Precious Piece of Crystal


When Changkyun has a particularly difficult day at the company, it brings up some painful memories, and his boyfriends take it upon themselves to help him through it.


Reqeusted on the MONSTA X Fic Request Forum run by myself and Druekee~! 

Request: When Changkyun has a particularly difficult day at the company, it brings up some painful memories, and his boyfriends take it upon themselves to help him through it.

Feel free to stop by our Tumblr to leave a request of your own~


Changkyun releases a shuddering breath, clenching the sides of the sink so tightly his knuckles whiten in the ty lighting. He sniffles, tears stinging at the corners of his eyes. Memories flash before his eyes of the old days, before he secured himself a debut among men who hated him. He'd had friends he was meant to debut with, but then the group was dissolved before they were even given a chance... 

"Kkungie!" Kihyun calls through the wooden door, his voice muffled by the wood. Changkyun quickly wipes at his face, shoving such thoughts away. "Kkungie, did you want to come to the living room? We're about to order dinner..." Changkyun gives a noncommittal hum, studying his own reflection in the warped glass. 

Dammit, it's obvious he's been crying. Now the others will be worried for him, worry just to be added onto the heaps of stress his hyungs already have on a general basis about their daily lives. The thought just makes guilt clog up his throat, and he feels even worse about himself than he already had. 


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