Deja Vu

Dirty Little Secret

“Please tell me how you know Arcane!” DaeHee exclaimed, grabbing HoWon’s hands, squeezing them tightly. He looked down at her small hands over his. With a sigh, he offered her a weak smile and nodded, turning his hands around to hold hers.

“As long as you tell me your story.”

DaeHee flinched before she slowly nodded back in agreement.

“Why don’t we-”


The constant ringing of the phone interrupted their conversation. YongGuk walked over and picked up the landline.


A giggle.

A little girl’s voice.

“I found you~”


His eyes widened.

“HimChan, call HQ! JunHong, JongUp, arm yourselves! YoungJae, go get EunWoo! We need to mobilize now!” YongGuk ordered.

A crash echoed from upstairs followed by a scream.



 YoungJae rushed upstairs as HimChan paged HyoSung. The magnae line grabbed their arson. JongUp threw YongGuk his gun while JunHong threw DaeHyun and DaeHee their guns. As HimChan passed by, he grabbed two pairs of guns and rushed upstairs after YoungJae. DaeHee kicked HoWon back as someone crashed through the ceiling. She immediately shot the intruder in the head with her silencer as DaeHyun got behind DaeHee, covering Infinite from harm.

As YoungJae entered the room, he charged the man grabbing EunWoo, kicking him back and pulling the poor girl behind him.


The man crumbled to the floor as HimChan entered the room, shooting the man repeatedly to ensure his death, before throwing YoungJae his gun.

“We need to go. I called for two cars to come pick us up,” HimChan informed. YoungJae grabbed EunWoo’s hand as the girl was still shaken from the whole ordeal. He felt bad for dragging her, but they didn’t have time to worry about that at the moment.

“Don’t they ever end?!” DaeHee screamed in frustration, shooting another intruder. She cursed when her handgun ran out of bullets. YongGuk covered for her as she reloaded. As he saw HimChan and YoungJae coming down the stairs with EunWoo, he commanded out loud.

“We need to evacuate!”


Pop. .

“This is boring~ why can’t we go in?” whined the girl as she ate her lollipop. The older male smirked and patted her on the head.

“In due time, Munchkin. The chase is half the fun.”

“For you, maybe,” she huffed in frustration but made no attempts to argue otherwise. “I’m going to get dressed~”

“Be careful.”

“Aren’t I always?”

He chuckled shaking his head as she skipped off.

“Oh, time for me to get ready as well.”

Focusing his eye through the telescope, he aimed for one member of the group as they rushed out.


YongGuk was nervous. This clearly wasn’t a random attack, proven by the phone call he got before it happened. They were after something so he kept a sharp eye on DaeHyun. There’s no way they can go to headquarters. That must be what they were after. Maybe they could lure them towards a fake hideout or-

A blood-curling scream.




Two large vans rolled in front of them as the backs opened up.

“Get in!” SunHwa and JiEun yelled in unison. Infinite jumped into one van as B.A.P and EunWoo jumped into the other. The twins, who were closest to JunHong when he got shot, help him into the van.

“Noona…” JunHong cried in pain as he clung onto DaeHee desperate for relief. He panted heavily as tears immediately stained his cheeks.

“JunHongie! Hang in there! Noona’s here, okay? We’ll get you to the hospital!” DaeHee held his hand and hugged him tightly to her chest while JiEun quickly grabbed the first aid kit to stop the bleeding in his leg.

“JunHong…” EunWoo cried out as her vision became blurred by her tears, her hand holding Bi’s. The cat human nudged EunWoo’s chin to comfort her.

YongGuk closed his eyes, unable to see their magnae in such a state without crying. They were planning this from the beginning. Would they be able to go to the hospital? It’s so sketchy…but for DaeHyun and DaeHee’s safety…maybe they have to risk it.

“HyoSung-noona…go to HQ.”

YongGuk whipped around to DaeHyun in surprise.

“DaeHyun, you know there’s a-”

“I don’t care. We’ll deal with it. Anything…to stop JunHong from crying like this…” DaeHyun held his chest as his face contorted in pain. The magnae continued screaming in pain.

“It doesn’t look like a normal bullet. We can’t even touch it. It could be filled with poison or it could explode upon contact. Knowing them…they have the technology for that,” YoungJae cursed under his breath after looking over it as JiEun did her best to stop the bleeding without bothering the bullet. EunWoo kneeled next to JunHong and dabbed his forehead. DaeHee had her face buried in his hair as he cried into her chest. Her hand never let JunHong’s go even as his nails started to draw blood from the back of her hand. HimChan held JongUp’s hand as the poor boy had been shaking since they got into the van. JongUp bit his lip as he tried not to cry to stay strong for JunHong, squeezing HimChan’s hand.

“What about the other boys?” HyoSung asked as she whizzed down the streets.

“Bring them to HQ. We need them,” HimChan answered, his eyes never leaving JunHong.

“!” YongGuk cursed, hitting the side of the vehicle. JiEun took his damaged hand and smiled weakly at him.

“He’ll be okay, YongGuk…”


When they got to HQ, the doctors were all ready for JunHong. DaeHee ran right next to him the whole time while they shuttled him to the emergency room, only letting JunHong’s hand go as they entered the room. DaeHee stood in front of the double doors emotionlessly as the door closed. The bright light lit up indicating the room was occupied and should not be disturbed.

DaeHyun walked right next to her and entwined their fingers together, squeezing her hand tightly.

“I’ll kill him,” she said in a shaky voice as tears freely streamed down her face now that she was no longer holding JunHong. Her face twisted in anger as she crushed DaeHyun’s hand in her own. “I’ll ing kill him! How many members of our family will he go after until he’s satisfied?! WHY DIDN’T HE JUST GO AFTER US?!”

She screamed in anguish as she collapsed on the floor, JunHong’s cries still echoing in her mind. DaeHyun kneeled down and hugged her into his chest, crying along with her.

“He’ll follow us. This time, he’s coming to us. And we’ll be ready,” DaeHyun assured her. He growled.

“We’ll get him back…for our parents…for JunHongie…”


HoWon rushed to E.R. immediately after they got out of the van. Panting heavily, he saw B.A.P waiting outside.


She wiped her tears before turning to him. He saw the lack of emotion in her eyes, physically drained from the whole ordeal.

“I’ll tell you everything.”

Her eyes suddenly flared in anger.

“Arcane…ARCANE! THIS IS ALL THAT ING BASTARD’S FAULT! WHERE IS ARCANE, LEE HOWON?!” she roared in accusation, shaking him by his collar. “WHY JUNHONGIE?! WHY DID HE HAVE TO GO AFTER JUNHONGIE?! HE…he’s just a kid…”

HoWon caught DaeHee before she fell, her strength giving out on her.

“I’m sorry…I…don’t know how much my knowledge can help you…but I’ll tell you…before anyone else gets hurt…”

She held onto his shoulder to balance herself.

“Let’s talk somewhere private.”


DaeHyun watched as HoWon led DaeHee away. His eyes wandered around the room. HimChan was still busy with JongUp while YongGuk held JiEun, who could no longer hold in her tears. Strange…where was YoungJae? When he could not find his best friend, his eyes fell on EunWoo, who was clutching Bi to her chest by herself in a corner.

He walked over to her with eyes of pity. Sitting down next to her, he finally spoke.

“I’m sorry…I didn’t want to get you into this…”

She threw her arms around DaeHyun (poor Bi squished between the two of them) and bawled out all her tears.

“JunHong…JunHong’s cries…my heart…hurts so much…” she whimpered, clinging onto him. He placed his hands tentatively on her shoulders before he hugged her back.

“DaeHyun…please…please don’t get hurt…don’t…I can’t handle this…being so helpless…I know…I don’t have any right to feel this way…but…I don’t know what I would do without you guys…without you…seeing JunHong like that…please…” she begged before looking up at DaeHyun. “And…if I feel this way…I can’t imagine what it must feel for all of you…I’m sorry, DaeHyun…I’m so sorry…”

At her words, tears silently fell from his eyes.

“I’m sorry, DaeHyun…I’m sorry,” she kept apologizing while wiping his tears.

“I…could lose him…I could lose JunHong…because of me…JunHong might…” DaeHyun mumbled as her words finally sunk in.

“He’ll make it!” EunWoo interrupted. “JunHong will make it! He’ll be fine…”

“But…what if he doesn’t…” DaeHyun’s voice trembled.


He buried his face into her neck and held her tightly.

“I already lost my family once…I can’t do it again…”


“Thanks, Bekah. I’ll send you the coordinates.” SungKyu hung up the call as he looked over at the rest of Infinite.

“What did we get ourselves into…” MyungSoo mumbled. SungKyu placed a hand on his shoulder.

“Come on. HoYa needs our help in this. We’ve gotten into trouble before,” SungKyu reassured.

“MiHyun…how can we trust her? She already lied to us once,” SungYeol muttered bitterly.

“We can trust her.”

Everyone turned to WooHyun.

“I feel we can trust her.”

“How can you say that when you were the one that was fooled the most?” SungYeol questioned in disbelief.

He smiled helplessly, “Because she looks just like the rest of us…when she lied…”


“Come on, let’s go wait for Bekah.”


Click. Click. Click.

Her heels echoed through the empty hall. She scanned her card into the system successfully and entered the restricted area.

She smirked, flipping her hair over her shoulders.

“I’m coming for you, DaeHyunnie~”


/left a sign that says: I’m sorry. I shall now dig a hole and hide in it for a few days as you gather your torches and stakes/

~Kira :3

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THE END! O___O I cannot believe it's the end! Thank you everyone! ;^;


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purplecupcakes #1
Chapter 4: Tbh I still kind of ship Yongguk & Jieun (ik it’s been forever lol)
Kyoya_kumo #2
Chapter 7: Just two words... SAVAGE HOYA!!!!!
chimchiminma #3
Chapter 1: I read this years ago back in 2012 and I was so in love with this story! And then I tried to search for the story again but i think i didn't found it back then. And now I found it again after so many years FINALLY!
Chapter 38: I'm sorry but honestly speaking, Daehee is not my favorite characters, I get that she suffers but I dislike how she expresses it all. Like she doesn't seem to understand others pain, she doesn't give them a chance
And I like DaeWoo but will Eunwoo be a traitor? Like she has to have some type of secret and don't think I've forgotten about chanyeol and Key
Chapter 17: I'm back!! I forget about the story (-.-)a
Why did I keep telling myself genius reader?? Aish, this one
I don't get anything (- -)a
Chapter 14: TT.TT daehyunie waee ...... omo this is so sad :(
Chapter 16: I see there's development between HoWon and MiHyun. I didn't expect Youngjae would follow her *the fallen of genius reader* Now I'm wondering where are Yongguk and Himchan going. And from this chapter I know that MiMi had a dark past, her parents were killed in front of her eyes. The dog's mother died in front of her puppies *the raise of genius reader*
I saw from earlier comment, Daehee is MiMi. They aren't couple, that's why MiMi could disguise as Daehyun. Comments really spoil everything -. .-
*and so is my comment*
Chapter 14: What? Daehyun's alcohol tolerance? I didn't see Daehyun was drinking alcohol at the previous chapter. Oh no, the genius reader is confusing~ @_@
Chapter 13: I'm extremely genious so I understand the whole story~ Hohoho XD
Chapter 11: But I like Delinquents VS Kingkas more! (*0*)
Chukkae EunWoo, you got Daehyunie's smile! (^-^)