I Love Her, She Loves ??


JR had been Eun-Jo's best friend since they were 9, and it didn't took him long to realize his romantic feelings for her. He decided to save all his guts to confess on Eun-Jo's 20th birthday.

Will everything go as planned? Will Eun-Jo accept him? Or will he forever be just her "best friend"?


Green Text - JR's pov

Purple Text - Eun-Jo's pov

Red Text - JB's pov


I'm a huge Super Junior fan, that's why I'm surprised to see myself writing a fan fic that's not about them. But I also love J&J, both JB and JR ♥ :>

After my J&J fan fic, I'll do an SJ one. :))

Supposedly, this should be a one shot but I thought a short story would be better.


Please support my first ever fan fic ♥


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