

sen·ten·tious [sen-ten-shuhs]


1. abounding in pithy aphorisms or maxims: a sententious book.

2. given to excessive moralizing; self-righteous.

3. given to or using pithy sayings or maxims: a sententious poet.

4. of the nature of a maxim; pithy.


Dreams want to be real.

When you start to wake up,

they hang on and try to slip out into the waking world when you don’t notice.

Very strong dreams can almost do it,

They can last for almost half a day, but not much longer.

Charles de Lint, “The Moon is Drowning While I Sleep”

Should have this done by this weekend. Since I'm off work, I'm pretty much holing myself in my room and writing.


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Drooling uncontrollably here .... please continue.
ChaoticSiobhan_91 #2
Hallelujah, Mashi unnie is adding another story!!!!! XDD