chapter nineteen.

The Geek and The Jerk

You and Xiumin sat quietly on another side of the table as Luhan's parents and Luhan sat on the other side. Their maids came in with the food and set them in front of you. Luhan's parents smiled. "Eat," Luhan's mom said as she picked up her fork.
You and Xiumin both looked at each other and hesitated. Luhan's dad chuckled. "Don't worry, we didn't poison it or anything," he said.
Xiumin nervously chuckled. "Well, it's not that that we're worried of..."
Luhan's dad blinked. "Oh! Don't worry! We're family friends right?"
Xiumin smiled and gave in. He motioned you to eat. You nodded and started to eat. Luhan's mom smiled at you. "Is it good?" she asked. "I made it myself this morning for you," she said.
You nodded and smiled. "It's delicious, umma."
Luhan looked at you. "Why are you calling my mama umma, Pig?" he asked.

Luhan's mom nudged Luhan. "Be nice. And she can call me that. Because I said she could," she said and smiled at you. You smiled back at her, but meekly smiled at Luhan when his mother turned away. You stuck your tongue at him.
Luhan glared at you. Luhan's father chuckled at both your actions, then he turned to Luhan and gave him a weird look. "Luhan, that's a nice shade of lipstick on you. When did you start using lipstick?"
Luhan's eyes widen. "It's still on there?!" He picked up is spoon and looked at his reflection. "Damn it!" he said and rubbed the lipstick off his face. "Thanks a lot, Pig," he said.
You smiled sweetly. "You're welcome!"

You laid on your bed thinking of what to do. Your friends were off in Japan while you were stuck at Luhan's house with nothing to do. Your brother had gone off to see your dad at the hospital, but he didn't want you to come along.
You walked from room to room and looked for something to do. You finally got into a place that you're familiar with. Luhan's room. "What do you want?" Luhan asked, not looking away from his computer.
"Well nothing any more," you said and turned to leave.
"You're bored aren't you?" he said. 
You turned back around. "Isn't it obvious?"
Silence. The only sound was the sound of Luhan typing. "Come here," he said. You instantly came over. He looked up at you. "You must be really bored." He sighed. "Fine, here," he said and gave you an envelope. "Umma told me to give this to you. She said to go shopping."
You took the envelope and looked at him. "But myself?"
"Who else?"
Luhan looked at you, didn't want to hear your next words.

You pulled Luhan into a co-ed store. Luhan groaned. "Tell my why I'm here again," he said.
"I need company. Plus someone to tell me if I look good in something," you said.
Luhan gave you a look. "What am I? You're boyfriend? Last time I checked, I was your tutor," he said.
You wagged your finger at him. "Not anymore! From now on, you're my shopping spree friend!"

You giggled and pulled Luhan over to the make-up department of the store. You looked at the lipsticks. "Should we buy you a lipstick too? Your dad and Xiumin oppa said that that one lipstick was your shade," you said.
Luhan glared at you. "You wouldn't," he said.
But you grabbed a sample lipstick and put it on Luhan's lips. "I would," you said.
Luhan grabbed your arm before you could apply more to him. "Stop that," he said.

You pouted. "Fine." You pulled him over to the girls department.
Luhan sighed. "Do I have to follow you around everywhere?"
You pouted. "If you go, I'll be lonely..."
Luhan shook his head. "Fine. I'll stay. Just for now," he said and sat down in a chair. "And I'm not going to help you look for clothes."
You shrugged. "As long as you're here, then I'm fine!" you said and ran off.

Luhan groaned. "When are you coming out of the dressing rooms? It's been at least half an hour!" he complained.
"Hold on! I just have one more thing to try on!" you said. Finally you opened the door of your dressing room. Out you came wearing a knee-length sun dress with sunglasses and a headband on. "There! What do you thing?" you asked as you made a duck face and made a peace sign.
Luhan looked at you from head to toe. He couldn't help but blush. He blinked a couple of times and coughed. *What are you doing, Luhan?! Look away!*
"Well?" you asked. "Do you like it or not?" you asked again, impatiently.
Luhan looked away and waved his hand for you to go away.
You beamed. "I'll take that as a yes!" you said and skipped back to your dressing room.

Luhan exhaled of relief once you disappeared.
5 minutes later, you and Luhan came out of the store. Luhan held all of the bags. He sighed. "Why do I have to carry all of the bags?! They're your stuff!" he said.
You turned to him and started walking backwards. "Not all of it~" you sang.
You both stopped at the food court to get a drink. "2 bottles of water please!" you said. The salesperson gave you 2 bottles of water. Just as you turned to give Luhan his water, you tripped over one of your bags and fell forward. You shrieked, waiting to hit the ground, but then you noticed someone's arm around your waist. You looked up and saw Luhan. Your eyes widen and quickly stood up straight.
Luhan chuckled. "Clumsy pig," he said.
You glared at him. "Stop calling me a pig!"
Luhan shook his head and took his bottle of water. While your heart continued to beat fast from the adrenaline rush. You blushed, but covered your face.

Sorry if it's lame. I had to quickly write this!

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Yeaaa!!!! Love this <3<3<3
luhan *drooling* hihihi
MeganeAlpaca #2
Chapter 34: Kyaa~~ so cute~~ and luhan is not even my bias. (ಥ_ಥ). LAY IS MY BIAS. After Xiumin~ but Xiumin is the I'm kinda sad...but Xiumin as a oppa?!?!? Kyaa~~ But anywho this story is such a cute story with a happy ending~ good job author! (●≧▽≦)♪
yme_xiu #3
Chapter 3: Math erghh my face like thisO_o
o0oCatherineo0o #4
Chapter 18: I ship lay and jieun more than Luhan and jieun...
Chapter 33: Finish read this story . Thanks for this wonderful story . Now i'm going to read the sequel O(∩_∩)O
Supbruh29 #6
Chapter 3: Im in 8th grade and i tried figuring it out on how you got the answers and i still dont get :/ lol ill prob fail math
Chapter 34: omg! it's so sweet and wonderful awesome etc. haha i freaking love it!
one of the best romcoms ever and just finished it today! ;;
this is such a beautiful story, I've read it over 5 times lol <3
Chapter 34: Love this story!!