Seohyun and Kyuhyun

High School War { under co. }



Seohyun’s POV

Haaa. I’m so bored I’ll just read another book. Where is the Unnie’s? I came here early because I have to buy my favorite sweet potatoes at the convenience store and I even cam earlier than them in the school? Where are they?

“Annyong-saeyo Seohyun-sii!” some guy greeted me with a loud voice.

I glanced at him and it was kyuhyun.

“Annyong” I said coldly and continued to read my book. Ignore him Seohyun.

He stared at me and I’m just ignoring him.

“Why are you always reading books?” he asked. I rolled my eyes and said.

“Why are you always poking  to someone else’s business?” I asked and glared at him.

“Why are you so angry at me?” he asked.

“When are you going to shut up?” I asked and raised one eyebrow.

“Seohyun!” someone yelled. Yes. Its my Unnie’s. At last they are here.

Taeyeon ran to me and looked at Kyuhyun.

“Oh. Are you guys talking about something important?” she asked.

“Anieyo!” I yelled. “We’re not talking about something important right?” I looked at kyuhyun.

“Actually, we are” he said and my eyes freaking widened.

“What the-“ I was cut off by Taeyeon Unnie. “Oh. I guess I’ll talk to you later Seohyun” she said and went to the other Unnies.

I glared at Kyuhyun.

“What was that for?”

“Well, you never told me why you’re so angry at me”

“I hate you. Is that enough?”

“Why do you hate me?”

“I hate all guys. I don’t care about any guys”

“You have a past huh?”


“Okay. I’ll keep it a secret”

“Shut up. I’m too young for that. I’m not even being tempted by guys”

“If you say so” he said with a teasing look.

“Okay. I’ll prove to you that I don’t fall in love” I blurted out without thinking.

“Really? How?” he asked. What the eff. Why did I even say that? Aha! I got it.

“Then we’ll date for 2 months.” I said

“What?” he said. And yeah, he has a freaking BIG eyes.

“oooh. Are you scared to date me? Because you might fall in lve with me before I do?” I teased.

“What? No way. Okay. We’ll date for two months” he said.

“Whoever lose will do anything the winner says. Deal?” he reached out his hand and I shook it.


“Okay. Every free time we have, we will date” he said and I nodded.

“Lets exchange mobile numbers” I said and we did.

“Okay. We’ll tell your Unnie’s and my Hyung’s later that we’re dating” he said.

OMG. I didn’t think of my Unnie’s but I nodded.

“Lunch?” I said and he nodded.


Taeyeon’s POV

Hmmm. What is our maknae and the super junior’s maknae talking about? It looks kinda serious.

Oh. They shook hands? Is it a deal or something? Haaa. I’m really curious.

“Taeyeon!” someone yelled from behind. Guess who it was? LEETEUK.

My face suddenly became red and yep. Yoona saw it and she smirked.

“What?” I asked.

“Lets practice later at your dorm” he said.

“I’ll ask the others first”

“No worry Unnie. They are going to agree” Yoona said and she smirked again.

“Okay. Then its settled, tonight at your dorm. We’ll sleepover okay?” he said.

And my small eyes WIDENED. I mean really widened.

“WHAT!? SLEEPOVER!?” I yelled.

“Don’t be so surprised. We’re not going to do something bad.” He said and smiled.

That SMILE! I don’t want to see that!

“Ooh. Did I hear a sleepover?” Hyoyeon asked.

“Yep. We’ll sleepover at your dorm tonight” Leeteuk said.

“Really? Then can Junho come too?” she asked.

“Of course” Leeteuk said.

“Yah! Who are you to decide that?” I yelled at Leeteuk.

“Whatever. See you at your place later” he smiled again.

“Taeyeon is so HAPPY~” Yoona sang. I glared at her.

“Shut up Yoona” I said and rolled my eyes. She just giggled.

Then, I saw the girls running to me and Yoona.

“Unnie, is it true that there’s a sleepover?” Seohyun asked.

I nodded.

“Omo. I’m excited!” Jessica said and jumped up and down like a 5 years old kid.

“Sunny will come right?” Tiffany asked.

“She should! I really miss her” I said and pouted.

“Then tell her to go back” Yuri said.

“I’m.. Umm.. Shy?” I said hesitating.

“WHAT? Our leader is shy?”  Yuri said and laughed.

“Yah!” I yelled.

“Mianhe. Because. It’s the first we heard it” she said.

“I’m a human too!” I said.

“Okay okay” she said giving up.


Kyuhyun's POV

Sleepover? That's not a bad idea.

I'll make Seohyun fall in love with me first.

And maybe we can tell the Noona's and Hyung's that we're dating later..

"Yah~" It was Seohyun. 


"Lets tell them later at sleepover, okay?" she said.

"Sure" I smirked.

And yeah, her eyes looked like it was freaking CURIOUS.

"What?" I asked.

She smiled.

"That smirk will fade soon" she said and left.

Yep.. We both thinking the same thing.

Hehe. I'm excited who will win this DEAL. 

But of course, THAT. WILL. BE. ME.



Uh Oh. What will happen to our SeoKyu? :)

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Currently beta-ing this story. Sorry, but it may take awhile. But I already have the remaining chapters ready for update. :) - HSW


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soshi_zhen #1
Chapter 56: update please!!!
Chapter 1: Anneong i want to read this but can anyone tell me what couples are in it THANK YOU!!!!
Yoon_Eun_Hye #3
update soon :)
tkfkdgodyxudos0409 #4
Chapter 56: Please update as soon as possible! ^__^ it was such a nice story . xD
ishk32 #5
Chapter 56: PLEASE UPDATE SOON!!!!
Eralovesnsd #6
It's such a great story
Lol u watch brown sugar macchiato i wonder who is ur fav love the stroy so far
Chapter 56: Update soon^^
Sebongie1717 #9
Chapter 56: YAYY!!!! you updated author-nim thank you so much i have been waiting ages for the update. ;)
exotaeng9 #10
Chapter 56: update soon^^