I told my therapist about you


“Dia mencintaiku, dia tidak mencintaiku, dia mencintaiku, dia tidak mencintaiku…”


D i s c l a i m e r ; All real people are used without their permission. Events portrayed are fictional and do not reflect on the actual people within the stories. I made no profit from this fanfiction.

T r i g g e r W a r n i n g ! Bipolar Disorder, Suicide Attempt, Suicidal Thoughts


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Chapter 1: hangat.... huhu hangat banget TTwTT
udah setahun gabuka AFF, terus iseng cek apdetan author nemu ini.
kata-kata yang dibutuhkan tanpa perlu men-judge/melarang. indah banget. semoga lebih banyak orang bisa kayak Hoseok di fic ini.
thank you for writing (y)