Please Don't Fall For Anyone Else

Scarlet Necklace

“Don’t you ‘Hiya sis!’ me,” Yejin panted. “I didn’t even have time to put my bag down when you called me demanding that I bring your planner down. Thank God the office is walking distance.”

Ignoring her rant, Heechul smiled. “This is Baekhyun.”

Yejin did a double take at him. “Necklace?”

“That’s me,” Baekhyun flashed a sweet smile.

“No wonder you look so familiar! Man I’m so stupid, I didn’t even recognize you just now!” Yejin slapped her forehead.

“It’s okay. I don’t expect anyone to, really.”

“Okay, thank you Yejin. You can go now,” Heehul shooed.

“I expect five boxes of Chocopie as my payment,” Yejin shot him an icy glare before leaving the office.

Pig,” Heechul rolled his eyes.

“She likes chocopies?” Baekhyun raised an eyebrow.

“Eats it for breakfast, lunch and dinner,” Heechul shook his head. “I was kidding. She’d be obese by then.”

“Right,” Baekhyun chuckled. The two continued to work out days where having shoots would be comfortable and not too taxing since he had to juggle school and photoshoots.

“Oi, I’m home,” Heechul slammed the front door shut and placed the boxes of chocopies on the table. “Yejin! Kim Yejin?”

When he received no reply, he ran up the stairs to check her room. He sighed in relief when he saw her just taking a nap. Heechul’s eyes landed on her B.A.P poster and an evil smirk crept up his face.

“Love you too, Yejin,” Heehul capped the black marker and left her room silently. An hour later, Heechul almost spat out his water from Yejin’s murderous shriek.

“KIM. HEE. CHUL. YOU ARE SO FREAKING DEAD,” Yejin came charging down the stairs and pounced on him. “How dare you! You are going to hell, you mean, annoying, stupid !” Yejin put Heechul in a firm headlock and began pulling his hair.


“Should’ve just left it at there! Why go the extra step to ruin my beautiful poster?!” Yejin smacked him upside the head before storming into the kitchen to get a glass of water to calm herself down.

“Trust me, they look so much better like that,” Heechul rolled his eyes and massaged his head. “Damn girl, you have man strength. How are you ever going to get a boyfriend.”

“Don’t worry I only use my man strength on idiots like you,” Yejin slammed her mug down and went to grab a box of Chocopie.

“Pig,” Heechul stuck his tongue out.

“Oh yeah, umma called just now. She said appa and her won’t be able to come back until June, which is when my mid-term break starts,” Yejin said, turning on the tv.


“Don’t know. Busy I guess,” Yejin shrugged. Their parents were in China to work and have been there for the past six months.

“That ,” Heechul frowned. “Isn’t Hyunsoo hyung doing anything to help?”

“Beats me. Speaking of Hyunsoo oppa, I kinda miss him,” Yejin pouted. “Why couldn’t he stay with us..”

“He’d hit you again if he did,” Heechul clenched his fists.

Yejin turned rigid. “It was an accident, oppa. He was drunk, he didn’t know what he was doing.”

“He could’ve killed you,” Heechul glared at her.

“But he didn’t.”

“Because I stopped him!”

“It’s in the past, time to forgive and forget. I’m gonna go Skype him. Bye.”

“Don’t sleep too late,” Heechul sighed. Yejin waved him off with one hand and the other hugged a box of her favourite snacks. Yejin shut the door and her laptop. She opened up Skype and smiled when she saw her eldest oppa online.

“Ehhhh! How’s my maknae doing?” Hyunsoo smiled brightly.

“Oppa!” Yejin giggled. “I’m doing great but Chullie oppa’s annoying the heck outta me."

“Don’t be so bad to him. You are a handful to take care of,” Hyunsoo smiled playfully.

Yejin shot him a look. “Ignoring that. How’s China?”

“Great! It’s nice here, but I do want to go back to Korea soon,” Hyunsoo sighed. “We’ve been really busy lately.”

“Well you are going to take over a company,” Yejin reasoned. “Even if it’s just a small one.”

“Guess you’re right. Isn’t it almost 11pm over there? You should be sleeping!” Hyunsoo pointed out.

“But I wanna keep talking to you!” Yejin pouted.

“There’s always tomorrow night. I promise I’ll try to come on. Go to sleep you stubborn pig,” Hyunsoo smiled.

“Both you and Heechul oppa keep calling a pig,” Yejin scowled. “I’ll call him to say hi before sleeping then.”

“No, don’t,” Yejin froze. “It’s okay, I don’t wanna bother him.”

”.. Right.”

“He’s still mad huh?”

“Yeah, we just talked about it,” Yejin sighed.

“I’m sorry. You’re not still mad at me, right?” Hyunsoo looked at her worriedly.

“Of course I’m not. If I was do you think I’d still be talking to you?” Yejin smiled.

“That’s great then. Goodnight Jinnie.”

“Goodnight oppa,” Yejin ended the call and turned her laptop off before going to bed.

“Thanks oppa,” Yejin took the helmet off and handed it to Heechul.

“How’s hyung doing?” Heechul put away the extra helmet.

“Oppa’s doing great. If you’re worried about him then you should just go talk to him yourself,” Yejin shook her head.

“I’m not worried,” Heechul rolled his eyes. “See you back home.”

“Bye,” Yejin waved and headed into the school. She made her way to to her locker and got her books.

“Hi,” Yejin flinched as soon as she turned. “Remember me?”

“Hi. Of course I do,” Yejin smiled.

“So what class are you in?” Baekhyun asked.

“Class 1-5,” Yejin answered simply.

“I see. C- Can I walk you to class?” Baekhyun blurted before he could think of the consequences.

“What?” Yejin raised an eyebrow.

“I.. Um,” Baekhyun fumbled for excuses.

“Sure,” his eyes widened at her unexpected response. “Well my books are a little heavy. Having a helper would be good.” Yejin handed him her books with a playful smile.

“Of course! I could carry your books for you every morning if you want,” Baekhyun offered.

“No then I’d look like bad who makes use of innocent sunbaes,” Yejin chuckled. “Just this once, because you offered.”

“I don’t mind,” Baekhyun smiled goofily.

“Are you always this nice?” Yejin asked.

“Only to special people,” Baekhyun answered, secretly stealing a glance at her.

“So I’m special to you?” Yejin laughed a little.

“Maybe,” Baekhyun said softly. The two stopped outside her classroom and he handed her the books.

“Thanks for walking me. Even though I just met you,” Yejin laughed. Baekhyun smiled and took off his necklace.

“Hold this,” he placed the necklace onto her palm and it shone brightly.

“Oh my gosh. That’s cool,” Yejin stared at the shining necklace. Baekhyun took the necklace and grabbed a random girl’s hand and placed it on her palm. It didn’t light up.

“What are you doing?” the third year scowled. Baekhyun took it back and apologized.

“What was that about?” Yejin asked, a little confused.

“Do me a favour?”

“Sure,” Yejin agreed uneasily.

Baekhyun looked her straight in the eye.

Please don’t fall for anyone else.”


Bacon, y u so greasy? ^^

Hello everybody~~


I believe this is the first time addressing you guys at the bottom of the chapter, hehe. Thank you all for subscribing! Tell your friends, tell your family, tell your dog or goldfish even :p.

Some EXO gifs for you. They're not my gifs! x)



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kiikuu #1
Chapter 41: Aww it's a nice story ~~ I really enjot this :)
Thanks authornim ^^
RainbowUnicornPoop_ #2
Chapter 41: This story is so cute xD
Lovelypandabear #4
Chapter 41: I totally love this story and the plot and just about everything~~ Too bad there isn't a sequel :(
Chapter 41: This story was totally cute. I really loved it.
And the necklace. It reminds me of his power. Lol
Chapter 7: My bias is so totally Kris and Sehun
srhsyfqh98 #7
Chapter 41: I really like this story aww ♥♥
yujingugue #8
Chapter 7: YOUNGJAE!!! D.O!!!
cheekylittlechubba #9
Chapter 41: Cute!!! I really like the story authornim ^^
SHINeeEXO559 #10
Chapter 7: My bias

B.A.P: Daehyun
EXO K: Kai
EXO M: Luhan