Wanted: Perfect Husband

Junhyung’s POV

“I’ll meet you at your house?” I asked. The few weeks of busy schedules had finally come to an end and I was calling Hyuna to meet her. Since I pretty much couldn’t go anywhere without a disguise, might as well I just go straight to her house.

“No no its okay. You just got back from a long flight. You must be tired. I’ll come over?” she said.

“Arasso. I’ll be waiting.” We ended the call and I took a quick shower before Hyuna comes. I’ve decided. I’m not going to waste any more time and I am finally, after months of knowing her and being her friend, confessing to her. It is nerve-wrecking. I’m still fearful of getting rejected but I know I have to this.

The long wait came to an end when I heard a knock at the door. I just opened it when Hyuna came in excitedly.

“I got something to tell you!!” she cheered, slumping into the couch. I sat beside her and laughed.

“Really? I got something to tell you too! But ladies first,” I said.

She grinned widely. “Well… I.. got.. THE PERFECT HUSBAND!” She smiled from ear to ear.

My smile dropped instantly, not thinking if she would notice the change and ask me afterwards. She found her perfect one? She really did? It means I’m… too late?

“So he’s perfect?” I managed to ask.

“Yeah!! His name is Jang Wooyoung and he’s working in a company that is collaborating with our magazine editorial firm. I had to work with him and we had lunch. That was when I got to know that he was in a similar situation as me! His mother told him that he has to get married as soon as possible because he’s always focusing on his work. And he is perfect! He’s funny, sweet, romantic, gentleman, rich,.. EVERYTHING! One word Jun: perfect. I told him about my situation too and we’ve gone out like thrice or four times since then! Yesterday... he just confessed to me!” she explained all in a breath.

“So umm.. when’s the.. wedding?” I asked nervously. This isn’t happening. I’m really too late. Please tell me this is just a bad dream and I’m going to wake up in any minute now.

She chuckled. “I don’t know Jun.. I know he’s going to propose, I just don’t know when exactly. Maybe in a weeks’ time?” she said shyly.

“That’s good.” I tried to be happy for her. I tried to at least force out a fake smile. But I can’t. I was beyond shocked. I was devastated. But she was too happy to notice.

“So what is it that you wanted to tell me?” she asked, still beaming brightly.

Oh . “Um.. My music video shoot went great!” I tried to pretend like I’m as happy as her.

She laughed. “That’s the news? Of course I know it will do great! I mean aren’t you like, the Yong Junhyung?” she smirked.

I just smiled at her compliment. After awhile of chatting, mainly her, since she’s being very excited to tell everything about her boyfriend, she got a phone call. She whispered to the caller and would often smile and chuckle cutely. Soon the call ended.

“I have to go soon Junhyung. Wooyoung’s bringing me to this new ice cream restaurant that sells up to 50 different kinds of ice creams!” she said cheerfully, clapping her hands to herself. I like seeing her happy. But I like it more if it was me who made her this happy.

“You should get going then. Don’t want to keep Mr. Perfect waiting,” I said. She grinned and nodded. We bid our goodbyes and off she goes.

I went back home and thought over things. Hongki was right. When she found someone else, I will get hurt. I’ve seen this coming when I wasn’t planning on confessing to her but why does it hurt so bad? Its okay Junhyung. You can still be her friend. You can be her bestfriend; be there for her, catch her when she falls.

For the next few weeks, I didn’t get to see much of Hyuna like I thought I would. When I called, its either she’s working or about to go on a date with her boyfriend. If I come over, she’s always not around. She would sometimes stop by Yoseob’s house to take Hyerin home and that’s when I see her. We talked awhile but then she went home within less than 10 minutes of being there. Its not the same. Nothing is ever the same anymore.

She spends lesser and lesser time with me and I felt that I’ve lost her forever. I thought that even if I can’t be with her, I can still be around her. It doesn’t seemed that fate is taking that path.



Hyuna’s POV

I kept on staring at the diamond ring on my finger. I can’t believe it. In just a few more weeks, I’m going to get married. Jang Wooyoung is the most perfect guy I’ve ever met in my entire life. He’s everything a girl could ask for. Hah! And people say my Mr Perfect doesn’t exist. In your face!

“I think you’re going to burn a hole on the ring if you keep staring at it,” Wooyoung said as he sat across me, coming from the gents. He chuckled. I looked up at him and simply grinned.

“Where do you want to go after this?” he asked.

“Umm.. I think I want to go home. I’m quite tired after going shopping the whole day,” I replied. He smiled and nodded. After we finish up our lattes we went home by his black Jaguar.

We were in my room looking at my school pictures and other stuffs in my room. Wooyoung had never actually been into my room. The furthest he had been to is my living room.

“Hey I’ve never seen you wear this shades before. Its quite nice,” he said, holding onto a pair of white shades. I tilted my head and went over to him. I almost forgot when I had bought those shades before I saw Junhyung’s name on the side. My eyes went wide.

“Erm I don’t really wear shades,” I lied.

“Oh what’s this?” Before I could snatch it back from him, he already saw Junhyung’s name.

“Junhyung? You like Yong Junhyung?” he asked, looking at me.


“Yong Junhyung. He’s that rapper right? You’re a fan of his?” he smirked. My mouth was slightly ajar as I was at loss of words.

“Er.. um.. No actually it was Hyerin. She wanted to er.. try out.. her marker. So she wrote his name.” What Kim Hyuna? Seriously? Can you at least lie better?  I don’t want Wooyoung to know that I like his music because I clearly said I love classics and instrumentals. Why would I like raps? If I said Junhyung wrote it, he would ask why. And I would have to tell him that I’ve went out with him. No I don’t want that. I don’t want Wooyoung to know anything that would risk him getting away from me. Sure Junhyung is just a friend. But a friend that I’ve slept with, kiss countless of times. What guy would understand that situation even if he is the perfect guy?

“Hyerin is his fan?”

“Yeah I think so..” I said nervously. I really hope he bought it. He nodded and place the shades back on my table.

“You should try listening to some of his songs you know. Its nice. Not all of them are raps. Some are slow songs,” he suggested with a smile.

“Who?” I asked blurly.

He chuckled. “Junhyung of course. I’ve listened to some of them.”

“Oh. Yeah sure.” The doorbell rang. “I’ll go get that,” I said and quickly walked out of the room. Suddenly it became so awkward in the room. Well for me at least.

I opened the door and saw Junhyung standing infront of me. Oh my god.




Oh no! What's happening?? :( btw I used Wooyoung coz hes the current one paired with Hyuna. Wanted to use Joon, but I realised Hyuna calls Junhyung Jun too.. :/

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yanzweiger #1
Just chanced upon this fic and I can't put it down, had to finish it all up in one read! I was in Seoul just weeks back and I saw both Hyuna (at Everland) and Junhyung (at CUBE), albeit not together, but this fic just gives me those "feels". Thank you for this cute fic. :)
Txxgen #2
Chapter 31: I really like the story! Thnks for updating
memoria_99 #3
Chapter 49: chappie 48: wahhh!!!! really a good ending story!!!
memoria_99 #4
Chapter 48: chappie 47: will this be the ending of both of them???
memoria_99 #5
Chapter 45: chappie 44: no one is perfect for hyuna except . . . . . . . .
memoria_99 #6
Chapter 34: chappie 33: it must be so hurt......
but, why did junhyung's father hit him??
memoria_99 #7
Chapter 28: chappie 27: wahh!!! yoseob and hyerin are really smart.....
memoria_99 #8
Chapter 26: chappie 25: why hyuna is crying???
memoria_99 #9
Chapter 19: chappie 18: poor junhyung.....
memoria_99 #10
Chapter 14: chappie 13: so junhyung does like hyuna...