhan angry before, But this was new. The level of worry in his voice was higher than that of anger.

I continued staring at the slide, tears pouring. 

I heard footsteps running towards me, "Turn around." I continued the way I was. "I SAID TURN. AROUND." Luhan's voice was thick and husky, making me shiver.

Hesitantly, I turned to face him. Do not give in. Do not.

"Yoonmi I-" He abruptly paused and walked closer to me, making me take a step back. "Please don't." I whispered, my voice shaking. 

Luhan sighed, the raindrops hitting his face. "Yoonmi. I have a reason for lying to you, I didn't do it on purpose. Please you have to-" 

I cut him off, "A reason? Do you know how worried I was?!" I snapped. I couldn't take it anymore. I hated it when someone lied to me. 

I saw Luhan's face fall, making me a little guilty for raising my voice. No, Why should you be guilty? A voice inside me replied, Because you lied to him too.

Me and Luhan were just standing in the rain, looking at each other. He coughed, making me frown. "Go back, you're not feeling well. You shouldn't be in the rain." 

I looked away, avoiding his eyes. As much as I wanted to deny it, I was worried. 


[A/N: Please play this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hl2CduaVLGE ]


"I'm sorry for lying to you." Luhan took a brave step forward. I continued avoiding his eyes, not saying anything.

He grabbed my wrists, "Look at me, Yoonmi. Please." Despite the rain, my hands felt warm due to his touch. My eyes slowly travelled to his. 

He moved his face lower, to meet my gaze. "I'm sorry," He whispered. Seeing that I didn't respond to him, He sighed. his grip on my wrists tightening.

"Do you think I want to lie to you? No!" I looked at him, hearing whatever he was saying at the moment. "The moment I realised that you're hiding your identity from me, I knew." 

He let go of my wirsts and took a step back, making me confused. 

"I know that you're going to leave me once I recover okay?!" He shouted. My eyes widened. W-What? "I lied because I didn't want you to leave me a second time! Do you know how hard I tried to find you? Do you? I went out every single day. Running around like a mad man just because I hoped so much to see you strolling on the streets!"

I softened, looking at Luhan. The water on his face could no longer be differenciated to be the rain or his tears. "Luhan I-" Luhan cut me off.

"Why did you leave me? Did you hate me so much? Do you hate me for ordering you around?" A gush of emotions rushed out from inside me. The way Luhan was looking at me now. Those eyes, Were the way I looked at him for a long time. 

"I'm sorry, I won't ask you to do anything for me anymore, I-" Before Luhan could finish his sentence, I grabbed his collar and kissed him.

Before he could respond, I pulled back and looked at him. "Luhan, I'm sorry for lying to you. I'm sorry for whatever I did. I left you because.." My voice trailed off, unable to continue what I wanted to say. 

Luhan looked at me, "It's okay.. I'm sorry for lying to you.." He sounded sad. 

He turned away from me and started walking away, sending my heart into a state of panick and alarm. N-No. Don't go Luhan! 

"I-I LOVE YOU!" I shouted. I did it. I told him my heart. I didn't want to wait any longer. I didn't want Luhan to slip away from me. He froze in his tracks and turned around.

"What?" Luhan asked. 

My tears fell, "I-I said I love you. I fell in love with you ever since a long time ago. I left you because you were going to marry Su Jin. I didn't want to see you with another girl, So I left you." I walked closer to Luhan, who wasn't responding to anything I was saying. 

"I-I understand if you don't feel the same. I just wanted to tell you how important you are to me. B-But I hope we can still remain as friends. I-I really don't want to lose you as a friend.." I looked at my feet, my tears dripping. 

"I don't want to be friends with you." Luhan said, making me lift my head. H-He doesn't even want to be friends. However, he continued speaking. 

"I want to spend the rest of eternity with you." My heart pounded heart, my brain stopped working as I looked at this perfect man infront of me. 

"W-What?" I whispered, barely audible. 

Luhan walked towards me and my cheeks, making sparks run down my spine. "I love you too, Lee Yoonmi. I don't know how or when it happened, But I fell so hard for you, my rightful maid. The way you smile, the way you blush when I'm teasing you, the way you're flustered by my touch. I love you so much. How can we be just friends?" 

My heart melted by his words. He feels the same way as me. 

"Lee Yoonmi," His hand s around my waist, making me blush. "Will you be my girlfriend?" 

More tears fell as I nodded my head gently, unable to talk. 

Luhan smiled and leaned in, "I Love you, my maid." He whispered on my lips, before kissing me gently. 

My arms hugged his neck, and he smiled into our kiss.

I fell in love with Luhan. 

I fell In love with my master.




I present you the chappie that all of you were probably waiting for :P Aigoo. This fic is most likely ending in another 10 chapters or so ;A;

But still, Subscribe and comment! ^^ 


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i need to re-read this every time I'm on the plane it's just too good!
Chapter 1: I'm reading this wonderful FF again ..... Right after I found out LUHANS DATING ... I support it all the way . This FF brings back the memories sigh
Chapter 45: Just what Xuimin would say!
Chapter 44: I just love~ the way you write! I'm craving more and more!
Chapter 42: You're amazing at writing lovey dicey fanfic! I'm fangirling so hard right now
Chapter 41: Wee~They slept together!!SOO CUTE!
Chapter 40: Hehe~ Cuddle? Hehehe. I love cuddles~
Chapter 38: There finally together!!!❤
Chapter 31: Yes! Find her Luhan! Find her with your heart!