Why Now?

Love Is Hard To Find... But Sometimes It Just Comes To You.

It was just another day at school, sleeping.. Until someone woke me up.

"____, Are you busy today?" The familar voice asked me and I sat up and looked at him. Of course, it was Gongchan. The friend that I had for years, Our birthdays are 4 days apart and I'm going to be 16 this year, I'm 3 years younger than him but I was able to skip a few years to get to his school level. He was the friend that I would do anything for and he would do the same for me. But, it was also that friend who was too innocent for his own good, or well, that's what he wants everyone to think.

"No, Gongchan. I'm not, why are you asking me?" I asked curiously. We would usually make plans to hang out ahead of time since my mom doesn't like last minute things.

Gongchan smiled brightly as the bell rang for school to be over. He put all of my stuff in my backpack then took my hand and smiled at me. "I wanna introduce you to some of my friends~" He said. He knew I didn't really want to talk to anyone since the image I keep up is a chic, cold girl but Gongchan started to do the thing he does best... Aegyo. When he started to do that I couldn't say no anymore and willingly went with him.

We were friends for years but the place he took me to was unfamilar to me. "Gongchan, where are we?" I asked him.

"Just hold on." He said while putting in the code to open the door. Once it was opened he smiled brightly. "Hyungs! I have someone I want to introduce you too~!" He said loudly so the people in the dorm could hear him.

I didn't know who was in the dorm but once I saw that it was B1A4 I was having some mixed emotions. Either way I had to greet myself and make a good first impression. "Annyeongsaeyo, I'm ____. Gongchan's friend." I said loud enough for them to hear.
"My name is Jinyoung." The boy that was the leader of B1A4.

"I'm CNU, It's nice to meet you." The tall boy with glasses said shyly.

"My name's Sandeul, and this is Baro!" The boy was wearing a red hoodie while the other boy had blonde hair.
"Sandeul, I could've introduced myself!" Baro said, a little upset but he gave me a welcoming smile.

Gongchan chuckled and looked at me. "Let's go to my room!~" He said and brought me along to his and Jinyoung's bedroom. When I was in the bedroom I closed the door and looked at him coldly. He stared at me and tilted his head, slightly confused. "What's wrong?"

I pinched my forehead and closed my eyes, sighing. "Why now?"


So, how was the first chapter? Tell me what you think about it in the comments~!

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KyuminLove12 #1
Chapter 6: why are the chapters so short
just asking
Chapter 27: This is such a cute fanfic!
bana_hottest_elf_vip #3
i enjoyed this fanfic~! :) keep up the good work
Ziren13 #4
what the!
chapter 25?!
@maddixbaro I'm glad you liked it!~ <3
New reader (: This was really cute. Good job! :D
@macaronisalad10 You should check out my other story that I'm working on~!
New Reader here!~..
And it was so CUTE..
hahahaha.. :D