27. Going Crazy.

Oh my Luhan, I fell In love with my master!

The sun's bright rays hit my eyes, forcing me to open them. 

I rubbed my eyes, taking my time to adjust to the sudden change of brightness. 

I turned to my right and my eyes widened.

Luhan. Was. Sleeping. Beside. Me. Bwo?!

I rubbed my eyes harder, only to find his peaceful sleeping figure gone. What was that?

I off any unwanted thoughts and sat on the edge of my bed. Wake up!

After washing up, I walked down the stairs, yawning. 

To my heart's surprise, Luhan was sitting on the couch casually, smirking at me. I shook my head, and once again, he was gone. 

I scratched my head, "What was that all about?" 

"What was what all about?" An arm had casually swung over my shoulders, making me stiffen at the sudden contact. I looked to my left and saw Luhan smiling at me. 

"AHH!" I quickly stepped back.

"Woah woah, chill bunny!" I saw Lay raise up both his hands, making my eyebrows cringe. How can this be?

"B-But- Y-You- I-" I abruptly stopped, realising this was going nowhere. "AISH!" 

Lay laughed, "A very good morning to you too." 

I looked at him for a second or two before walking to the fridge to take some eggs for breakfast. Forget it Yoonmi, you're probably still in dream mode- Wait, I wouldn't even be dreaming of that guy.

I cracked the eggs into the pan, satisfied with the perfection I achieved. Hey, for cooks, they may mean nothing, but perfect eggs mean alot to me, Lee Yoonmi.

I hummed the tune of SHINee's sherlock and smiled to myself. I looked at the pan to check how the eggs were cooking.

Instead of seeing two eggs, I saw Luhan winking at me, his lips at the same time. 

I looked up panicky, "LAY! ZHANG YIXING!" 

Lay scurried over, "Yes?! Did a fire break out?! Aish we-" I cut him off by pointing at the pan, "L-Look at the pan." Lay looked at the eggs and raised an eyebrow.

"The eggs are pretty overcooked." I snapped my head to the pan's direction and gasped, quickly turning the fire off. "Aish! B-But, you didn't see anything inside the eggs?" 

Lay rubbed his neck, "Well. I uhh. Egg yolks?" 

I stared at him in disbelief. Bwo?! THERE WAS CLEARLY LUHAN'S FACE!

"Forget it," I sighed. Lay squeezed my shoulder, "Yah, is something wrong?" I looked at him and sighed again. 

"Ever get the feeling as though you're going insane?" Lay paused and nodded, "That's whats happening to me now." I took the eggs from the pan and disposed them in the trashbin. 

So much for my perfect eggs.

"I smell something nice!" A voice cooed, making me and Lay turn behind. 

Luhan was wearing his light blue pajamas and yawning. I gulped and tugged on Lay's sleeve, "U-Uh who is that?" Lay sent me a quizzical look, "Huh?"

I looked at 'Luhan' who was approaching us, well specifically me. "Who are you?!" I shouted, pointing the spatula in my hands at him. Anyone who saw me or heard me then would have figured that I lost my mind.


Luhan's POV.

Did that girl just point an utensil at me, shouting 'Who are you'? 

I raised an eyebrow and looked at Lay, who seemed just as confused as me. 

I stepped towards Yoonmi, and she took a step back, making me even more confused. "Yah, are you crazy?" I asked.

Yoonmi continued looking at me, as though she lost her mind. 

"Y-You," She lifted up her 'weapon' once again, "S-Stay away from me, Whoever you are." 

My lips parted, but soon closed, "Yoboseyo, you seem to be misunderstanding something here, Look at this," I pointed to my face, "Do you not know me?!" 

Yoonmi took small steps towards me, sending me bewildered. Did I change to an animal overnight?

"Who are you? Are you the real Luhan?" Her words do not make sense. I shall repeat, Her words MAKES. NO. SENSE.

"Uhh, REAL Luhan?" I emphasized the word 'real'. 

She continued eyeing me, making me impatient. I walked forward and grabbed her hand, "I. Am. The. One. And. Only. Luhan." I cut every word, and let go of her hand. 

She narrowed her eyes at me, "F-Fine." 

What the hell did I miss out here? 

"Up so early?" Kris's voice echoed throughout the room as he stretched his long arms.

"AHHH!" Yoonmi screamed, making me jump. "What?!" I shouted back.

She pointed to me and to Kris, and back to me again. "T-The two of you. W-What- AHHH!" My eyebrows creased, There are no sentences coming out from .

"Yah, what's wrong with you?" Lay nudged her.

Yes Yoonmi, What IS wrong with you?


Yoonmi's POV.

He's everywhere! EVERY.WHERE. 

I turned to Lay, desperate, since he was the only one who is NOT Luhan in my eyes. 

"Slap me." Lay's eyes widened, "WHAT?!" Aish!

I went to the sink and splashed water over my face several times, before turning back to the 3 dumbfounded boys. 

I looked at Lay, and then at Luhan. 

I looked behind Luhan and saw Kris. HE'S NOT LUHAN! 

After having a little celebration in my mind, I came to realise that Luhan, Lay, and Kris, has been staring at me for at least the last 5 minutes.

I rubbed my neck, "Ehehe, M-Mianhae.. A little crazy today." 

Kris shrugged and walked away.

Lay patted my head and walked over to the couch.

Luhan walked towards me, making me worry. Let's just act like he's not there. 

I turned back to the pan and stared intently. 

"What the hell are you doing?" Do. Not. Look. At. Him.

"Cooking." I answered. 

Luhan grabbed the pan's handle and lifted it, "Cooking? You call this cooking?" 

I frowned. "Whatever," Luhan placed the pan back on the stove.

"Look at me," he commanded, making me shiver. Don't let him suspect that something's wrong!

I turned to face him for a second and turned away, "I J-Just did."

My hands were gripping onto the handle of the pan, tightly. 

Just when my grip on the handle was about to loosen, I felt Luhan's hand holding mine, making my grip tighten even more.

"What's wrong with you today? Hmm?" He whispered in my ears.

My hands froze, and the pan dropped onto the stove with a loud 'clang'. 

Luhan chuckled, "I didn't know I had that big of an effect on you," He blew air onto the back of my ear, sending my heart all the way up to my throat. Do you enjoy doing this Luhan?

Almost immediately, he released my hand and moved back. I couldn't help but look at him. 

He winked and his lips, Just like how I had imagined it, and walked away. 

My eyes widened at his actions, unable to react to anything at the moment. 


Luhan's POV.


I've been gone for a minute and you're still frozen in that position?


The effect I have on you must be pretty big.




Yo! :D How was it? <; Kekekeke. Comments make my day, so please do not hesitate! <3 


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i need to re-read this every time I'm on the plane it's just too good!
Chapter 1: I'm reading this wonderful FF again ..... Right after I found out LUHANS DATING ... I support it all the way . This FF brings back the memories sigh
Chapter 45: Just what Xuimin would say!
Chapter 44: I just love~ the way you write! I'm craving more and more!
Chapter 42: You're amazing at writing lovey dicey fanfic! I'm fangirling so hard right now
Chapter 41: Wee~They slept together!!SOO CUTE!
Chapter 40: Hehe~ Cuddle? Hehehe. I love cuddles~
Chapter 38: There finally together!!!❤
Chapter 31: Yes! Find her Luhan! Find her with your heart!