Finding My Place


The only thing harder than being in a relationship with your bandmates has got to be being brought in on an already-existing relationship... Will Changkyun be able to find his place in this relationship, or are Hoseok and Kihyun just better without him?


Requested by anon as part of the MONSTA X Fic Request Forum, run by myself and Druekee~!

Request: Kihyun/Wonho/Chankgyun + Changkyun feels insecure about his place in the pre-established relationship + Kihyun gets injured/sick and his boyfriends take care of him

Come by our page to leave a request of your own! And, if you're a writer yourself, feel free to check out our requests and write something to submit to the page, if you'd like~



Changkyun shuffles anxiously in the doorframe, studying Hoseok and Kihyun's sleeping forms. He chews on his bottom lip, wanting so badly to cuddle with his boyfriends but unsure if he should disturb them. They seem so comfortable there, wrapped up in each other's arms... His joining would take a lot of readjusting, even more so as It's only a twin-sized bed. 

The maknae turns on his heel, having come to the decision to let them be for the night. However, a slight sigh reaches his ears, and he can't help but glance in the direction of the familiar sound. 


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Kindredspirit24 #1
Chapter 1: Not bad, it's interesting. I can't wait to read more, and it holds my favorite otps here lol.