23. Broken.

Oh my Luhan, I fell In love with my master!

"Can I kiss you?" My heart stopped as Luhan leaned closer, bringing his face nearer to mine. 

His gaze intensified and he his lips, alarming me. I-Is he serious? 

Before I could respond to his question, His hand sneaked around my waist as he pulled me closer, "LUH-" Too late.

Luhan had placed his lips onto mine, sending me to a state of confusion. Do something Lee Yoonmi, Anything. 

It was completely different from the time he was drunk. He was so much more gentle, as though he actually cared about me. I can't let this happen again.

I harshly pushed him away, but he never seemed to budge. He my lips, making me gasp at his bold actions. Taking this chance, he slipped his tongue into my wet cavern. WHAT THE HECK IS HAPPENING?

I stuggled from his grip, pushing him away as hardly as I could. After a few seconds, Luhan broke the kiss, leaving a string of saliva between us.

I looked at him, dumbfounded. Luhan his lips, "So that's what lips tastes like." My eyes widened. This punk kissed me to find out how lips taste like? 

Suddenly, Anger took over my mind. "What? lips?" I hissed. Luhan looked at me, obviously confused. I breathed deeply, "You kissed me just to know how lips taste like?" 

Luhan continued staring at me, not saying a thing. 

I snapped, "Well, That's funny. I remember you stealing my first kiss when you were bloody drunk!" My eyes widened on the information I just revealed. And this is what anger does to you.

"W-What did you say?" Luhan placed his hand on my shoulder. I shrugged it off, "Nothing." 

I stood up, "I'm going." I'm leaving the cave. I don't care if I die because of the storm or something. I couldn't give a damn. 

"You're not going anywhere when it's still pouring. Luhan held my arm. 

"Whatever." I muttered, looking at the floor. Luhan stood beside me, sighing. "Can you explain what you just said?"


Lay's POV.

I ran all the way into the woods, upon hearing that you and Luhan were stuck in the rain. Why? Because I was worried. 

I had no raincoat, I had no umbrella, But I had a heart that wants you safe and sound in my arms. 

I looked for you, everywhere. I called for you, but you never answered. 

And finally, My aching heart had found you. I was about to dash in the cave, I was about to attack you with a hug, But what did I see? 

You. And. Luhan. Kissing. 

Had I searched for you in vain? Because It seemed to me that you're not in any danger at all.

You attacked my heart once, you broke my heart twice, and now, You're ripping it out of my body and stepping on it mercilessly. 

Why Yoonmi? Why do you hate my heart so much?

Those liquids flowing down my face, I am no longer able to tell if they are the rainwater or my warm tears. 

Well, I don't want to look at you any longer, Not after being stabbed several times in the heart, NO. 

I turned my body away from you and ran as fast as I could, I didn't care where I was heading to. The only thing I wanted to do was to get away from you, Lee Yoonmi.


Yoonmi's POV.

I sat beside Luhan, AGAIN. "No, I don't want to talk about it. The rain is clearing up, can we just go?" I said, annoyed.

"Yah.. I'm sorry I kissed you okay?" He poked my sides, making me jump. I bit my lip to hold back my laughter. "Ooh, SOMEONE's ticklish." He poked me again. STUPID.


I was very soon tackled by Luhan, falling onto the floor, pulling him with me. 

I squeezed my eyes shut, until I felt Luhan's fingers curling a piece of hair behind my ears. I slowly fluttered my eyes open, to come face to face with Luhan. My heartbeat raced, anticipating whatever he had to say.

He had a gentle smile on his face, "I'm sorry okay? I won't do it again." He then pouted. AISH! How am I supposed to be angry at this pouting boy? 

I looked away, "Fine, g-get off me." Luhan stood up a few seconds later, while I was still lying on the ground. "Here," He held out his hand and smiled.

At that very moment, time froze. Luhan's hair was a little messy and wet, but it was perfect, this moment is perfect. 

I snapped out of my gaze and grabbed his hand, pulled up by him. 

"Let's get going," He looked out of the cave and nodded. 


We found the villa awhile later. Once we opened the door, all of the boys came running to me, "YAH WHERE WERE YOU TWO LOVEBIRDS?!" Kris shouted.

Luhan rolled his eyes, "WE WERE WAITING FOR YOU?!" Kris then sheepishly smiled, "Oh, Mian." 

Just then, the door swung open again, revealing a drenched Lay. My eyes widened, He was caught in the rain too? 

"Lay, you okay man? They came back already," Chen walked over to Lay. What? Lay was looking for us? 

I saw Lay glance my way before walking upstairs, without a word. 

What's wrong?


Xiumin's POV.

You had no idea how bad I felt as I watched him walk up the stairs. I'm his best friend, and it that I'm the only one that knows why he's acting like that.

Freaking fool, he actually told me that Yoonmi's everything to him. Everything.

And Yoonmi's just oblivious to everything. I mean, Hey, Isn't it obvious enough yet? 

Yixing Loves her. It's not just a crush anymore. It's not.


Lay's POV.

Is this what you get for loving someone?

Because if it is,

I don't want to do this anymore.




Trust me when I say I almost teared writing this chapter. I just got so freaking emotional. Oh my god. Lay ):

  Emotional .

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i need to re-read this every time I'm on the plane it's just too good!
Chapter 1: I'm reading this wonderful FF again ..... Right after I found out LUHANS DATING ... I support it all the way . This FF brings back the memories sigh
Chapter 45: Just what Xuimin would say!
Chapter 44: I just love~ the way you write! I'm craving more and more!
Chapter 42: You're amazing at writing lovey dicey fanfic! I'm fangirling so hard right now
Chapter 41: Wee~They slept together!!SOO CUTE!
Chapter 40: Hehe~ Cuddle? Hehehe. I love cuddles~
Chapter 38: There finally together!!!❤
Chapter 31: Yes! Find her Luhan! Find her with your heart!