36. Remembering The Past.

Oh my Luhan, I fell In love with my master!

It has been 3 weeks. I've been taking care of Luhan for 3 weeks now.

When he found out that Su Jin no longer wanted to marry him, he was more than elated, he was exploding in happiness. And it felt good for me and the boys to see his genuine smile again.

I walked back into room 308 with a plate of slice fruits. "Oh, Miyoon?" Luhan called out, making a wide smile spread across my face. Even though he's not calling my name, my heart still flutters.

"Deh, I have fruits." I walked over and sat beside him, gazing at his face. He had recovered from the bruises and cuts, which made his perfect features more evident than ever.

"Feed me please," He pouted. I'm actually glad that he doesn't know it's me. Why? Because I've seen sides of him I never knew existed.

"Okay," I tried my best not to stutter. I held a slice of apple and brought it to his lips, "Open." 

I've done this alot of times, but it never failed to send my heart racing. 

Luhan ate the apple and smiled, "Thanks." 

I gulped, "I-It's no problem." 

There was silence in the room after, until Luhan sighed. 

"Wae?" I asked, looking at him worriedly. 

Luhan flashed a small smile, as though he had suddenly remembered something. 

"Miyoon, Can I tell you about my friend?" I froze a little, but nodded. "Okay."

"Well, I have a friend," He paused, as the smile on his face widened, "And she's extremely clumsy." Upon seeing his smile, I started smiling too. "Wae?" 

"She trips alot. There was once she tripped in the swimming pool and I had to catch her." He laughed. However, My smile faded. W-Wait... Luhan is talking about-

"And I love teasing her. I really did." Me? 

"A-Aigoo," I tried my best to remain calm, "Why did you ?" 

Luhan shrugged, "It's fun to see her mad." I frowned, You teased me to see my angry face? "Oh, and she stutters alot, like you." He paused, "That's why you remind me of her so much."

I looked at him silently and he continued, "But one day," his smile was now erased. "She left." My heart sank, alongside with his smile. I'm sorry..

"Maybe she had a reason?" I asked, trying to salvage the situation. Luhan's head was now drooping, "Maybe she did, But I don't know where she went. No matter how I tried I couldn't find her." My eyes rounded slightly, Luhan was searching for me all this time?

"Why did you search so hard for her?" I blurted out. I swear I saw Luhan's face harden, before he sighed. My heart raced, anticipating his answer.

Right when Luhan was about to speak once again,

"Hyung!" Tao barged in the room, holding a container in his hand. Why is your timing so good, my dear maknae? I sighed, Now I'll never know. "Oh Maknae ah!" Luhan cooed, "You came alone?" 

Tao nodded his head. I looked at him with a raised eyebrow and pointed to Luhan. 

He then gasped, "Yes! I came alone." Luhan smiled, "You forgot I couldn't see and nodded didn't you?" 

Tao frowned, "Hyung how did you-" 

Luhan cut him off, "I'm not your hyung for nothing. So why the sudden visit?" Tao then snapped his fingers, "Oh right!" He ran over, "Hyung, I searched online and saw that this tonic helps the recovery of your nerves!" 

Luhan raised an eyebrow, "What tonic is that?" Tao took out his iphone and frantically scrolled down, "Err.. Erm.. I forgot! Just drink it, Hyung!" 

I looked at Luhan, who sighed. "Fine, give it." Tao clapped his hands, "Now you'll recover in a flash!"

I fed Luhan one spoon of the soup. Immediately, He spitted it out, "What the heck?! Who is the idiot who made this damn thing?!" 

Tao looked at his feet and sighed, "I-It's me.." Aww, He's adorable!

"Aigoo, Arraso I'll drink it all okay? Now stop looking at the ground." Luhan smiled, making Tao gasp, "HYUNG YOU CAN SEE ALREADY?! I TOLD YOU IT WORKS-"

"I just ASSUMED your actions." Luhan broke Tao's little celebration. Tao sheepishly smiled, "Oh. Well I have to go now! Take care of him well, Yo- MIYOON!" THAT was close. 

My heart pounded against my chest, Phew. 

"I'll have that later please." Luhan frowned, making me giggle, "Arraso." You're not going to eat it, are you. 

Suddenly, Luhan grabbed my wrist, making me jump in surprise. Can he see? I waved my hands infront of his face, and he had no response. I guess not..

"Yes?" I asked, feelings the sparks I haven't felt in a long time. 

"What do you do when you miss someone?" He asked, slowly letting go of my wrist. That's a wrong question to ask me, Luhan. 

"I don't know. That's a problem I have too," I paused, as I stared at Luhan longingly. 

Because even though you're right here beside me, I'm still missing you, Luhan.




Ooopppppps. :D You guys are going to love the next chappie. I promise. :P

 You, you and you.

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i need to re-read this every time I'm on the plane it's just too good!
Chapter 1: I'm reading this wonderful FF again ..... Right after I found out LUHANS DATING ... I support it all the way . This FF brings back the memories sigh
Chapter 45: Just what Xuimin would say!
Chapter 44: I just love~ the way you write! I'm craving more and more!
Chapter 42: You're amazing at writing lovey dicey fanfic! I'm fangirling so hard right now
Chapter 41: Wee~They slept together!!SOO CUTE!
Chapter 40: Hehe~ Cuddle? Hehehe. I love cuddles~
Chapter 38: There finally together!!!❤
Chapter 31: Yes! Find her Luhan! Find her with your heart!